- 中文名:Aseed+種子計畫
- 推出單位:高瓴
設計主體元素:1.字母C 2.延續 3.放大鏡元素之一“字母C”——字母C是“CHINA SEED”的縮寫。標誌中加粗的線條增加了標誌的厚重感,表現了中種公司的大氣、穩定的企業形象及強大的企業實力。元素之二“延續” ——原中種標誌為“發芽的種子”和“C”字母變形,在原有基礎上進行了調整,使企業標誌形象更加簡潔...
“夢想種子計畫”( SEED Adream Fellowship )是哈佛社會創新種子社區( Harvard SEED for Social Innovation: A GSAS Student Organization) 與上海真愛夢想公益基金會共同發起的社會創新人才培養項目,旨在發掘具有社會責任感、高效行動力的青年創變者,幫助他們完成社會創新的啟蒙、探索與實踐,成長為未來的社創青年領袖。
2. 光信號傳導及種子發育,山東農業大學, 2013-2018,主持 發表論文 1. Xiao, Y., Kang, X., and Ni, M. (2014). SHB1 or HAIKU2 mixexpression alters canola and Arabidopsis seed development.2. Kang, X., Li, W., Zhou, Y., and Ni, M. (2013). A WRKY transcription factor recruits ...
seed certification種子鑑定 ; 種子認證 ;[農學]種子證明書 ; 種子檢定 Certification Service認證服務 ; 航空器認證 ; 證書服務 ; 認證專項服務 INSPECTION CERTIFICATION商檢證 ; 檢驗證書 ; 驗廠認證 ; 不遲於提單日 certification scheme認證計畫 ; 認證方案 ; 認證機構 ; 新認證制度 Certification Record認證記錄 ...
華金平,男,博士,1966年6月出生,中國農業大學教授、博士生導師。湖北省有突出貢獻中青年專家,湖北省新世紀高層次人才工程第二層次人選,湖北省第六屆青年科技獎獲得者。2005年獲得湖北省第三屆“省直機關十大傑出青年”提名獎,2006年入選“教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”。人物經歷 教育經歷 1997年7月-- 2003...
機動高達戰士SEED 艾薩莉亞·玖爾:三月市城市群明面管理者 娜塔爾·巴基露露 瑪琉 逾時空要塞F 瓦鳩拉女王:人類和天頂星人所繼承的名為原始文明的中所描繪的鳥之人,風之守護者們所崇拜、祭祀的根源。一切之因。擁有接近四維程度的磅礴精神力,散開在整片銀河中,穿透空間,無視次元,上帝視角。 綜漫世界1 巴布特·...
8.Li, J.2003. Three articles including “The natural history of rice, Rice as a food, and Rice as a superfood”, in the 3-volume “Encyclopedia of Food and Culture”, Charles Scribner's Sons 9.Li J. and L Yuan (2000). Hybrid rice: genetics, breeding, and seed production. Plant ...
(3) Gu, Dachuan; Chen, Chia-Yang; Zhao, Minglei; Zhao, Linmao; Duan, Xuewu; Duan, Jun; Wu, Keqiang; Liu, Xuncheng*; Identification of HDA15-PIF1 as a key repression module directing the transcriptional network of seed germination in the dark, Nucleic Acids Research, 2017, 45(12): ...
同時AAA Wunder於衛星軌道準備與NERV最後決戰以阻止NERV發動最終衝擊及人類補完計畫。製作了「停止信號プラグ」用作令Eva第13號機無力化,同時為「改2號機」及「8號機」也被升級為「新2號機」及「改8號機」。開始作戰前,AAA Wunder上的人員都綁上了代表讓大地和海洋重新恢復綠色和藍色的青色頭巾,也以紀念在...
良種(certified seed)是指用常規原種繁殖的第一代至第三代和雜交種達到良種質量標準的種子。良種是供大田生產使用的種子,是種子市場交易的種子,是主要商品化的種子。良種作用 1、提高產量優良品種般生產潛力較大,我國南方稻區育成的早季水稻矮稈品種,使產量顯著提高。小麥抗鏽病品種育成,獲得大幅度增產,雜交玉米...
1.Colmer J, O'Neill CM, Wells R, Bostrom A, Reynolds D, et al., Penfield S*, Zhou J*. (2020), SeedGerm: a costゝfective phenotyping platform for automated seed imaging and machine〆arning based phenotypic analysis of crop seed germination. New Phytologist, 228(2): 778-793.2.徐...
7.Hongyang Wu, Tailing Jiang, Xiaohua Dong, Guanghui Shen, Shan-shan Li , Zhiqing Zhang. Purification and food processing adaptability of antihypertensive peptides derived from pepper (Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.) seed protein. International Journal of Food Engineering,2016,DOI 10.1515/ijfe-2015-...
