



  • 外文名:Buddhist
  • 詞性:名詞、形容詞
  • 屬性英語單詞




Buddhist Philosophy佛教哲學 ; 佛學 ; 佛教哲
Buddhist scriptures佛經 ; 以佛經 ; 佛典
Buddhist idol菩薩
Buddhist fragrance佛爺的香氣
Buddhist Belt佛法帶
Buddhist ceremony佛事
Buddhist Song往生咒 ; 大日如來 ; 大慈大悲觀世音菩薩 ; 南無大悲觀世音菩薩
Buddhist Sanskrit佛教梵文


  • 1She's a Buddhist.她是個佛教徒。《牛津詞典》
  • 2I genuinely believe in the Buddhist way of thinking.我真誠地相信佛教徒的思維方式。
  • 3Did Buddhist uses that as well? I heard that in Hindu terms, like the sound of the origins of the universe.佛教徒也會用到這些嗎?我在印度教中聽到過,就好像是宇宙起源時的聲音。
  • 4There is a calm wisdom in this old saying that impressed me when I heard it first from a monk of a Buddhist monastery in China.這句中國的古語裡有種平靜的智慧,它給我的印象很深,最初是由中國佛教寺院中的一位和尚告訴我的。
  • 5The instruction I always give at Buddhist student group meetings whenever somebody comes in and needs instruction is pretty simple.每當有人進來需要指導時,我經常在佛教學生小組會議上給出的建議,都很簡單。
  • 6Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani have a dominant Muslim population and have long complained of neglect and discrimination in the largely Buddhist nation.亞拉、那拉提瓦和北大年都是穆斯林人口占主導地位的地區,他們一直抱怨在這個以佛教為主的國家受到忽視和歧視。
  • 7It strikes the Buddhist that if he were a force of evil in the world, then he would be afraid of himself.佛教徒突然想到如果他是宇宙間的一股邪惡勢力,那么他應該害怕他自己才對。
  • 8A 13th- to 14th-century painting depicts the Tibetan Buddhist protector god Mahakala.這副13至14世紀的壁畫描繪了藏傳佛教的保護神馬哈卡拉。
  • 9The old lady fell down in adoration before Buddhist images.那老太太在佛像面前頂禮膜拜。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 10According to record, the Buddhist Light usually appears when the sun is shining slantly.據記載,佛光通常出現在太陽斜照的時候。
  • 11The Buddhist is a family man.佛教徒是個家庭型的男人。
  • 12What he sees there is a Buddhist.他在鏡中看到的是一名佛教徒。
  • 13The Buddhist has plenty of ideals.佛教徒有著無盡的理想。
  • 14The Buddhist is visionary.佛教徒遠見卓識。
  • 15But she's Buddhist too.但她也是佛教徒。
  • 16The Buddhist monk disrooted a tree.那個和尚把一棵樹連根拔起。
  • 17Hu loved going to the Buddhist temple.胡喜歡去寺院。
  • 18This is another old Buddhist monastery thing.這又是一個佛教寺廟的玩意兒。
  • 19The Buddhist has already chosen the Berlingo.佛教徒已經選擇了貝林戈。
  • 20"Let's call it the Buddhist view," he said.他說:“讓我們把它稱為佛教的世界觀吧!”
  • 21A good thing I'm a Buddhist, he thinks to himself.我是佛教徒,這真是太好了,他想著。
  • 22The Veddahs have Animist and Buddhist practices.維達人信仰萬物有靈論和修行佛教。
  • 23If I were evil, I would hate me, the Buddhist thinks.如果我是邪惡的,我會憎恨自己,佛教徒想著。
  • 24But he is a Buddhist, and Buddhists have expanding souls.但他確實是佛教徒,而佛教徒們有著具包容力的靈魂。
  • 25I've read that you have a degree in Buddhist Studies.我曾在材料上讀到你有一個佛學學位。
  • 26He himself is a Buddhist and urinates only when he wants to.他,一名佛教徒,只有在自己想撒尿的時候才去撒尿。


