《Animals Are Like People》是Laurie Anderson演唱的歌曲,由Laurie Anderson作曲,收錄於專輯《Heart of a Dog》。
- 外文名:Animals Are Like People
- 所屬專輯:Heart of a Dog
- 歌曲原唱:Laurie Anderson
- 譜曲:Laurie Anderson
- 發行日期:2015年10月23日
《Animals Are Like People》是Laurie Anderson演唱的歌曲,由Laurie Anderson作曲,收錄於專輯《Heart of a Dog》。
Animals Are People Too!《Animals Are People Too!》是由Ed Singer擔任編劇的電影,艾倫·錫克主演。職員表 演員表
《Of Parrots and People》是2009年7月28日Penguin Random House US出版的圖書,作者是MiraTweti。內容簡介 There are an estimated 50 million parrots kept as pets the U.S. alone, their numbers surpassed only by dogs and cats, yet these complex creatures are not your typical domesticated animal, ...
The old man kept many animals like dogs, pigs and cats.這位老人養了許多動物,像狗、豬、還有貓等。(4)經營,管理 e.g. He kept a hotel in this city.在這座城市裡,他開了一家旅店。She is good at keeping house.她擅長管理家務。(5)保守(秘密),記(日記、帳)Mary keeps a diary ...
You simply communicate photographs and catchy posts to a diverse group of people whom you have "friended" or "followed" based on an accidental interaction. 你只是把照片和抓人眼球的帖子傳遞給一群因偶然互動而成為好友或關注你的人。With the benefit of hindsight, it looks like the interaction will ...
1.ADJ If people or animals are alive, they are not dead. 活著的 [v-link ADJ]2.ADJ If you say that someone seems alive, you mean that they seem to be very lively and to enjoy everything that they do. 有活力的 3.ADJ If an activity, organization, or situation is alive, it ...
Most animals are afraid of fire. 大多數動物怕火。What hurts most is the betrayal. 最讓人傷心的是背叛。He was her most hated enemy. 他是她最恨的人。He dines alone most nights. 大多數晚上他都獨自進餐。Most European spiders don't bite. 大多數歐洲蜘蛛不咬人。Most of my friends are ...
32.Animals 33.Bird 34.Flower Part2&3IndividualLongTalk&Two-WayDiscussion People Sample 1.AChild 2.1TwolFamilyMember(s)3.Classmate 4.Leader 5.Neighbour 6.AChildhoodStoryorFairyTaleCharacter 7.APersonYouAreFamillerwith,WhoAlso DoesSomethingWell 8.APersonWhoHasGreatlyInfluencedYou 9.APerson...
sex,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞、動詞,作名詞時譯為“性;性別;性行為;色情”;作動詞時譯為“引起…的性慾;區別…的性別”。單詞用法 N-COUNT The two sexes are the two groups, male and female, into which people and animals are divided according to the function they have in producing young. (...
Displacement activities are activities that animals engage in when they have conflicting drives. 遷移活動是動物在有衝突的驅力下從事的活動。They tried to engage him in conversation. 他們試圖使他加入談話。She found it hard to engage with office life. 她發現難以融入辦公室生活。She has the ability ...
如:Mankind are intelligent animals. 人是理智的動物。3. fruit(水果)作為集合名詞,它通常是不可數的。如:He doesn’t eat much fruit. 他不大吃水果。He is growing fruit in the country. 他在鄉下種水果。但是,當要表示種類時,它可視為可數名詞,即a fruit 指一種水果,fruits 指多種水果。比較:...
These are the people who are helping us. 這些是正在幫助我們的人。I really like the idea of helping people. 我非常喜歡幫助他人這個主意。Her motives for helping are questionable. 她幫忙的動機令人生疑。He dedicated his life to helping the poor. 他畢生致力於幫助窮人。I flatly refused to spend ...
28Faced by emergency situations, people are thought to suddenly behave like selfish animals, trampling others in the scramble to escape.在面臨緊急情況時,人會突然表現得像自私的動物一樣,在一陣混亂中踩踏別人以求逃命。29He thought that God was agape. For him, that was the basis of Christianity....
