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  • 外文名:Blaster
  • 英式音標:[ˈblɑːstə]
  • 美式音標:[ˈblæstər]
  • 詞性名詞


英 [ˈblɑːstə(r)] 美 [ˈblæstər]


n. 導火線,爆裂藥;爆破工


building blaster:建築爆破;建築物爆破者
Blaster Worm:衝擊波蠕蟲


  • The Sound Blaster driver is busy. 聲霸卡驅動程式忙。
  • People has got used to this kind of blaster. 人們已習慣於使用這種形式的爆炸機。
  • The blaster is really important one for digital instrument. 爆炸機是數字儀的一個重要組成部分。
  • Fuel Blaster is a tracking tool for creating stats about... 一款監測你的燃油消耗狀態,距離和價格的工具。
  • Not even Black Sun Vigos were safe from his dual blaster pistols. 在他的雙槍之下,即使是黑日組織的維戈們也無法倖免。
  • Remote control blaster system is one of seismic exploration instruments. 遙控爆炸系統是地震勘探的主要輔助設備之一。
  • She pulled a blaster and took Pratuhr's money before escaping through the crowded club. 諾德拔槍搶走了普雷特的錢,然後逃出擁擠的俱樂部。
  • Blaster fights, speeder RACES and treasure hunts simply are matters that lack protocol. 槍戰、賽車和尋寶實在是跟禮儀無關的事。
  • Since we opened, we have only had one cell phone, one wallet and one ghetto blaster stolen. 從我們開業起,只有一部手機,一個錢包和一部音箱被盜。
  • A pair of forward-facing short range blaster cannons round out the AAT's energy-weapon complement. 再加上一對前向的近距離爆能炮,就構成了AAT的能量武器組。
  • The source-initiation unit in the case of an explosive source is likely to be an electric blaster. 震源的起震裝置,在爆炸震源的情況下,可能是一個爆炸機。
  • This classic 1981 Panasonic RX-5030 vintage boom box ghetto blaster has quintessential '80s style. 這個經典的1981年的rx- 5030松下老式手提收錄音機具有典型的80年代的風格。
  • It is a difficult problem for blaster that high buildings are demolished in a small and narrow area. 在狹小地帶爆破拆除高層建築物是爆破工作者的一大難題。
  • Equipped with an IR blaster to change channels, Google TV can sit on top of your existing infrastructure. 配有紅外線光束來轉換頻道,Google電視可以架設在您已有的設施上。
  • Gordarl Weaponsmiths also created the LR1K sonic cannon, a larger, artillery version of the sonic blaster. 戈達爾武器鍛造廠還研製了LR1K型聲波炮,是一種比聲波爆能槍口徑更大的火炮武器。
  • Using the Force, a Jedi can predict and deflect incoming blaster bolts, and reflect them back at the firer. 絕地運用原力能預測並抵擋射來的能量束,把它們反彈回射擊者。
  • Qui-Gon did not recognize the model, but within seconds he had estimated velocity, path, and blaster range. 魁剛雖然不熟悉這種類型的機器人,卻可以在幾秒之內就估算出機器人的飛行速度,路線以及射程範圍。
  • Experience as a blaster helper in surface mining and quarrying or construction may be required for blasters. 爆破工需要具備地表採礦和採石或建築爆破幫手的經驗。
  • They had found him in the corridor with a blaster nearby, his eyes open and, oddly, a faint smile on his face. 他們在走廊里發現了洛里安的屍體,一隻爆能槍扔在一旁,洛里安雙眼微睜,臉上還帶著一絲奇怪的微笑。
  • It would take Lorian about six seconds to find that panel and fuse those cables with a barrage from his blaster. 洛里安只需六秒鐘,就能找到那塊面板,而後用爆能槍的炮火融毀裡面的數據線。
  • Besides, he carried his blaster and had a vibro-throwing axe at the ready, so he thought he was already well-prepared. 他把爆能槍(blaster)和震動斧帶在身邊,認為這樣就準備充分了。
  • The invention relates to a high performance rare-earth electric blaster fuse frame material and its production method. 本發明涉及一種高性能稀土電子引線框架材料及其生產方法。
  • The agitated gas is then funneled through the actuating blaster module, where it is processed into an intense particle beam. 然後,被激發的氣體從爆能槍啟動模組的狹窄空間經過,變成強大的粒子束。
  • Taking up a fallen blaster he decided that to kill Leia might win him respect with whoever stepped in to take Jabba's place. 他拿起一把掉在地上的槍,決定擊斃萊婭,這樣等到有人走進來取代賈巴的位置時,他就能贏得對方的尊敬。
  • Yes, they could keep the attackers at bay, but if more and more arrived, how long would it be before blaster fire got through? 是的,即使他們能暫時抵擋住來襲者,可是如果敵人蜂擁而至,他們又能抵擋多久?
  • Jabba armed his barge with a large turret-mounted laser cannon, and with portable blaster cannons lining the upper deck rails. 賈巴用一門安裝在大型炮塔上的雷射炮武裝他的遊艇,在上層甲板護欄上還有一些攜帶型爆能炮。
  • Wait. I just got the news. It's the Blaster worm, which spreads across the globe now and crashes many home and office computers. 等等,我剛收到訊息,是疾風病毒,現在正在世界擴散,讓很多家用或是公司的電腦都當機了。
  • The top-mounted swivel blaster has a gunner's saddle, and is best operated by a third clone trooper, seated outside the walker's armored cabin. 裝在頂部的可旋轉爆能炮有一個炮手座位,最適合第三名複製人士兵操作,他坐在步行機的裝甲艙外面。
  • Swarming from the hangar bays of Confederacy battleships were tri-fighters, automated starfighters equipped with groupings of four blaster cannons. 三聯戰鬥機從邦聯戰列艦的機庫蜂擁出擊,這是一種全自動的星際戰鬥機,裝備有四門一組的爆能加農炮。
  • You can also load the basket with scented bait, a trout blaster hook, lures, a bait dip net, a pair of Titanium Pliers the possibilities are endless. 你也可以裝入籃與香味誘餌,鉤鱒風機、誘惑、誘餌抄網,一雙鉗子鈦可能性不斷。


