* brb: Be right back.

* bbl: be back later.

* cu: See you.

* cya: See ya.(See you 的美式口語;美國職棒現場直播時,現場球評對打者擊出本壘打時所說的話,意指球被遠遠的擊出場外。)

* gg: good game(原指雙方在比賽中都盡力表現的稱讚語;後面引申為既知比賽結果無可挽回,提早放棄時的感嘆語。)

* gtg: got to go.(我要走)

* g'nite: good-night.(晚安)

* nite: good-night.(另一個說法)

* sup: Whats up?

* ttyl: Talk to you later.(下次聊)

* HB: Happy Birthday.(生日快樂)


  • 外文名:BANSDON
  • 類別:英語口語


* brb: Be right back.
* bbl: be back later.
* cu: See you.
* cya: See ya.(See you 的美式口語;美國職棒現場直播時,現場球評對打者擊出本壘打時所說的話,意指球被遠遠的擊出場外。)
* gg: good game(原指雙方在比賽中都盡力表現的稱讚語;後面引申為既知比賽結果無可挽回,提早放棄時的感嘆語。)
* gtg: got to go.(我要走)
* g'nite: good-night.(晚安)
* nite: good-night.(另一個說法)
* sup: Whats up?
* ttyl: Talk to you later.(下次聊)
* HB: Happy Birthday.(生日快樂)


* idk:I don't know.
* afk: Away From Keyboard.(人不在電腦前,或掛網)
* asap: As soon as possible.(儘快)
* atm: At the moment.
* bf: boyfriend(男朋友)
* brt: Be right there.(我快到了)
* bs: Bullshit(屁話)/ back shot (從後面攻擊玩家)
* btw: By the way.(順便說一句)
* bump: 指回復已一段時間(通常為一個月以上)無人回復的文章。
* dunno: Don't know.(不知道)
* f8:fate
* fyi: For Your Information.(僅供參考)
* gf: girlfriend(女朋友)
* gg: good game(玩遊戲的時候才會說)
* gj: Good job!(好樣的)
* gl: Good luck!(加油喔;祝你好運)
* gtfo: Get the fuck out!(他**滾出去)
* h8:hate(恨)
* hax: hack(侵入)
* haxor: hacker(黑客)
* hf: have fun(玩的愉快)
* icic:"I see, I see"(了解了)
* k: Okay!(有時候也會用 'kk' 是一樣的意思)
* ks: kill steal(網路遊戲中的意思就是搶怪)
* imo: In my opinion.(我的意見是……)
* imho: In my humble (honest) opinion.
* jk: Just kidding.
* l8:late
* lft: Looking for team.
* lfg: Looking for group.
* lfm: Looking for member.
* l2p: Learn to play(學著怎么玩吧,網路遊戲中常見的羞辱對手玩家用語)
* lol: Laugh out loud.
* lmao: Laugh my ass off.
* nm: not much/nothing much("whats up"常用的一個回答)
* n2m: not too much(跟上面的差不多)
* nt: nice try
* noob: newbie(新手,含有貶意)
* np: no problem(沒事)
* ns: nice shoot
* nvm: Never Mind
* oic: Oh, I see.(另一個寫法是@@)
* o: oh(喔)
* oki: okay
* omg: Oh, my god! (我的天啊。)
* plz: Please.
* rofl: rolling on the floor laughing(很好笑)
* roflmao: rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
* r u ok: Are you OK?
* ruj: Are you joking?(你在說笑吧。)
* sry: Sorry.
* stfu: shut the fuck up!(閉上你的臭嘴。)
* teh: the
* thx: Thanks.
* tks: Thanks.
* ty: Thank you.
* u: you
* u2: You too.
* wtb: Want to buy
* wtf: What the fuck.
* wth: What the hell.(搞什麼)
* wts: Want to sell.
* wtt: Want to trade.
* y: Why?


