Cliffords Bathtime

《Cliffords Bathtime》是1991年9月1日Publisher: Scholastic出版的圖書,作者是羅曼·布萊德威爾。


  • 中文名:Cliffords Bathtime
  • 作者:羅曼·布萊德威爾
  • 類別:英文原版書
  • 出版社:Publisher: Scholastic
  • 出版時間:1991年9月1日
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9780590447355 




A small red puppy doesn't want to take a bath, but finds it very enjoyable after all.


There's no denying that kids love Clifford. The Big Red Dog has been a favorite since Norman Bridwell created him over 40 years ago. "I was working as a commercial artist in New York City. There wasn't much work, so I made some sample pictures and took them to several publishers. They all rejected my work. But one editor suggested that I try writing a book of my own to illustrate. I had done a painting of a little girl with a big red dog. That seemed like a funny idea, so I made up a story about them. I increased the dog's size from as big as a horse to as big as a house. My wife named the dog Clifford, and we named the little girl Emily Elizabeth after our daughter. In three days I had written the story and drawn the pictures for Clifford The Big Red Dog. When Scholastic called and said they wanted the book, I was stunned." Bridwell, who grew up in Kokomo, Indiana, lives now on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, with his wife, Norma.
羅曼˙布萊德威爾(Norman Birdwell)是美國著名兒童漫畫家,他的作品在美國影響了幾代人,代表作《怎樣照顧你的怪物》發表於上世紀70年代,在美國曾經風靡一時。他的“大紅狗Clifford”圖書系采她甩列全球發行量達到4000萬冊之多,元厚舉非常驚人。
羅曼˙布萊德威爾(Norman Birdwell)是美國著名兒童漫畫家,他的作品在美國影響了幾代人,代表作《怎樣照顧你的怪物》發表於上世紀70年代,在美國曾經風靡一時。他的“大紅狗Clifford”圖書系列全球發行量達到4000萬冊之多,非常驚人。

