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  • 外文名:autograph
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞、形容詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈɔːtəɡrɑːf]
  • 美式發音:[ˈɔːtəɡræf]
  • 屬性:英語單詞


autograph /ˈɔːtəˌɡrɑːf/ TEM8 ( autographing, autographed, autographs )
1.N-COUNT An autograph is the signature of someone famous that is specially written for a fan to keep. (名人的) 簽名
2.V-T If someone famous autographs something, they put their signature on it. 在…簽名


autograph letter 親筆信 ; 名詞 ; 翻譯
autograph album 紀念冊 ; 親筆簽名簿 ; 題詞紀念冊 ; 簽名冊
autograph reception 印碼接收 ; 記錄接收
Autograph Collectors 收集簽名
Autograph Session 簽名會 ; 新加坡的簽唱會 ; 簽售會
an autograph 親筆簽名
Autograph Hotel 阿爾法維多酒店
Autograph Collector 簽名收藏者 ; 收集簽名
laid autograph 條紋水印書寫紙


  • 1I'd like to have her autograph.我想要她的親筆簽名。
  • 2Did you get his autograph?你得到他的親筆簽名了嗎?
  • 3I got his autograph and talked to him.我得到了他的親筆簽名並和他交談。
  • 4I was very lucky. I got his autograph.我非常幸運,得到了他的親筆簽名。
  • 5I hope I can get his autograph someday.我希望有一天能拿到他的親筆簽名。
  • 6I met a famous actor and got his autograph.我見到了一個著名的演員並得到了他的親筆簽名。
  • 7The top 100 leading tickets will get an autograph photo for free.前100名訂票者將免費獲得主角親筆簽名照片一張。
  • 8Could I have your autograph?我能請你簽個名嗎?《牛津詞典》
  • 9He went backstage and asked for her autograph.他到後台去要她的簽名。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10Rock stars have to get used to being plagued by autograph hunters.搖滾歌星必須習慣歌迷要求籤名的糾纏。《牛津詞典》
  • 11Can you give me your autograph?你能給我你的簽名嗎?
  • 12In fact, I'd like your autograph.事實上,我想要你的簽名。
  • 13Do you have her autograph?你有她的簽名嗎?
  • 14Could I ask you for your autograph?能幫我簽個名嗎?
  • 15Could you help me autograph, please?你可以幫我簽名嗎?
  • 16Great. When can we get the autograph?太好了。我們什麼時候能得到簽名?
  • 17I want an autograph.我想要一張親筆簽名。
  • 18Does she ever get asked for her autograph?有人向她要過簽名嗎?
  • 19Could you autograph your book for me, please?可否幫我在您寫的書上籤名?
  • 20Your autograph would be the best present for me.你的簽名將是我最好的禮物。
  • 21The little boys asked the footballer for his autograph.孩子們想要這位足球運動員簽名。
  • 22After that, the tourists got his autograph in the aquarium.在那之後,遊客們還在水族館裡得到了他的簽名。
  • 23Some want me to send a picture, or an autograph, or a book.有些人想讓我送他們一張照片,一個簽名,或者一本書。
  • 24Diana felt happy at the sight of Justin Bieber, and she was eager to get his autograph.黛安娜見到賈斯汀·比伯感到很高興,她非常想要得到他的簽名。
  • 25I asked someone for their autograph?上一次向某人要親筆簽名?
  • 26Would you mind giving us your autograph?——“你願意給我們你的親筆簽名嗎?”
  • 27Could you get Picasso's autograph for me?你能給我弄到畢卡索的簽名嗎?
  • 28And here's an autograph for your brother.這裡付上一個送你弟的親筆簽名。
  • 29Quick! Autograph!快,找她要簽名!
  • 30Some readers even had me autograph their T shirts.有些讀者甚至要我在他們的T恤上籤名。


