《BodyTemp Period Monitor Free》是一款Android平台的套用。
- 軟體名稱:BodyTemp Period Monitor Free
- 軟體平台:Android
- 軟體語言:中文
- 軟體大小:0.62M
- 支持版本:Android2.1.x以上
Family planning is an effective way to get a better quality of life. There are ways to achieve this, which are natural family planning(NFP), pills, condom, intrauterine device, in vitro fertilisation(IVF) etc. This application provides NFP that is the most cheaper and body harmless method. By using Calendar method and Basal Body Temperature method, this application is a symptom and diagnostic tool, which monitors and specially tracks your daily temperature and menstrual cycle, diagnoses your abnormal condition, also detects and forecasts your ovulation date, ovulatory period and fertile period. 有中文支持。 計畫生育是獲得優質生活的一個好方法。有很多方法可以達到這一目標,這包括自然避孕法,使用藥丸,保險套,宮內節育器,體外人工受精等等。這個程式提供了其中的方法之一自然避孕法,該方法具有最便宜並對身體無害的特點。這個程式可以作為一個好的監測工具。通過採用日期計算和監測基礎體溫,該系統能夠記錄您每日的體溫,告知您是否正常,並能預知您的排卵日,排卵期和生育期以供您參考。