語音(CCNA Voice),企業對在語音和電話技術領域擁有深厚網路知識的IT專業人士的需求正在不斷增長。CCNA語音認證為您提供在此方面具備出眾能力的證明。
語音(CCNA Voice),企業對在語音和電話技術領域擁有深厚網路知識的IT專業人士的需求正在不斷增長。CCNA語音認證為您提供在此方面具備出眾能力的證明。
思科CCNA語音認證表示擁有語音技術領域某些專業職位所需的能力,例如語音技術管理員、語音技術工程師和語音技術經理。該認證主要考察考生在VoIP技術方面的技能,例如IP PBX、IP語音、手持設備、呼叫控制和語音留言解決方案等。
CCNA語音認證企業版可以評估與思科統一通信管理器6.0 (CUCM 6.0)相關的技能與知識。該認證主要面向政府、大型企業和高校等大型單位。考生需要參加CVOICE #642-436考試。
CCNA語音認證商業版可以評估與Cisco Call Manager Express (CME)和Cisco Unity Express (CUE)解決方案相關的技能與知識。CME和CUE主要套用於中小型企業(員工少於2000人)、零售業以及小型學區。考生需要參加IIUC#640-460考試。
ICOMM v8.0考試
思科語音和統一通信部署介紹(ICOMM V8.0)640-461 考試是與CCNA語音認證相關的考試。此項考試考查考生對思科統一通信解決方案的架構、組成部分、功能和特點的掌握程度。它還考查了考生能否對Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, Cisco Unity Connection和Cisco Unified Presence進行系統監控、調動、增添和改變。考生可以通過學習“思科語音和統一通信部署介紹”(即ICOMM v8.0)640-461課程來為考試做準備。
Describe the characteristics of a Cisco UnifiedCommunications solution
描述Cisco UC方案的特點
Describe the Cisco Unified Communications components and their functions
Describe call signalling and media flows
Describe quality implications of a VoIP network
Provision end users and associated devices(創建用戶和關聯設備)
Describe user creation options for Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
Create or modify user accounts for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Create or modify user accounts for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express using the GUI
Create or modify endpoints for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Create or modify endpoints for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express using the GUI
Describe how calling privileges function and how calling privileges impact system features
Create or modify directory numbers
Enable user features and related calling privileges for extension mobility, call coverage, intercom, native presence, and unified mobility remote destination configuration
Enable end users for Cisco Unified Presence
Verify user features are operational
Configure voice messaging and presence(配置語音訊息和Presence)
Describe user creation options for voice messaging
Create or modify user accounts for Cisco Unity Connection
Describe Cisco Unified Presence
Configure Cisco Unified Presence
Maintain Cisco Unified Communications system (維護UC系統)
Generate CDR and CMR reports
Generate capacity reports
Generate usage reports
Generate RTMT reports to monitor system activities
Monitor voicemail usage
Remove unassigned directory numbers
Perform manual system backup
Provide end user support(向用戶提供技術支持)
Verify PSTN connectivity
Define fault domains using information gathered from end user
Troubleshoot endpoint issues
Identify voicemail issues and resolve issues related to user mailboxes
Describe causes and symptoms of call quality issues
Reset single devices
Describe how to use phone applications
*Call Coverage
*Native Presence
*CME Feature:Paging ... ...
*Cisco Visual Voicemail
*提供用戶支持、生成CUCM報告、生成CUCM CAR工具報告
*監控Cisco Unity Connection的使用
*使用Disaster Recovery系統備份CUCM