



  • 軟體名稱:CAEW財務報告系
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:1.17MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
“這個程式是什麼樣的教師所提供的任何人想要保持最新與許多變化,財務報告監管和標準的一個極好的預覽。 ” 安迪·西蒙茲學士FCA 財務報告系主席和合伙人德勤 ICAEW是會計和金融行業的世界領導者,提供領導和實際支持,其全球成員。 如果你參與了財務報告,無論是在實踐或業務,學習或最近合格的,那么ICAEW的財務報告系( FRF)的應用程式為您提供了一個獨特的外觀在寬範圍的可實用的工具在網上教職員工。 該應用程式允許您: - 閱讀最新的新聞在財務報告 - 訪問有限的選擇的優質內容,通常是保留給會員只 - 保持在有效日期頂部更改到國際財務報告準則和英國公認會計原則的標準,從教師的唯一標準跟蹤提取 - 獲得一個特殊的促銷折扣代碼,您可以使用它來加入教師(可用於ICAEW的會員和非會員) 。下載的應用程式,並找到折扣代碼“現在加入”部分。‘This app is an excellent preview of what the faculty has to offer anyone wanting to keep up to date with the many changes in financial reporting regulation and standards.’ Andy Simmonds BSc FCA Financial Reporting Faculty Chairman and Partner at Deloitte ICAEW is a world leader of the accountancy and finance profession, providing leadership and practical support to its members worldwide. If you’re involved in financial reporting, whether in practice or business, studying or recently qualified, then the ICAEW’s Financial Reporting Faculty (FRF) app gives you an exclusive look at the wide range of practical tools available online to faculty members. The app lets you: - Read the latest news in financial reporting - Access a limited selection of premium content, usually reserved for members only - Keep on top of effective dates for changes to IFRS and UK GAAP standards, extracted from the faculty’s unique standards tracker - Get a special promotional discount code that you can use to join the faculty (available for ICAEW members and non-members). Download the app and find the discount code in the ‘Join now’ section.


