- 外文名:carved
- 詞性:形容詞、動詞
- 美式發音:[karvd]
- 釋義:有雕刻的|雕刻(carve的過去式和過去分詞)
《Carved In The Wind》是Gorod演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《A Perfect Absolution》。歌曲歌詞 The wild ones must be slain Vengeance fulfilled by the wrath of the Great One O Perun ! Utter the ancient words of power Allow me...
《Carved in Sand》是歌手The Mission在美國發行的一張專輯。該專輯收錄了《 Into the Blue》、《Butterfly on a Wheel》等歌曲。唱片簡介 專輯評論:I cannot think of a better goth album, seriously!Wayne Hussey is, in my ...
《Heart Carved Tree》是Knapsack演唱的歌曲,於1997年2月25日發行。歌曲歌詞 Heart Carved Tree - Knapsack I held the hand that held the rock That broke the glass out of the window I told a friend about a friend who ...
Nothing's Carved In Stone是日本的搖滾樂隊,發行專輯有《PARALLEL LIVES》等。演藝經歷 四人於2009年發行了第一張專輯「PARALLEL LIVES」在2009年5月29日在千葉和BEA presents F-X共同出演7月開始ONE MAN TOUR「POLYPOID TOUR」後,...
貧液型電池(Carved-electrolyte ba#tery),電解液全部吸著在極板和隔板微孔中,兩極間有少部分空間天被電解液充滿的一種蓄電池二這部分空間為正極產生的氧氣向負極擴散提供了“通道”,有利於氧的再化合,提高了電池的密封反應效率,使...
山東省石刻藝術博物館(Shandong Carved-stone Art Museum)是一座從事收集、陳列、研究山東地區的古代石刻藝術的專業性博物館,建於1981年,位於山東省濟南市歷下區。展出內容 山東省石刻藝術博物館藏品分石刻文物和碑刻拓片兩項。石刻藝術...
《Oracle》是崩壞3《後崩壞書2》主題曲,由TetraCalyx作詞,文馳作曲,黃霄雲演唱,發行於2021年10月6日。歌曲歌詞 Carved on stones 被刻於石上 Buried deep in the earth 被埋於土中 Long submerged beneath waterfalls 被沒於水底 T...
《ink》是Coldplay演唱的歌曲, 收錄於專輯《Ghost Stories》中。 歌曲歌詞 Ink - Coldplay (酷玩樂隊)Got a tattoo that said "2gether thru life"Carved in your name with my pocket knife And you wonder when you wake up...
Carved Bamboo Armrest with Tang Yin' s Painting of Chinese Traditional Beauty Carved Bamboo Brush with Patterns of Bird and Flower Carved Bamboo Brush Pot Illustrating "Gui Qu Lai Ci" (Back Home Again) by Zhu Xiaosong...
KARTEL是一位藝術家。主要作品 KARTEL的主要作品信息如下:1、The Axe by unique handcarved marble sculpture -smooth finish, 2017 2、Dia de los Muertos - handmade and painted ceramic skulls with custom frame, 2015 3、Boxing...
The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong is the world's smallest piece of sculpture, its size being just four-fifths of a grain of rice.沈為眾雕刻的象牙佛像是世界上最小的雕刻,它只有一粒米的五分之四大。The ivory ...
derelict cottage in L.A, a young woman is found savagely murdered. Naked, strung from two wooden posts, the skin has been ripped from her face - while she was still alive. On the nape of her neck is carved a...
carved jade wine cup 《禮記·明堂位》:“爵用玉琖仍雕。” - (表格信息來源:《漢語大詞典》 [2]《現代漢語詞典》 [3]《漢語大字典》 [4]) 古籍釋義 播報 編輯 說文解字 【卷一】【玉部】琖 玉爵也。夏曰琖,殷曰斝,...
費迪南多·安德烈尼是一位義大利畫家。代表作品有 《The Three Graces》《A Carved White marble Allegorical Figure of a Maiden》等 。藝術風格 安德烈尼專門從事受自然啟發的寓言作品。他在十九世紀最後四分之一完成的大多數雕塑都描繪了...
Monochrome paper cutting is the most basicform,cutfrom red,green,brown,black, gold and other colors, mainly used for decorative grilles and sketch.There are three expression,incised,carved and combination of yin and yang....
griffe,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“(Griffe)人名;(法)格里夫”。單詞用法 N a carved ornament at the base of a column, often in the form of a claw 柱座虎爪飾 [architect]短語搭配 mainen griffe 爪形...
crocket,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“卷葉形花飾;花形的浮雕”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 crocket /ˈkrɒkɪt/ 1.N a carved ornament in the form of a curled leaf or cusp, used in Gothic ...
Gaston healed himself, healed the vines and went on to create the most famous domaine in that cave-carved, limestone-rich region.加斯頓療好了自己的傷,重整了葡萄園,並在這片有著許多洞窟、富含石灰岩的土地上,創建了最為...
All of the seeds carved with your name If the wind blows another way What if the roots you've learnt to follow sink too far They sink too far I keep hearing the same old story Kids who made it through the ...
有刻紋的鹿角,拉丁學名A polished deer antler with carved line,化石發現地在西藏定日蘇熱,化石形成時代在舊石器時代晚期。展品信息 化石發現地/產地西藏定日蘇熱 化石形成時代 舊石器時代晚期 化石級別 展品材質 展品尺寸 38*9*3 ...
A secret code carved Swirling black lilies totally ripe A secret code carved He offers A handshake Crooked Five fingers They form a pattern Yet to be matched On the surface simplicity But the darkest pit in me It\'s...