Beat the Clock

《Beat the Clock》是由Gary Kroeger、Julielinh Parker主演的家庭、青春類電影。


  • 外文名:Beat the Clock
  • 類型:家庭、青春
  • 製片地區:美國
  • 主演:Gary Kroeger、Julielinh Parker
  • 上映時間:2002年9月5日


"Beat the Clock," one of television's all-time classic game shows, was revived in the fall of 2002 as an entry on the Pax Television Network. Three couples, all married, dating or otherwise related, competed. The team which completes the show's opening stunt first gets 10 points and the right to assign three individual stunts (for which vague descriptions were read). Each stunt had to be completed within 30 seconds (or 40, if they answer a two-part general knowledge question correctly). The stunts were just like those seen in previous versions of the show -- perhaps balancing jars full of coins on a teetering board, sifting ping pongs out of a sorter, so only the red ones remained or finding three hot dogs buried in condiments while blindfolded. Completing the stunt earned the team 10 points, plus additional points depending on time remaining. Each team's score determined their placement in another three-way stunt, of which only the first two teams to complete it will stay in the game. The remaining teams are then shown one final stunt and then bid downward from two minutes, a la Name That Tune's Golden Medley, on how short of time they need to complete the stunt. The team that completed the stunt or bid the opponent into defeat advanced to the "Whirlwind of Money," where they had 60 seconds to grab as much cash and prize cards as they could (up to $25,000 available).



HostGary Kroeger
Co-HostessJulielinh Parker
StuntmeisterMark Maxwell-Smith


Mike Konstan、Kenneth Montgomery、Oliver Peters


