常用招式:Assisted swinging side slamCatapult by Roode into a DDT by StormClothesline (Roode) / double knee backbreaker (Storm) combination Double suplex, with theatricsScoop slam by Roode followed by elbow drops from both Roode and Storm Simultaneous Samoan drop (Storm) / diving neckbreaker (Roode) combination Spinning spinebuster (Roode) / Double knee backbreaker (Storm) combination
終結技:Eight Second RideEye of the StormLast CallDWI – Drinking While Investing (Simultaneous powerbomb (Storm) / neckbreaker slam (Roode) combination)
常用招式:Double knee backbreakerDouble underhook suplex Elevated DDT Running high knee strike SharpshooterSpearDiving hurricanrana Standing or a leg-feed enzuigiri Swinging Noose (Reverse tornado DDT) Assisted swinging side slam(Beer Money)Catapult by Roode into a DDT by Storm(Beer Money)Clothesline (Roode) / double knee backbreaker (Storm) combination(Beer Money)Double suplex, with theatrics(Beer Money)Scoop slam by Roode followed by elbow drops from both Roode and Storm(Beer Money) Simultaneous Samoan drop (Storm) / diving neckbreaker (Roode) combination(Beer Money)Spinning spinebuster (Roode) / Double knee backbreaker (Storm) combination(Beer Money)
長期對手:The New Church, The Hotshots, Vince Russo, Diamond/Swinger, Triple X, The Naturals, Kid Kash & Dallas, Team Canada, Matt Bentley, Team 3-D (TNA), Daniels & Styles, LAX w/Konnan, Petey Williams, Chris Harris, Frank Wycheck, Rhino, Eric Young, Sting, Matt Morgan, LAX w/Hector Guerrero, Lethal Consequences, Team 3-D, Steiner & Booker
常用招式:Diving knee dropDiving neckbreakerFrog splashRoode Awakening(Hangman's neckbreaker) Roode Bomb (Spinning powerbomb)Rolling neck snapRotating belly to back side slamSpinning spinebuster
冠軍次數:ACPW冠軍x1ACW洲際冠軍x1NWA網路冠軍x1PTW冠軍x2RAW冠軍x4TWE冠軍x1UWA冠軍x2UWA雙打冠軍x1NWA世界雙打冠軍x2TNA世界雙打冠軍x3 長期對手:Joe E. Legend, Mike Hughes, Jason Bates, Team USA, America's Most Wanted, 3-Live Krew , Dustin Rhodes , Ron Killings , Team 3-D , Rhino, Eric Young, Samoa Joe, Booker T & Sharmell, Tracy Brooks, Homicide & Hernandez, Lethal Consequences, Team 3-D, Steiner & Booker
Joe E. Legend,Mike Hughes,Jason Bates,Team USA,America's Most Wanted,