《Assault Guns, Including》是一本圖書,作者是 Books, Hephaestus。
- 中文名:Assault Guns, Including
- 外文名:Assault Guns, Including
- 作者:Books, Hephaestus
- 語言:英語
- 頁數:80 頁
- ISBN:9781243058706
- 定價:20.06 美元
《Assault Guns, Including》是一本圖書,作者是 Books, Hephaestus。
of the gunmaker. Modern arms are then explained, covering the materials and technology including Super Magnum revolvers, semi-automatic pistols and assault rifles. The directories offer an unparalleled photographic guide to the most significant pistols, revolvers, rifles, submachine and machine guns. ...
It is a beautifully illustrated set of encyclopedias covering pistols, revolvers, machine and submachine guns through history. It features directories of arms from many parts of the world, organised according to country of manufacture. It includes key specifications ...
14 ACR Assault Rifle a.rifle 24 ——14、 ACR突擊步槍 突擊步槍 24票(美國)15 HK G11 a.rifle 24 ——15、HKG11突擊步槍 突擊步槍 24票(無殼步槍)(德國)16 Kriss Super V smg 23 ——16、Kriss Super V衝鋒鎗“短劍”V衝鋒鎗 衝鋒鎗 23票 (美國)17 AN-94 Abakan a.rifle 20——17、...
take refuge in an abandoned mission. He trains them to fight and shoot in anticipation of the attack. The only other man at the mission runs away o save his scalp and ends up leading the Indians back to the mission. Surrounded and outnumbered, the defenders prepare for the final assault....
代表性樂隊:Metallica,Megadeth,Slayer,Anthrax,Speak English Or Die,Watchtower,Death Angel,Flotsam And Jetsam,Testament,Exodus,Nuclear Assault,Sacred Reich,Destruction,Kreator,Coroner,Overkill,Iced Earth,Annihilator,Dark Angel,Possessed,Holy Moses,Legion Of The Damned,Deathrow,Exumer,Voivod...
The mixing of Force with Division Recon has never been entirely satisfactory, and the Company again stood up in 1986. 1st Force operated in Southwest Asia during desert Shield/ Storm, and has since deployed to multiple hot spots including East Timor last year.Mission The Company has two Mission...
gimmegun assault rifle - 獲得狙擊步槍 gimmegun semi-auto rifle - 獲得半自動步槍 gimmegun nail gun - 獲得釘槍 gimmegun cannon - 獲得加農炮 gimmegun plasma weapon - 獲得等離子武器 gimmegun missile launcher - 獲得飛彈發射器 gimmegun frag grenade - 獲得 Frag 手榴彈 pos player - 玩家位置 build -...
Lupo's Assault body armor reduces the damage she receives from bullets.Lupo的防彈衣可以減輕她所受到的子彈造成的傷害。QUICK RELOAD(快速上彈)Her training ensures a faster weapon reload time.她受過的訓練確保了更快的上彈速度。INCENDIARY ROUNDS(子彈燃燒)Bullets that set her enemies ablaze.發射出...
Submachine Guns(SMG):衝鋒鎗,射速高,射程近;Assault Rifles:攻擊步槍, 自動或半自動,比來復槍火力更強;Medium Machine Guns(MMG):輕機槍,口徑和步槍一樣,但是射速高,火力相當於一整個步兵小隊的火力;Heavy Machine Guns (HMG):重機槍,口徑大(12.7mm-14.5mm),射速略低於輕機槍,因此火力略同...
ASSAULTMACHINEGUNUP2/突擊機槍/第一欄 單發傷害:3.5 單發爆頭傷害:7 射速:7.5發/秒 彈夾:150 最大備彈:225 DUALMACHINEGUNSUP2/雙機槍/第二欄 單發傷害:4 單發爆頭傷害:9 射速:6發/秒 彈夾:90 最大備彈:360 (筆者曾經很喜歡雙機槍,這次測試完了也覺得這槍確實有的可玩,大家算算可以知道...
Metallic Assault Moskvallica: A Russian Tribute to Metallica Tribute to Metallica by Die Krupps The Tribute to the Four Horsemen "Say Your Prayers,Little One" The String Quartet Tribute to Metallica The Scorched Earth Orchestra plays Metallica's Master of Puppets (The Orchestral Tribute)A Punk ...
The officer was fatally shot with an assault rifle yesterday morning while responding to the robbery in northeast Philadelphia. 在費城東北部,該警察昨天早晨在應付搶劫案的過程中遭到歹徒的來福槍的射擊。Ireland, they say, must continue to inflict pain on its citizens - because to do anything else ...