國際種子科學學會 (International Society for Seed Science, 2000-), 中國和日本地區代表 (Regional Representative for China and Japan, 2002-2005), 東亞地區代表 (Regional Representative for Eastern Asia, 2005-)國際種子檢驗協會貯藏委員會委員 (Member of Seed Storage Committee of International Seed Testing ...
文彬. 2008. 種子貯藏生理學史概略.自然辯證法通訊2008年第4期 文彬. 2011. 植物種質資源超低溫保存概述. 植物分類與資源學報 33(3): 311-329 Bin Wen*, Songquan Song. 2007. Acquisition of cryotolerance in maize embryos during seed development. Cryoletters 28(2): 109-118 Bin Wen*, Songquan ...
(3)Kelemu Segenet, Dongyi Huang, et al. Endophytic fungus Acremonium implicatum is seed transmitted in Brachiaria spp. 2003, Phytopathology 93:S43.(4)Dongyi Huang, Kelemu Segenet. Acremonium implicatum, a seed-transmitted endophytic fungus in Brachiaria grass. 2004, November 2004, Plant ...
曾彥軍. 乾旱荒漠區幾種優勢植物種子萌發生態學研究[D]. 蘭州大學,2010(博士學位論文)Zeng, Y.J. and Wang, R.Y. Methods of topographical tetrazolium testing for seed viability of Nitraria tangutorum Bobr. and N. sibirica Pall [J]. Seed Science and Technology, 2009, 37(3): 691-698 (SCI...
(2) Liu Y, Shao L, Zhou J, Li R, Pandey MK, Han Y,Cui F, Zhang J, Guo F, Chen J, Shan S, Fan G, Zhang H, Seim I, Liu X, Li X,Varshney RK, Li G, Wan S. Genomic insights into the genetic signatures ofselection and seed trait loci in cultivated peanut. J Adv Re...
1. Helin Tan*, Xiaoe Xiang, Jie Tang, Xingchun Wang. Dynamic profiles of metabolites in the funiculus reveal a nutrient demand during seed maturation in Brassica napus. Plant Molecular Biology, 2016 (Accepted) (SCI IF= 3.905)2. Siyu Hou, Zhaoxia Sun, Bin Linghu, Dongmei Xu, Bin Wu,...
29、Dongmei Xi, Wushuang Liu, Guodong Yang, Changai Wu,Cheng-chao Zheng*. Seed-specific overexpression of antioxidant genes in Arabidopsis enhances oxidative stress tolerance during germination and early seedling growth.Plant Biotechnology Journal,2010, 8:796-806.30、 Hao Huan, Sheng-Dong Qi, ...
rhizome)(三) 稈(culm)(四)稈芽(culm-bud)和枝條( branch)(五)稈籜(culm-sheath)(六)葉(leaf)(七)花(flower)1.花序 (inflorescence)2.小穗(spikelet)3.小花(floret)(八)果實(frit)和種子(seed)竹林自然分區 竹類植物系統分類 禾本科GRAMINEAE(POACEAE)竹亞科BAMBUSOIDEAE Nees 中名索引 拉丁名索引 ...
GaoGL+,ZhangSC+,WangCF+,YangX,WangYQ,SuX,DuJJ,YangC*(2011).ArabidopsisCPR5independentlyregulatesseedgerminationandpostgerminationarrestofdevelopmentthroughLOXpathwayandABAsignaling.PLoSOne,6:e ZhangSC,QiYL,YangCW(2010).ArabidopsisSUMOE3ligaseAtMMS21regulatesrootmeristemdevelopment.PlantSignaling&Behavior,Huan...
10. Lin ZW, Griffith Megan E., Li XR, Zhu ZF, Tan LB, Fu YC, Zhang WX, Wang XK, Xie DX, Sun CQ. Origin of seed shattering in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Planta 226: 11-202, 2007.11. Yu BS#, Lin ZW#, Li HX, Li X, Li JY, Wang YH, Zhang WX, Zhu ZF, Zhai WX, ...
Pan YL, Ma X, Liang HW Liang, Zhao Q, Zhu DY, Yu JJ*(2015)Spatial and temporal activity of the foxtail millet (Setaria italica) seed-specific promoter pF128. Planta 241: 57–67.Wang MZ, Li P, Li C, Pan YL, Jiang XY, Zhu DY, Zhao Q, Yu JJ*(2014)SiLEA14, a novel aty...
Ma, Junling, Liu, Zhimin*, Zeng, Dehui, Liu, Bo. 2010. Aerial seed bank in Artemisia species: how it responds to sand mobility. Trees: structure and function 24: 435-441 Yan, Shougang, Liu, Zhimin*. 2010. Effects of dune stabilization on plant diversity of interdune wetlands in the ...
Regulation of Grain Size & Chalkiness in Rice(Rice Seed Biology)Grain size or shapeis a major and very stable determinant of grain yield, an important appearance quality trait, a target trait of crop domestication and a wonderful system of pattern formation research in seed morphogenesis.Grain ...