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  • 外文名:BLAZING
  • 英式音標:[ˈbleɪzɪŋ]
  • 美式音標:[ˈbleɪzɪŋ]
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞、副詞、形容詞


英 [ˈbleɪzɪŋ] 美 [ˈbleɪzɪŋ]
adj. 燃燒的;耀眼的,熾熱的;(力量、速度等)強烈的;(爭論)激烈的;極其憤怒的,情感強烈的
adv. 與火或熱量相關地
n. 猛烈燃燒的火焰
v. 燃燒;閃耀;怒視;(憤怒等情緒)突然爆發;(槍或射擊者)連續射擊;(非正式)奪取,摘取;大力擊(球);(報紙)聳人聽聞地報導,大肆宣揚(blaze現在分詞


Blazing Souls:炙熱之魂 ; 熾熱之魂 ; 燃燒的靈魂
Blazing Star:閃亮之星
blaze a trail:開闢道路


  • He rushed back into the blazing house. 他又返回,衝進了燃燒著的房子。《牛津詞典》
  • The rioters barricaded streets with piles of blazing tyres. 鬧事者用成堆燃燒著的輪胎擋住了街道。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • Then, as blazing sunshine alternated with drenching rains, the harsh, barren surfaces of the black rocks slowly began to soften. 然後,隨著熾熱的陽光和滂沱的大雨交替出現,黑色岩石粗糙而貧瘠的表面開始慢慢軟化。youdao
  • Her eyes were blazing with fury. 她的雙眼燃燒著怒火。《牛津詞典》
  • The log fire was blazing merrily. 篝火正在歡快地熊熊燃燒著。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • She left him after a blazing row. 大吵一場之後,她離他而去。《牛津詞典》
  • The sun was blazing hot. 陽光灼熱逼人。《牛津詞典》
  • The company came out with guns blazing. 這家公司盡了全力,大幹了一場。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • A huge fire was blazing in the fireplace. 壁爐中火燒得正旺。《牛津詞典》
  • In the distance machine guns were blazing. 機關槍在遠處不停地射擊。《牛津詞典》
  • They toiled up the hill in the blazing sun. 他們冒著炎炎烈日艱難地一步一步爬上山岡。《牛津詞典》
  • Within minutes the whole building was blazing. 不消幾分鐘整個大樓便成了一片火海。《牛津詞典》
  • The champions came out (with) all guns blazing. 優勝者們神采奕奕地登場亮相。《牛津詞典》
  • The sun was high in the sky, blazing down on us. 太陽高掛在空中,朝我們發出耀眼的光芒。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • Quite a few people were eating outside in the blazing sun. 相當多的人正在外面烈日下吃東西。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • She had a blazing row with Eddie and stormed out of the house. 她和伊迪大吵一架後怒氣沖沖地奪門而出。《牛津詞典》
  • The department is blazing a trail in the field of laser surgery. 這個部門正在為雷射外科學領域開闢一條新路。《牛津詞典》
  • Guns were blazing, flares going up and the sky was lit up all around. 槍聲響個不停,照明彈升起來,周圍的天空都被照亮了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • He endeavoured to extricate the car, digging with his hands in the blazing sunshine. 他拚命想要把那輛汽車弄出來,在烈日下用手挖著。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table. 天花板上的鉤子脫落,結果掛燈大亮著掉到了桌子上。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • Instead of having bright blazing fires in winter, she had nothing to burn. 她在冬天並非擁有熊熊燃燒的火焰,而是無物可燒。youdao
  • At nine in the evening, the whole vast river-front of the palace was blazing with light. 晚上九點整,宮殿前的河濱大馬路上燈火通明。youdao
  • They came back to camp wonderfully refreshed, glad-hearted, and ravenous; and they soon had the camp-fire blazing up again. 他們回到營地時神清氣爽,興致勃勃,卻也飢腸轆轆;不久,他們又把篝火點著了。youdao
  • Nigerian military drenched in sweat from the blazing heat and demanded registration papers for anything from engine parts to hubcaps. 奈及利亞軍方在酷熱的天氣下汗流浹背,要求我們為從引擎部件到轂蓋的每一樣東西進行註冊登記。youdao
  • The fire is blazing. 火勢熾盛。《新英漢大辭典》
  • Pure gold is tempered in a blazing fire. 烈火煉真金。《新英漢大辭典》
  • The sun is particularly blazing this morning, although it is only nine o'clock. 雖然現在只是早晨9點鐘, 可太陽卻特別炙人。《新英漢大辭典》
  • With brilliant lights blazing everywhere in Christmas night, the city looked most magnificent. 聖誕節的夜晚城裡到處燈火輝煌,格外壯觀。《新英漢大辭典》
  • The whole house was blazing. 整個房子都著火了。youdao
  • He found more blazing star in his patches. 他在地里發現的星形花植物越來越多。youdao


