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  • 外文名:Annihilation
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[əˌnaɪəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]
  • 美式音標:[əˌnaɪəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]


英 [əˌnaɪəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [əˌnaɪəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]
n. 《湮滅》(電影名)


annihilation operator [量子] 湮沒算符 ; [數] 零化運算元 ; [量子] 湮滅算符
positron annihilation 正電子湮滅 ; 正子互毀 ; 陽電子湮沒
Battle of annihilation 殲滅戰
photon annihilation 光子湮沒


  • But from annihilation. 而是免遭毀滅。
  • Not afraid of the lies and slanders lane annihilation. 不怕在流言蜚語裡湮滅。
  • The enemy was warned to capitulate or face annihilation. 敵人受到警告,要么投降,要么全部被殲滅。
  • They were to surrender immediately or face total annihilation. 他們要么立刻投降,要么面臨全殲的命運。
  • This company has to be given credit for her ultimate annihilation. 公司曾經借貸給她,最後她被公司辭退。
  • In the end, it beckons more and more clearly general annihilation. 最後,越來越清楚地,必然招致全人類的普遍滅絕。
  • Determine not the gloomy annihilation youth. Will suddenly miracles. 確定不了灰暗湮沒的青春。會突然出現奇蹟。
  • Will the mutual annihilation and conversion to pure energy destroy the world? 它們的相互湮滅會轉化為純粹的能量而毀滅世界嗎?
  • The new collider has to provide exact measurements of electron-positron annihilation. 新型的對撞機必須提供電子-正電子湮滅的準確測量結果。
  • Their annihilation in the Sun would produce energetic neutrinos detectable from Earth. 它們在太陽中的湮滅將產生高能的,從地球上可測的中微子。
  • If you value your lives over your complete annihilation, listen carefully, Leonidas. 如果你看重你們的生命,而不是一舉被殲滅,那就仔細聽著,列奧尼達。
  • Nirvana is definitely no annihilation of self, because there is no self to annihilate. 涅槃絕對沒有自我消滅的意思,因為沒有自我可以消滅。
  • Here is where the apocalypse began. This is where we stopped the annihilation of the world. 天啟就此開始,對世界的毀滅已經結束。
  • Some were shattered due to nuclear annihilation or testing that reverse polarized the field. 有一些祖先之所以粉碎,是因為逆轉了能量場極性的核毀滅或核試驗的緣故。
  • I intend to forgive those ancestors who suffered as a result of the nuclear annihilation of Atlantis. 我意願原諒我那些因亞特蘭蒂斯核毀滅而遭到折磨的所有祖先。
  • I intend to forgive those Lemurian ancestors that participated in the nuclear annihilation of Atlantis. 我意願原諒我那些參與亞特蘭蒂斯核毀滅的所有利莫里亞祖先。
  • The philosophies ardents pursue include aspects such as life, death, annihilation, and fate, among others. 熱心者追求的理念包括諸如生命,死亡,毀滅的問題,和命運等等。
  • Either way, one sign of dark matter particles, researchers think, is a burst of annihilation-induced gamma rays. 科學家們認為,無論是這兩種解釋的哪一種,暗物質顆粒的一種標誌是粒子湮沒爆發出的伽馬射線。
  • Violation of the act by which it exists would be self-annihilation; and that which is itself nothing can create nothing. 違反它賴以存在的行為,就是自取滅亡,何況根本不存在的東西並不能創造任何東西。
  • Halidarre rose abruptly just as a line of annihilation disks shrilled through the spot where she had been a moment before. 哈麗·達爾驀然上升,一連串碟形湮滅光彈氣勢洶洶,穿過了她片刻之前所在的位置。
  • In 2001, the spiritual leader of the ultra-Orthodox faction gave a speech in which he also called for Arabs' annihilation. 2001年,這位極端正統猶太教派別的精神領袖在一次演講中呼籲對阿拉伯人實施滅絕措施。
  • The radiation from this annihilation caused all dreams to rearrange themselves founded upon similar and parallel vibrations. 來自那一次核毀滅的核輻射,造成了將所有夢想基於相似振動而重新分布。
  • Fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of being hurt, and so on, but ultimately all fear is the ego's fear of death, of annihilation. 害怕失去、害怕失敗、害怕受傷害等等,但最終所有的恐懼都是小我害怕死亡、害怕被消滅的恐懼。
  • All of this is the reflection of the belief systems of death and dominion through annihilation that has become a part of the human dance. 所有這一切都是“透過毀滅而死亡並統治”信仰系統的反映,這一信仰成為人類之舞中的一部分。
  • The end of the Cold War pulling us back as far as 18 minutes from worldwide annihilation. What’s required, scientists say, is a different mentality. 冷戰的結束,把我們從世界性毀滅點上拉了回來,延長了18分鐘之久。
  • Upon collision, the conversion of a particle and its corresponding antiparticle into pure electromagnetic ENERGY (called annihilation radiation). 粒子和對應的反粒子碰撞後,被完全轉化為電磁輻射能量。


