Art Authority for iPad

《Art Authority for iPad》是一款IOS平台的套用。


  • 軟體名稱:Art Authority for iPad
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體語言:英語
  • 軟體大小:122MB
  • 價格:¥68.00
  • 支持版本:iOS 6.0及以上
“2011年最佳iPad參考資料應用程式”——App Store的編輯團隊。Art Authority for iPad將你帶到一個迷人的現實世界藝術博物館,其中包含從古至今1,000多位世界最偉大的西方藝術家的作品。70,000件繪畫和雕塑作品分布於8個特定時期的展覽室,每個展覽室都是通往寶貴藝術博物館的門戶。選擇通過活動或姓名選擇一位藝術家,你瞬間即可沉浸在這位藝術家的展覽之中。按作品標題、主題或地點搜尋並比較不同藝術家的作品,也可以隨機瀏覽,陶醉在藝術之中。 “與眾不同的體驗”——《紐約時報》。Art Authority應用程式中的作品擁有漂亮的框架,掛在有質感的牆壁上,配有標題、日期和其他詳細資訊。作品按時間順序展示,提供相關作品的預覽圖及更多背景信息。你可以了解藝術家的生活和作品,可以突破傳統博物館的限制,暢想博物館之旅,以全螢幕幕幻燈片或滾動縮略圖方式查看和比較作品。你還可以查看任何與你喜歡的作品相似的展覽作品。 “令人眼花繚亂的視覺體驗”——MacObserver。程式還提供各個時期的概述、時間表和歷史資料。從最早的創意作品到最新的現代和當代作品。Art Authority向人們展示西方藝術世界,展覽給人感覺非常震撼,作品均經過精心挑選和組織。這是世界級藝術博物館的組成部分,是學術參考圖書館的組成部分,也是數字咖啡桌書籍的組成部分。這是一個與眾不同的藝術博物館! Art Authority的特色包括: - 訪問10GB經過最佳化的珍貴藝術作品,用戶可以通過我們的伺服器享受高速下載(作品著作權仍屬於授權伺服器) - 早期、文藝復興、巴洛克、浪漫主義、印象派、現代、當代和美洲展覽室 - 每個展廳都擁有幾十個藝術家,按活動或國籍列出 - 各時期的概述、時間表和歷史資料 - 1000多位藝術家和每個展覽室的搜尋索引 - 主要標題、主題和地點的搜尋索引 - 相似藝術作品:瀏覽與你正在查看作品相似的作品 - 我附近的藝術作品:根據你的位置搜尋藝術作品 - 在所有作品中連續隨機瀏覽或按時期瀏覽 - 作品標題、日期、地點和其他資料說明 - 提供超連結方便用戶深入了解藝術家、主要作品和地點的信息 - 用戶可自行設定切換方式的全螢幕幻燈片瀏覽、Ken Burns運動效果、音樂 - 畫廊般的滾動縮略圖視圖顯示作品如何隨著時間而演變,便於用戶比較和探索 - 脫機瀏覽以前查看過的作品 - 將作品保存至收藏夾或照片應用程式;在數碼相框和主螢幕牆紙中使用這些作品 - 將作品推送到twitter或發布到Facebook(iOS 6) - 訂購帶框架的高品質複製品(美國和加拿大) 也可用於iPhone和蘋果電腦。 "Best iPad Reference App of 2011" - App Store editorial team. Art Authority for iPad transports you to an enthralling, real-world art museum filled with works by over 1,000 of the western world's greatest artists, from ancient times to today. 65,000 paintings and sculptures, organized into eight period-specific rooms, each room a gateway to a whole museum's worth of art. Choose an artist by movement or name, and become instantly immersed in an exhibition devoted just to that artist. Search for and compare different artists' works by title, subject or location, or just wander at random and get lost in the art. "An experience unlike any other" -- The NY Times. Art Authority's works are beautifully framed and hung on textured walls, accompanied by title, date and other details. Works are displayed chronologically, with previews of related items providing added context. You can learn about an artist's life and works, or travel beyond the bounds of a traditional museum and view and compare works in a full-screen slideshow or scrolling thumbnail display. You can see and understand the actual size of works through "Art Real Size," and with "Art Like This" you can even view exhibits of similar works. "Visually dazzling" -- MacObserver. There are also period overviews, timelines and histories. From the earliest creative pieces to the latest modern and contemporary works, Art Authority provides a stunningly displayed, carefully selected, well organized view of the western art world. It's part world-class art museum, part academic reference library and part digital coffee-table book. It's also part magic. An art musem like no other! Art Authority features include: - Access to 10GB worth of art optimized for quality and download speed through our servers (works still under copyright come from authorized servers) - Early, Renaissance, Baroque, Romantic, Impressionist, Modern, Contemporary and American rooms - Dozens of artists per room, listed by movement or nationality - Period overviews, timelines and histories - A searchable index of all 1000 artists, as well as for each room - Searchable indexes of major titles, subjects and locations - Art Real Size: instantly see and understand the actual size of works - Art Like This: view works similar to the one you're looking at - Art Near Me: search for art based on your location - Continuous shuffle through all art or by period - Captions with work title, date, location and other details - Hyperlinks provide access to information on artists, major works and locations - Full-screen slideshow display, with transitions, Ken Burns motion effect, music - Gallery-like, scrolling thumbnail view - Offline access to works previously viewed - Save works to Favorites or Photos for digital picture frame and home screen; - Tweet works or post them to FacebookSearch for art near any location (or "near me") within each room or whole museum Display an Apple map of the location searched for Search results include room name Full support for iOS 8

