歌曲歌詞 Apathy
You don't care about anything at all
No the apathy, oh the apathy,
No the apathy, oh the apathy
I don't understand how you can be so
Yes your piles and piles of filthy clothes
I even write your mistress notes
Yes go on, laze all day, read a book, or play.
Just keep sighing at your garden flowers,
And gaze at your shoes for hours and hours.
Dying relatives, you neglect them all!
O I dust off your littered sentiments,
While I have to sign your documents!
You don't care about anything at all
No the apathy, oh the apathy,
No the apathy, oh the apathy
That is why I worship you my lord,
You are all that I adore.
專輯簡介 專輯The Adventures of Benie The Schoolboy是創作歌手 Joanna Wang 王若琳首張全製作專輯,嶄新的音樂風格,獨特的創作概念,幻想充滿的歌聲,一張華麗冒險的音樂故事書。
專輯風格 有別於一般流行專輯,通常是以收錄多首單曲而形成一張作品集合的形式,The Adventures of Benie The Schoolboy是一張實驗概念性十足、風格強烈的“完整”專輯,整張專輯需要從頭到尾一口氣聽完,並且需要你用耳朵啟動想像力,來“觀看”這場故事。
在音樂主題上面,The Adventures of Bernie the Schoolboy使用超現實主義方式,創造出一個奇妙的臆想世界。整張專輯的故事就是以主人公Bernie離家之後的奇異旅行開始,一路上Bernie加入公雞馬戲團並打敗惡龍、遇見了深愛主人的女管家、認識了一位愛上了過路旅人的啞巴、一個無惡不作被寵壞的獨生子,最後還甚至與一群農場上的動物成為朋友!在這充滿未知的國度里,就這樣跟正Joanna一同心醉神迷,荊棘滿布的奇幻旅行,就此開始。