Be with You(lambert演唱歌曲)

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《Be with you》是lambert演唱並作詞作曲的歌曲,發行於2021年3月31日。


  • 外文名:Be with You
  • 所屬專輯:Be with You
  • 歌曲原唱:lambert
  • 填詞:lambert
  • 譜曲:lambert
  • 音樂風格:Rap/Hip Hop 
  • 發行日期:2021年3月31日


Be with you - lambert
母帶工程師Master:全相彥@OKmastering Studio
統籌Overall planning:花境藝/張小申
封面設計Cover Design:何曉婷
總企劃Total planning:鄭翰文/沈炳@Flowsixteen


I want to be with you
So we can do the things that lovers do
I want to be with you
So we can do the things that lovers do
U tryna make up
For the real love
All the mistakes seem to make sense
I need a touch may be the lust
Or it's something else I can't explain
指縫流過 複雜的relation
就在夢裡 我構建了heaven
(That's a paradise)
Will you come back to me
(Please come back )
I am drowning now
Come and pull me out
(Save me from hell)
I am drowning now
Cause my heart can't turn around
(Can't live without u)
絕望幕後 透出的微光
請你認真聽我講 live without you的惆悵
I want to be with you
So we can do the things that lovers do
I want to be with you
So we can do the things that lovers do
習慣 每天和 朋友 念叨你
失去後的戒斷反應不是 沒道理
逃避 開 我的每次 視線交集
Sorry my ramstam personality
It Hurts you so many times I know
不知所措 蜷縮 牆角 發抖
最終任由 失落 把你 帶走
我想說的 濃縮在title
Baby u know at this moment
I am drowning now
Come and pull me out
(Save me from hell)
I am drowning now
Cause my heart can't turn around
(Can't live without u)
絕望幕後 透出的微光
請你認真聽我講 live without you的惆悵
I want to be with you
So we can do the things that lovers do
I want to be with you
So we can do the things that lovers do
I want to be with you
So we can do the things that lovers do
I want to be with you
So we can do the things that lovers do


