Biological, Psychological and Environmental Factors in Delinquency and Mental Disorder

Biological, Psychological and Environmental Factors in Delinquency and Mental Disorder

《Biological, Psychological and Environmental Factors in Delinquency and Mental Disorder》是1985年9月出版的圖書,作者是Denno, Deborah W、Lsi、Schwarz, Ruth M。


  • 外文名:Biological, Psychological and Environmental Factors in Delinquency and Mental Disorder 
  • 作者:Denno, Deborah W、Lsi、Schwarz, Ruth M
  • 出版時間:1985年9月
  • ISBN:9780313249396
This bibliography provides information on the role of biological, psychological, and environmental explanations of deviant behavior in the development of crime and violence and in the control, treatment, and rehabilitation of offenders. It contains more than 2,200 references to materials on biological, psychological, and environmental influences on child development; biological, physiological, and medical factors associated with brain functions and central nervous system disorders; and biological, psychological, and sociological factors related to mental disorder and crime. An appendix lists hierarchically the subject headings used to classify the bibliographic entries. The index, which contains over four hundred subject headings on a wide range of topics, links the subject headings in the hierarchical listing to entries in the bibliography proper.

