電影"For A Lost Soldier" (軍官與男孩1992)中的男主人公之一軍官Walt Cook (沃特 庫克)的扮演者。男,出生年月、出生地沒有資料可查。
文憑:匈牙利布達佩斯芭蕾舞教員資質認證(Vaganova Pedagogical Certification and Diploma, Budapest, Hungary)
慈善項目:Gretchen Reeves Kelley Foundation
在演出電影"For A lost Soldier"時Andrew Kelley是荷蘭皇家芭蕾舞劇團(Royal DutchBallet)的團員。演員不是Andrew的第一職業。由於電影"For A Lost Soldier" 是根據Rudi vanDanztig的自傳改編的,此人當時是荷蘭皇家芭蕾舞團的舞蹈指導,這對扮演Walt的演員的選擇產生了影響。
在參與電影拍攝之後,Andrew Kelley 回歸了芭蕾舞劇"Tables d'Amour" (1995)、"Quarry"、"Lacoste"(1996)、" Le Vent" (1997)的表演。這一時期的Andrew Kelley是Het Nationale Ballet的團員。1999年他參與了某舞劇的表演,在網路上可以找到評論。評論內容原文摘抄如下:Kelley danced amemorable interpretation of an artist lost in his fantasies and eroticcompulsions. He, sped across the stage, muscles tensed, his face is a picture of despair and disarray. His lifts were powerful and his movement strong, yet the girl who appeared in his life attached herself to his being and inexorably drove him to suicide on a symbolic scaffold.The final moments were a moving, almost medieval dance of death assheled him allegorically across the roofs of the city.
此後Andrew Kelley的訊息就漸漸少了,直至毫無音信。
2006年,外國網友在網上提問關於Andrew Kelley的問題後才有網友回復。回復原文摘抄如下:I know Andrew Kelley very well. He's been my teacher for two years, and he's the best I've ever had. At this moment, he's working in Budapestat the ballet academy as a well known teacher. He has a wife and two childeren.He broke his back, during a performance, since then he doesn't dance any more. I hope I have given you enough information. Good luck! (大意:我和Andrew Kelley 熟識。他是我遇到的最好的老師,教過我兩年。如今他在布達佩斯的芭蕾舞學校任教,且為人熟知。他已和妻子生育兩個孩子。他在演出時摔壞了背,此後就不再參加舞蹈表演。希望我提供給你的信息足夠。祝你好!)
2007年Andrew Kelley本人親自回復了網友關於自己現狀的提問。回復原文摘抄如下:
Andrew Kelley wrote at 2007-06-08 01:12:39
I am Andrew Kelley. I am now a Ballet Master at the Hungarian National Ballet Academy and at the The Hungarian National Ballet. One of my former students let me know about your site and I am flattered that you mention me. I would be happy to send you a bio or resume if you would like.
2010年1月網上出現一篇題為:The Search For Andrew Kelley (尋找安德魯凱利)的文章。文章部分照抄如下:A young soloist from the Dutch National Ballet named Andrew Kelley starred opposite Jeannette as the love interest –(torn between Jeannette and Kiri) in the music video called “The Sorceress.” Andrew was a spectacular dancer with a charismatic and compelling stage presence and the camera loved him. He became a dear friend and Jeannette and I kept intouch with him on a regular basis. We even brought Andrew to Toronto to star inRoland Petit’s ballet Le Jeune Hommeet la Mort where he enjoyed a tremendous success opposite one of Canada’s most famous ballerinas.(大意:該文章作者和Andrew Kelley在短片"The Sorceress"的演出中相遇相識,Andrew是一位優秀舞者,在舞台上有超凡魅力,令人難以抗拒,他是鏡頭的寵兒。之後兩人,以及另一位舞者始終保持聯繫。並且作者後來引薦Andrew到多倫多演出,大獲成功。)After Andrew’s retirement as a performer we somehow lost touch with him and this past week I became somewhat obsessed with tracking himdown. It seems incredible to me that it took Opera Atelier’s office only three days to locate Andrew! Ultimately, it was through the Hungarian National Ballet’s twitter account that we managed to let him know that we were searching for him. Andrew had been teaching in Budapestand has since relocated to Berlin where he and his wife continue to pursue their careers as teachers and coaches.I was so happy to hear his voice!(大意:自Andrew結束表演事業之後,該文章作者和Andrew漸漸失去聯繫。最近幾星期,這位作者又想起Andrew,並打算找到他。令作者難以置信的是匈牙利的Atelier劇院辦公室在3天之內就找到了Andrew,並讓他知道有人在試圖尋找他。那時Andrew已經在布達佩斯任過教,又和妻子輾轉到柏林去繼續他們的芭蕾舞執教生涯。作者為能重新獲得Andrew的訊息而感到高興。)
Andrew Kelley 的訊息一直比較少,以上的信息是從各處辛苦收集得來,基本可以讓人了解Andrew 後來的情況。
Facebook: andrew.kelley.509
Associate Director at José Mateo Ballet Theatre (ballettheatre dot org)
Lives in Boston, Massachusetts
JAKK Images
Currently holds this position
Accociate Director
Jose Mateo Ballet Theatre
August 2011 – Present (1 year 7 months) Cambridge MA