濱崎步〔浜崎 あゆみ(はまさき あゆみ)〕,日本著名流行音樂女歌手,原演員、模特。本名濱崎歩,是亞洲歌壇重量級女歌手,亞洲流行天后,日本歌壇流行教主。在1999年一躍成名,席捲2000年代至今的亞洲音樂界,與宇多田光、倉木麻衣並稱日本平成三大歌姬。多張唱片登上日本公信榜榜首,代表作有《M》、《A Song For XX》、《Dearest》等。愛稱“あゆ”、“ayu”。所屬事務所為“avex management”,唱片公司為“avex trax”。2013年2月8日,推出第14張原創專輯精選集《LOVE again》。濱崎步
歌手:Karyn Williams
所屬專輯 :Only You
發行年代 :2013
風格 :Pop
來自美國的福音創作型才女 Karyn Williams 個人首張錄音大碟,不失也是一位美麗、性感的才女,M3【Rest in the Hope】唯美舒雅的嗓音伴著優雅的鋼琴音符演繹著她光彩照人的旋律,M1【Call】樂隊的伴奏Karyn Williams 仿佛是如魚得水般,和聲也十分完美,大氣而富有張力,M6【Waiting in the Rain】恬靜的鋼琴聲中,柔情而不失力量的演唱完整首歌,整張專輯既有激情高亢的歌曲,也有細膩委婉的歌曲……
Song :Call Artist :Karyn Williams
(Verse) I knew I’d find you here Standing in the middle of your biggest fear Life’s got its hands on you And you don’t know if anybody really cares Don’t have the strength to pray Thinkin it’d be easier to walk away but
(Chorus) Call, call Just call on Him Call, call Just call on Him When your faith is broken And you’re on your knees again When your hope is stolen And you just can’t find a friend Call, call And He’ll come runnin Call, call And He’ll come runnin
(Verse) We’ve all got gypsy souls Wondering hearts that can grow so cold I’ve been right where you are Feelin so ashamed that you can’t come home
(Chorus) Call, call Just call on Him Call, call Just call on Him When your faith is broken And you’re on your knees again When your hope is stolen And you just can’t find a friend Call, call And He’ll come runnin Call, call And He’ll come runnin
(Verse) To your lowest lows, to your highest highs There’s nowhere you can go That He won’t find you So just lay yourself down at His feet Just open up your heart And let Him save you
(Chorus) Call, call Just call on Him Call, call Just call on Him When your faith is broken And you’re on your knees again When your hope is stolen And you just can’t find a friend Call, call And He’ll come runnin Call, call And He’ll come runnin
Call, call Call, call And He’ll come runnin Call, call