《Causing a Commotion》的創作靈感來源於麥當娜·西科尼和她前夫西恩潘時常發生衝突的婚姻生活,由於西恩潘對她施行家庭暴力,這讓她覺得自己和丈夫的關係已經快要到破裂的地步。對此,麥當娜·西科尼則表示自己並不是一個提倡暴力的人,她永遠不會原諒那些對他人實行暴力的人,但是她也理解西恩潘的發泄行為。在另一方面,麥當娜·西科尼說自己有很多次想要揍狗仔隊們,但她卻表示自己並不會那么做,因為她清楚這么做只會讓事情變得越來越糟糕。
I've got the moves baby, you got the motion
If we got together we'd be causing a commotion
I've got the moves baby, you got the motion
If we got together we'd be causing a commotion
You met your match when you met me
I know that you will disagree it's crazy
But opposites attract you'll see
And I won't let you get away so easy
The love you save may be your own
Can't fight this feeling, aren't you tired of being alone
You won't admit it but you know it's true
It's not a secret how I feel when I stand next to you