Astrotheology & Shamanism

Astrotheology & Shamanism

《Astrotheology & Shamanism》是BookSurge Publishing出版的圖書,作者是Irvin, Jan、Rutajit, Andrew。


  • 中文名:Astrotheology & Shamanism
  • 作者:Irvin, Jan、Rutajit, Andrew
  • 出版社:BookSurge Publishing
  • 頁數:248 頁
  • 定價:20.99 元
  • 裝幀:Paperback
  • ISBN:9781439222423


Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit delve deep into Judeo-Christian symbolism and mythology in Astrotheology & Shamanism to reveal the true origins of Christianity in fertility cults and entheogenic drug use. The authors show, with the use of numerous images, textual citations, and etymological analyses, how the symbols used in Christian art and encoded in sacred texts reference sacramental use of psychedelic mushrooms as well as ancient astronomical knowledge. This knowledge has been kept secret from the public, however, and the truth has remained concealed behind a campaign to prohibit access to entheogenic sacraments through a Pharmacratic Inquisition (of which the current “War on Drugs” is the latest manifestation). Along with a call to wake up to the true history of Judeo-Christian tradition, the authors call for a return to direct spiritual experience through visionary sacraments unmediated through dominating religious institutions. This is a powerful and provocative book that is sure to challenge and inspire. - Martin W. Ball, Ph.D. Author, The Entheogenic Evolution: Psychedelics, Consciousness and Awakening the Human Spirit


Linking Christianity to its nature-based, shamanic roots, this wide-ranging, lavishly illustrated, and exhaustively referenced book establishes a new benchmark for scholarly (and controversial) views in the field.
Rick Strassman MD
University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Author, DMT – The Spirit Molecule
We live in a world of paired opposites—all things in the field of time come in twos. This offers comfort and predictability by allowing neat compartments for diverse things, but also leads to elaborately complex symbols and belief systems over time. Christianity, as with Hinduism, has been conceptualized as a tree growing up from a solid platform, but what you don’t see are the roots and fruits, the mystery that helped spawn these traditions. The mystery is, however, revealed in various art forms often hidden away or obscured in some clever fashion. All these traditions—Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Indus Valley—have their origins in shamanic experiences with mind-altering substances. This was not recreational; this was serious business. Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit have captured this tone and perspective in, Astrotheology & Shamanism. Well written with clear definitions, but if you think Jesus was a real person, you’re in for a bumpy ride.
John A. Rush, Ph.D.,
Sierra College, Department of Anthropology
Author, Failed God: Fractured Myth in a Fragile World
This is a mind-expanding book. It helps us share the perspective of a shaman (a seer or wise man) on the world and on the interplay of sun and stars…. Ideas put forward by John Marco Allegro about the origin of religion in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross in 1970 – which met universal condemnation – are here largely vindicated…. The dry philological approach in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross is here supported by a wider study of symbols, iconography and mythology and further work on word derivation.
Judith Anne Brown
Daughter of John Marco Allegro
Author, John Marco Allegro: The Maverick Of The Dead Sea Scrolls
Having studied many of the same sources listed in Astrotheology & Shamanism; we find the presentation of facts in this 2nd edition to be a refreshingly rational and logical viewpoint- which empowers the reader to observe many perspectives simultaneously. This book decrypts the minutiae and ideology of religion, in which we are all immersed between cradle and grave. It will open your mind to critical thinking and new choices; producing a brilliant ray of hope in an almost post-literate world.
– Richard Grove, 8th Estate Media & Research.

