All That Remains

All That Remains

All That Remains是於1998年在美國麻薩諸塞州波士頓成立的一支樂隊。


  • 中文名:殘骸
  • 外文名:All That Remains
  • 成立時間:1998年
  • 成立地點波士頓


Phil Labonte - Vocals
Mike Martin - Guitars
Oli Herbert - Guitars
Jason Costa - Drums
Jeanne Sagan - Bass


All that remains(中匪欠欠戲文名稱:殘骸)於1998年在美國麻薩諸塞州波士頓成立,起初是作為主唱Phil Labonte(原Shadows Fall主唱)和吉他手Oli Herbert的side project而成立。在地下圈子摸爬滾打幾年後,以處女作《Behind Silence and Solitude》為開始慢慢進入大眾視線。在吸收第二吉他手Mike Martin入團並發行了第二張更為成熟的專輯《This Darkened Heart》後奔霸市厚,All that remains就馬不停蹄地跟隨The Crown,Arch Enemy,Darkest Hour,Lamb of God和Slipknot等樂隊進行了一系列引人注目的演出。2006年樂隊發行了第三張專民騙凝輯《The Fall of Ideals》。All that remains在《The Fall of Ideals》中做了很大的嘗試以躋身主流:增加了旋律性與清嗓的使用。曲目變得更吸引人,更具感染力。2008年,樂隊的第四張專輯《Overcome》面世。這是一張標準的Metalcore專輯,對於All that remains來說缺少了些自己的東西,但博採眾長,仍不失精彩。樂隊於2010年10月12日發行第五張專輯《...For We Are Many》。做為作為美國金屬新浪潮的中堅滲船力量,這張新的錄音室專輯保持了上乘的質量,其中閃現的是All That Remains對於旋律死亡和金屬核與眾不同的表達,旋死的優雅唯美和金屬核的超凡氣勢讓這張專輯脫穎而出。
樂隊初期以Melodic Death Metal風格為主,後來漸漸靠攏Metalcore。在發展的幾年中臭乘再,All that remains一直在擴大客群群與保留自身特色兩者之間尋找平衡點。有力的嘶吼,精湛的Solo,無與倫比的旋遷籃臭律——這些無疑是樂隊最大的“聽”點。


I.《Behind Silence and Solitude》(2002)
1. Behind Silence and Solitude
2. From These Wounds
3. Follow
4. Clarity
5. Erase
6. Shading
7. Home to Me
8. One Belief
II.《This Darkened Heart》(2004)
1. And Death in My Arms
All That Remains
All That Remains
2. The Deepest Gray
3. Vicious Betrayal
4. I Die in Degrees
5. Focus Shall Not Fail
6. Regret Not
7. Passion
8. For Salvation
9. Tattered on My Sleeve
10. This Darkened Heart
III.《The Fall of Ideals》(2006)
1. This Calling
All That Remains
All That Remains
2. Not Alone
3. It Dwells in Me
4. We Stand
5. Whispers (I Hear Your)
6. The Weak Willed
7. Six
8. Become the Catalyst
9. The Air That I Breathe
10. Empty Inside
11. Indictment
1. Before the Damned
All That Remains
All That Remains
2. Two Weeks
3. Undone
4. Forever in Your Hands
5. Chiron
6. Days Without
7. A Song for the Hopeless
8. Do Not Obey
9. Relinquish
10. Overcome
11. Believe in Nothing
V. 《...For We Are Many》 (2010)
1. Now Let Them Tremble
2. For We Are Many
All That Remains
For We Are Many 2010
3. The Last Time
4. Some Of The People, All Of The Time
5. Won't Go Quietly
6. Aggressive Opposition
7. From The Outside
8. Dead Wrong
9. Faithless
10. Hold On
11. Keepers Of Fellow Man
12. The Waiting One
II.《This Darkened Heart》(2004)
1. And Death in My Arms
All That Remains
All That Remains
2. The Deepest Gray
3. Vicious Betrayal
4. I Die in Degrees
5. Focus Shall Not Fail
6. Regret Not
7. Passion
8. For Salvation
9. Tattered on My Sleeve
10. This Darkened Heart
III.《The Fall of Ideals》(2006)
1. This Calling
All That Remains
All That Remains
2. Not Alone
3. It Dwells in Me
4. We Stand
5. Whispers (I Hear Your)
6. The Weak Willed
7. Six
8. Become the Catalyst
9. The Air That I Breathe
10. Empty Inside
11. Indictment
1. Before the Damned
All That Remains
All That Remains
2. Two Weeks
3. Undone
4. Forever in Your Hands
5. Chiron
6. Days Without
7. A Song for the Hopeless
8. Do Not Obey
9. Relinquish
10. Overcome
11. Believe in Nothing
V. 《...For We Are Many》 (2010)
1. Now Let Them Tremble
2. For We Are Many
All That Remains
For We Are Many 2010
3. The Last Time
4. Some Of The People, All Of The Time
5. Won't Go Quietly
6. Aggressive Opposition
7. From The Outside
8. Dead Wrong
9. Faithless
10. Hold On
11. Keepers Of Fellow Man
12. The Waiting One


