Biological control for a healthy planet

Biological control for a healthy planet

《Biological control for a healthy planet》是2018年中國農業科學技術出版社出版的圖書。“第一屆國際生物防治大會”由中國農業科學院、中國植物保護學會和國際生物防治組織三方於2018年5月在北京主辦,來自全球800多位生防工作者參加大會,會議主題為“生物防治與全球健康”,邀請國內外農業界知名專家學者就生物防治做大會報告。


  • 中文名:Biological control for a healthy planet
  • 作者:邱德文
  • 出版社:中國農業科學技術出版社
  • ISBN:9787511635778




Plenary Lectures
Biological Control:a Cross—Disciplinary Perspective and Call for Integration
Biological Control in the Context of Ecological Intensification:Interdisciplinary
Efforts for Sustainable Solutions
Improving the Efficacy of Biological Control:Ecostacking and Compatible Ap-
Predicting Consequences of Climate Change in a Community Context:The
Role of Species Interactions and Indirect Effects
70 Years of Biological Control of Rabbits in Australiaan Ongoing Co-Evolu
tionary Arms-Race
Genetic Understanding and Improvements of Insect Biocontrol Fungi
New Bio—Inspired Treatments Derived from Microbiome and Metabolome Study
Compatibility of Genetically Modified Crops with Biological Control
Enhancing Detection of Plant Insect Pests and Their Natural Enemies Using
DNA Barcoding
Session 1 Interdisciplinary Biological Control:Risk
Assessment and Biosafety in Biological Control
Risk Assessment of Pathogens for Weed Biological Control
Novel Genetic Tools in Biological Control and the Implications for Risk As-
Non-Target Effects of the Parasitoid Anastatus bifasciatus,a Potential Biocon-
trol Agent of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Considering Regulatory Requirements for Registration During the Screening of
New Biological Control Agents for Disease Control
Estimating Effects of Harmonia axyridis on Native Predaceous Ladv Beetles in
Ecological Vegetable Production in Brazil
Novel Mode of Plant-Microbe Interaction Discovered by Omics Technologies
Benefits and Potantial Pitfalls Associated with the Use 0f Environmental op-
portunistie Fungi for Plant Protection
Rhizobacterium Bacillus cereus AR 1 56 Can Facilitate Crops Be Healthier.via
Triggering Plant Basal Immunity
Pre-emptive Assessment of Non-target Impacts of Trissolcus japonicus.a Pro-
posed Biocontrol Agent for Brown Marmorated Stink But in New Zealand
TheNagoya ProtocolandWhatItMeansfor theUseandExchangeof
Biological Control Agents
Predicting the Host Range of the Folivorous Biocontrol Beetle.Cassida rubigi-
Quarantine Management of Biological Control Agents in China
Session 2 Interdisciplinary Biological Control:
Genetics and Evolution in Biological Control
Eco-Evolutionary Feedbacks Between Prey Defenses and the Enemv Communitv
Post Introduction Evolution in Biological Control Agents
When Trichogramma Ride the Wave:Evolutionary Dynamics a10ng Pushed
Expansion Fronts
Session 3 Interdisciplinary Biological Control:
Biological Control as a Means of Preserving Biodiversity
Session 4 Interdisciplinary Biological Control:Biological Contr01 as an
Ecosystem Service,Advances in Conservation Biological Control
Session 5 Interdisciplinary Biological Control:
Biological Control in Support of Human Health
Session 6 Interdisciplinary Biological
Control:Biological Control and Climate Change
Session 7 Interdisciplinary Biological Control:
Socio-Economic Impacts of Biological Control
Session 8Interdisciplinary Biological Control:
Natural Enemy Action:Mechanisms and Interactions
Session 9 Interdisciplinary Biological Control:
Biological Control in IPM Systems
Session 10 Biological Control Using
Microbial Pesticides
Session 11 Compatibility between Transgenic
Crops and Biological Control
Session 12Industrial Policy and Market
Development for Biological Control
Session 13 Current Status and Update of Biological
Control in the Belt and Road Countries
Session 14 Trichoderma and Soilborne
Diseases Working Group
Session 15Bio Metabolites and the Molecular
Bio Pesticides Working Group
A Workshop for Lantsang-Mekong Cooperation
Special Found(LMCSF)Project