1.V-T If something attracts people or animals, it has features that cause them to come to it. 吸引 2.V-T If someone or something attracts you, they have particular qualities which cause you to like or admire them. If a particular quality attracts you to a person or thing, it is the...
2.ADJ You say that people or animals are clean when they keep themselves or their surroundings clean. 愛乾淨的 3.ADJ A clean fuel or chemical process does not create many harmful or polluting substances. 無污染的 4.ADJ If you describe something such as a book, joke, or lifestyle as ...
3Primitive humans needed to be able to react like this to escape from dangerous animals.原始人們需要能夠像這樣反應以逃脫危險的動物。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》4The paradox is that the region's most dynamic economies have the most primitive financial systems.矛盾的是,該地區最具活力的經濟體制有著最...
She is a shining example of what people with disabilities can achieve. 她為殘疾人有所作為樹立了光輝的榜樣。It was the most extreme example of cruelty to animals I had ever seen. 這是我見過的最嚴重的虐待動物的事例。This was another example of press intrusion into the affairs of the royals....
My movements are the most graceful of us three. 三個人中我的動作是最優雅的。⒊ 表示在已有的經驗中“最...”,子句表示比較範圍。Racing is the most interesting sport I've ever known. 賽跑是我知道的最有趣的運動。⒋ 用代名詞的所有格表示比較範圍。You are always my fondest star. 你永遠是我最...
But is it really true that mimicry causes others to like us, or is mimicry just a by-product of successful social interactions? 真的是如此么,又或者是模仿只不過就是成功的社互動動的一種副產品?Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, ...
They believe that the animals painted were those central to the symbolic and spiritual life of the times, animals that represented something deep and spiritual to the people. 他們相信,畫上的動物是那個時代的象徵和精神生活的中心,是在人們心中代表著某種深刻和精神的東西的動物。Once language starts to...
70.What are the advantages of marrying at an early and old age respectively?140 71.Should people doing different jobs have holidays at different time of the year? What is your opinion?142 72.Some people like to risk their lives in some dangerous sports such as mountain climbing. Some say ...
11We use a lot of ingredients that people wouldn't perhaps associate as British, but are presented in a British way.我們使用了很多人們可能不會和英國聯繫起來的食材,但用一種英國的方式去呈現它們。12The discovery caused a sensation, people associate the sea eel with live animals, but also did ...
When it comes to our dogs, we only want the best for them. Dogs are like family and they depend on us to give them the best life possible. The idea of a home-made diet for dogs may be relatively new, but in this organic and health-driven market, people have begun to expect ...
The word 'love' is used in different senses by different people. “愛”這個字不同的人用來表示不同的意思。Different levels of formality are appropriate in different situations. 不同程度的注重禮節適用於不同場合。Different animals in the colony had different manifestations of the disease. 同一群體的...
Humans have an obligation to try to save endangered animals, because it is our fault that they are going extinct. 人類有義務去拯救瀕臨滅絕的動物,因為它們的滅絕是我們的過錯。Wilsons of the world as the painful obligation to explain the racial facts of life to someone who hadn't quite learned...
5.N-PLURAL Tracks are marks left in the ground by the feet of animals or people. 足跡 6.V-T If you track animals or people, you try to follow them by looking for the signs that they have left behind, for example, the marks left by their feet. 跟蹤 7.V-T To track someone or ...
How I should like to follow each movement of the graceful Hamlet, each strut of the hearty Falstaff! And since I could see only one play, I should be confronted by a many-horned dilemma, for there are scores of plays I should want to see. You who have eyes can see any you like. ...
In this hierarchy of needs, at the most basic level are physiological needs. 在這個需求層次中,最基本的是生理需求。That's maybe the point in this hierarchy of needs where humans begin to differ from other animals. 這也許就是需求層次中人類開始與其他動物區別的地方。Digital technology also makes ...