Church In A Chevy

《Church In A Chevy》是Jordan Davis演唱的歌曲,Jordan Davis、Josh Jenkins、Matt Jenkins作詞,Jordan Davis、Josh Jenkins、Matt Jenkins作曲,收錄於專輯《Jordan Davis》。


  • 外文名:Church In A Chevy
  • 所屬專輯:Jordan Davis
  • 歌曲原唱:Jordan Davis
  • 發行日期:2020年5月22日
I woke up today and the world felt heavy
今天早晨醒來 肩頭的世界有些許沉重
So, I grabbed my keys and I went for a drive
於是我一把抓起鑰匙 出門開車兜兜風
Followed some county road wherever it led me
鄉間小路馳行 順著向前不知會到哪裡
Passed a fella on the porch and a Texaco sign
路過朋友家的露台 再就是一間加油站
Crossed the bridge running over a creek
穿過一座拱橋 和流淌在它下方的小溪
Miles of fields far as I could see
將視線移向遠方 盡頭是數里田野大地
And there wasn't no steeple, wasn't no people, wasn't no pews
沒有教堂的尖頂 沒有禮拜的人 也沒有一排排長椅
But right there at a little past 2
但兩點沒過一會兒 就在那裡
I went to church in a Chevy on a two-lane on a side of the road
我開往了教堂的方向 行駛在這條雙車道上
Sun coming up cutting through the live oaks
太陽逐漸探出頭來 透過橡樹葉照在我臉上
Wind through the windows like a whisper on a breeze
風透過窗戶吹進來 就像在我耳邊輕語低吟
Out there in the quiet heard Him talking to me
在這四下寂靜無聲中 我聽到上帝對我講起
Amazing grace came flooding through the windshield
這天賜恩典的存在 從擋風玻璃前傾瀉湧入
Felt some broken parts of me start to heal
感覺就像我破碎的心 如今也開始慢慢癒合
My lost getting found, no one else around
沒有旁人的叨擾 迷失的我終也找到了方向
Middle of nowhere dirt, I went to church in a Chevy
在荒野的泥濘里 開著雪弗蘭前往我的教堂
So, I soaked it up and lost track of time
我沉浸在這番場景里 直到我忘了時間
Started laying all my worries down
我終於可以開始 逐漸卸下所有的憂心
There was just some pavement and some faded white lines
路旁人行道 行車指示的白線漸漸褪色
But that highway felt like holy ground
但這條高速公路 對我而言也成了聖地
And there wasn't no preacher, wasn't no choir, wasn't no words
但那裡沒有牧師 沒有唱詩班 也沒有唱出的歌詞
But it was the best sermon I've ever heard
I went to church in a Chevy on a two-lane on a side of the road
我開往了教堂的方向 行駛在這條雙車道上
Sun coming up cutting through the live oaks
太陽逐漸探出頭來 透過橡樹葉照在我臉上
Wind through the windows like a whisper on a breeze
風透過窗戶吹進來 就像在我耳邊輕語低吟
Out there in the quiet heard Him talking to me
在這四下寂靜無聲中 我聽到上帝對我講起
Amazing grace came flooding through the windshield
這天賜恩典的存在 從擋風玻璃前傾瀉湧入
Felt some broken parts of me start to heal
感覺就像我破碎的心 如今也開始慢慢癒合
My lost getting found, no one else around
沒有旁人的叨擾 迷失的我終也找到了方向
Middle of nowhere dirt, I went to church in a Chevy
在荒野的泥濘里 開著雪弗蘭前往我的教堂
Oh, I went to church in a Chevy
開著雪弗蘭 前往屬於我的教堂
And I thought a little
And I prayed a little
And I left there, and I changed a little
接著我便離開 而靈魂也有了一點點改變
I went to church in a Chevy on a two-lane on a side of the road
我開往了教堂的方向 行駛在這條雙車道上
Sun coming up cutting through the live oaks
太陽逐漸探出頭來 透過橡樹葉照在我臉上
Wind through the windows like a whisper on a breeze
風透過窗戶吹進來 就像在我耳邊輕語低吟
Out there in the quiet heard Him talking to me
在這四下寂靜無聲中 我聽到上帝對我講起
Amazing grace came flooding through the windshield
這天賜恩典的存在 從擋風玻璃前傾瀉湧入
Felt some broken parts of me start to heal
感覺就像我破碎的心 如今也開始慢慢癒合
My lost getting found, no one else around
沒有旁人的叨擾 迷失的我終也找到了方向
Middle of nowhere dirt, I went to church in a Chevy
在荒野的泥濘里 開著雪弗蘭前往我的教堂
(Went to church in a Chevy)
(Went to church in a Chevy)
I went to church in a Chevy
開著雪弗蘭 前往屬於我的教堂
(Went to church in a Chevy)
(Went to church in a Chevy)

