《Bergson and the Metaphysics of Media》是2013年AIAA出版的圖書,作者是Stephen Crocker。
- 中文名:Bergson and the Metaphysics of Media
- 作者:Stephen Crocker
- 出版社:AIAA
- 出版時間:2013年10月18日
- 頁數:196 頁
- 裝幀:Hardcover
- ISBN:9781137324498
Any-Moment-Whatever: Elaborating Bergson’s Ideas 1
Part I Medium as Means and Obstacle
1 Metaphysical Media: The Discrete and the
Continuous in Deleuze and McLuhan 17
2 One or Many Planes: The Composition of Intervals in Painting and Film 45
3 Sounds Complicated: Audition as ‘Three-Dimensional Thought’ 62
4 Noise Is the Presence of the Medium 70
Part II Killing Time: Synchrony and Diachrony
5 Instrumental Reason and the War on Intervals 83
6 Distracted and Contemplative Time 94
7 Empty, Homogeneous Time/Any-Moment-Whatever 111
Part III Man Falls Down: Unanswerable Situations
8 Compromise Formations: Bergson’s Vitalism 127
9 Unanswerable Situations 141
Conclusion: On Failure and Wonder 158
Notes 161
References 173
Index 181