Boao forum for asia progress of asian economic integration annual report2018

Boao forum for asia progress of asian economic integration annual report2018

《Boao forum for asia progress of asian economic integration annual report2018》是2018年對外經濟貿易大學出版社出版的圖書。


  • 書名:Boao forum for asia progress of asian economic integration annual report2018
  • 作者:廓諾·迅魯伯
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年3月1日
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787566319067
Chapter 1 Recent Trend of Asia's Trade and Investment
1.1 TradeofAsia in 2016
1.2 Asia's Trade in Intermediate Goods: Persistence in Slowdown
1.3 FDI Inflows and Outflows in Asia
Chapter 2 Trade Interdependence among the Asian Economies
2.1 MeasuringAsia'sTrade Integration
2.2 Trade Interdependence among Key Members: Past and Present
2.3 Trade Flows among Selected Asian Economies
2.4 Direction and Dependence of Intermediate Goods Trade in Asia
2.5 Basic Facts about Trade in Value Added in Asia
Chapter 3 Interdependence of Asian Economies in Factory Asia
3.1 Pattern of Interdependence Remained Stable
3.2 Product Dependence and Competitive Advantage in the Global Value Chain
3.3 Pattern of Competitive Advantages among Global Factories
Chapter4 FDI Interdependence in Asia
4.1 FDI Self-dependence inAsia
4.2 Inward FDI Interdependence
4.3 Outward FDI Interdependence
Chapter 5 Integration in Asia's Service Sector
5.1 Features of Services Content in Asia Trade
5.2 Asia Integration
Chapter6 Financial Integration
6.1 Portfolio Investment in Asia: Fragile Recovery amid Continuing Uncertainty
6.2 De jure and de facto Financial Openness of Asia
6.3 Index of Business Cycle Synchronization
6.4 Asian Financial Market Integration: Saving and Investment Correlation Indices
6.5 Stock Market Correlation Index in Asia
6.6 Inflation Correlation Index in Asia
Appendix Important Events of the Asian Economic Integration