MISSION 5 Monastery Assault 本關一出來就有隊友了.前面馬上開打.從現在開始敵人越來越多了.而且也會躲手雷了.一路前進,利用好掩體的話還是很好解決.到了館邸門口裡面會有5~6 個敵人阻攔我們的前進,這裡用手雷一次過清除掉.躲也沒地方給他們躲.不過到了前面右轉的地方就要留神了.右邊也有很多敵人.向右移後會...
WWII: Tokarev Pistol, Luger P08, MP40, Sten MK II, M1 Garand, Thompson Gun Assault rifles: AK47, SIG SG552 commando, LR 300ML, HK G36E, FN FAL Rifles: SIG SG550S, SVD, HK SL9SD Machine gun: M60, M134D Minigun Compact Guns: Ruger LCP Shotguns: Remington 870 遊戲截圖 3D拆槍2 ...
2013年—《雙龍出手》(2 Guns):型號為M240D,安裝在伯爵的貝爾UH-1直升機上作為艙門機槍並且被伯爵所使用。 2013年—《菲利普斯船長》(Captain Phillips)...2006年—《武裝突襲》(ArmA: Armed Assault):型號為M240G,被美國士兵所使用。 2007年—《幽靈行動:尖峰戰士2》(Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2):PC...
C93, Maxim WWII: Tokarev Pistol, Luger P08, MP40, Sten MK II, M1 Garand, Thompson Gun Assault rifles: AK47, SIG SG552 commando, LR 300ML, HK G36E, FN FAL Rifles: SIG SG550S, SVD, HK SL9SD Machine gun: M60, M134D Minigun Compact Guns: Ruger LCP Shotguns: Remington 870 ...
Well if it can, then the next time you assault a dude 好啊,如果它可以的話,下次你襲擊了一個傢伙 Just tell the judge it was my fault, and I'll get sued 儘管告訴法官那是我的錯,然後便等著我被起訴吧 See what these kids do, is hear about us toting pistols 看看孩子們會怎么樣呢,那...
《榮譽勳章:聯合襲擊》(Medal of Honor: Allied Assault)是一款由2015工作室開發、美國藝電(EA)於2002年1月12日發行的第一人稱射擊遊戲,遊戲平台為PC。遊戲的背景設定在第二次世界大戰期間的歐洲和北非戰場,玩家將扮演美國陸軍上尉Mike Powell,執行一系列關鍵任務,包括潛入敵後、破壞敵方設施、參與歷史性戰役等...
Install and customize machine guns, rockets, grenades, guided missiles, giant miniguns, and future weapons like railguns and aim-assisted smartgun systems. Install powerful camera and turret sensors including recoil stabilizers, explosive and threat detectors, jammers, proximity detectors, zoom lenses, ...
Submachine Guns(SMG):衝鋒鎗,射速高,射程近。Assault Rifles:攻擊步槍, 自動或半自動,比來復槍火力更強。Medium Machine Guns(MMG):輕機槍,口徑和步槍一樣,但是射速高,火力相當於一整個步兵小隊的火力。Heavy Machine Guns (HMG):重機槍,口徑大(12.7mm-14.5mm),射速略低於輕機槍,因此火力略同...
MMI-M8A3 76 mm heavy assault machinegun 重突擊機槍 x 1 MA-M3 heavy sword 重劍 x 1 “巨蛇之尾”的二號機是伊萊傑的專用機,比起普通的Ginn,內部的零件性能要高級得多。(頭頂的“那個”是秘密武器...)屢建奇功的這台專用機在與ZAFT叛逃的“英雄”威亞交戰時損毀。在修復過程中,回收屋的羅·裘爾...
《幫斗》是由Rocky Costanzo執導,Daeg Faerch、諾爾·古格列米、Darian Weiss主演的一部電影。劇情簡介 Five students trap themselves in the basement of their high school during an all-out assault on students and faculty, all at the hands of one disturbed student geared with guns and explosives.職員...
-Ruger。22 ChargerSMG/Assault Pistols -MP5 -Tec-9 -Uzi -HK UMP 45 -Kel-Tec PLR-16 -FN P90 -Mac-10Launchers -RPG 7 -M32Revolvers -Colt Python -S&W Model 53 -Colt SAA -Ruger New VaqueroHistorical -Colt Hammer -Mauser C96 -Borchard C93 -Maxim -Harpers Ferry -Lewis Gun -Winchester ...
Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace,演員,代表作品《Serial Kaller》。早年經歷 Aisleyne was born into a crazy North London punk household, where 喬治男孩 was a regular visitor. Hospitalized after a serious assault in her early teens, she was forced from home at 16. Alone in London, she lived in a hostel...