大家都知道珠寶可以承載一個女人的思想、身體和精神,這也正是Alex and Ani珠寶的靈感來源。Alex and Ani珠寶被設計成為可以傳達積極的力量,裝飾身體、啟迪心靈、並賦予精神的珠寶
Alex and Ani品牌的取名來自於她的二女兒,商品強調人所散發出的自然美,並純手工產自美國。其中頗具特色產品有羽毛耳環、象徵大地精神的徽章;當然,還有最具代表性的可延展金屬手環,其靈感皆來自於Lynrd Skynrd。Alex and Ani的創辦就像一個強調自我意識的傳播媒介,如同其創作者Carolyn Rafaelian持續不斷的發現改造創作飾品的方式,為了提升人的自覺,她致力於設計富能量、涵義及自然主義的元素,以擁抱生活及傳播強烈的意識為目的。Alex and Ani輕易的呈現了上流社會的高貴優雅、都會城鎮的嬉皮冷寂和種族的灑脫風格。
她的商品展示在美國各具特色的店如Fred Segal,Henri Bendel’s以及Nordstrom和Bloomingdale’s等國際知名百貨公司。Alex and Ani每一件商品都融入其獨特的生活,及不追隨流行的自我創作,就像她們所標榜著“存在我們內心的愛,使我們為你做的更好“
Alex and Ani
Alex and Ani目前在北美地區、加勒比海地區、歐洲、亞洲、中東等世界各地設立連鎖經營店,並且還在Fred Segal、Henri Bendel’s、Nordstrom以及Bloomingdate’s等國際知名百貨公司進行展示銷售,Alex and Ani的銷售網路遍布全球, 不斷快速發展壯大,多年來被評為美國成長最快的公司之一。
Emma Watson艾瑪·沃森
1、Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day With Alex and Ani’s Eco-Friendly Lucky Charms
No brogue-talking leprauchauns in sight? Capture the luck of the Irish this St. Patrick’s Daywith Alex and Ani’s lucky charm bracelets.Sustainably made in the United States from recycled gold and silver, the expandable wire bangles have room for symbols of fortune aplenty. Choose from four-leaf clovers, pots of gold, lucky horseshoes, and mystic gemstones to dangle from your wrist. You don’t even need to shovel the end of a rainbow to afford this jewelry—prices for single-charm versions start at a mere $24.
用Alex and Ani的幸運飾物手鐲在聖派屈克節捕捉幸運吧。手鐲由美國製造,材質是由金銀的再生品,可調節設計象徵著源源不斷的幸運。可以任意選擇四葉草,金罐子,U型物或者各種寶石懸掛在上面。你不必花很多錢,一個單獨的小掛墜只需用24美元。
2、Alex and Ani Jewelry: A Rhode Island GemAlex and Ani Jewelry: A Rhode
Alex and Ani珠寶:一個來自美國羅得島的奇葩
I recently visited my local Alex and Ani store in Newport, RI. It is a beautiful store with so many different types of jewelry to choose from. Alex and Ani also have a store in East Greenwich, RI right up the street from me. I am lucky to have many of these stores nearby, as the designer happens to be a local Rhode Islander. This jewelry can be bought nationwide though. Check out the Alex and Anisite to see where you can find a store, or to order some of this wonderful jewelry on-line!
前不久我造訪了位於美國羅得島紐波特當地的Alex and Ani商店,各種不同款式的珠寶坐落在這家美麗的商店裡任你挑選。Alex and Ani也在東格林威治與我所在街道之間的範圍內設有分店。我很慶幸自己的周邊有這么多的商店,主要原因是品牌的珠寶設計師恰巧是羅得島的當地人。儘管你可以在全國範圍內購買到這種珠寶,但我想你還是可以去查看一下Alex and Ani的網站來鎖定一些商店的位置,或是直接通過網路線上訂購你心儀的商品!
As I write for different on-line sites, I actually reviewed Alex and Ani and have a GIVEAWAY for a wonderful piece of their jewelry. Check it out at GalTimeto enter the giveaway!
當我在為不同的網站撰寫文章時,實際上我都會先評估一下Alex and Ani的整體並由此獲得一份精美的珠寶贈品。來網站的GalTime上看看吧,領取一件屬於你的贈品!
3、Exclusive Interview with Manager of Alex and Ani of Boston
獨家專訪駐波士頓Alex and Ani 品牌經理
Alex and Ani is a jewelry shop in Newbury, known for their one-of-a-kind pieces. The store participated in this year's Boston Fashion Night Out, which proved successful! Below is our exclusive interview where we learn about Alex and Ani's history, style, and place in Boston fashion!
Alex and Ani是一家位於紐伯里的珠寶商店,聞名於他們的同名產品。
這家商店參與了這一年舉辦的波士頓時尚之夜活動,獲得了如潮的好評!以下是我們在深入透析Alex and Ani的歷史背景、風格以及在波士頓時尚圈中的地位後做出的獨家專訪報導!
JoonBug: Tell me a little bit about Alex and Ani.
JoonBug:請向我們簡單的介紹一下Alex and Ani這個品牌。
Alex and Ani: Carolyn Rafaelian, owner and designer of Alex and Ani, comes from a family of Rhode Island Jewelers. It’s a family tradition that she continued with Alex and Ani, naming the company after her two oldest children. The most popular pieces are our Expandable Charm Bangles. The reason for its popularity is each charm has a meaning and is personal to the wearer. Carolyn is extremely passionate in her designs, and designs spiritual, universal and religious charms bangles.
Alex and Ani: Carolyn Rafaelian, Alex and Ani這個品牌的所有者和設計師,生長於位於羅得島地區的一個珠寶世家。如今她傳承著家族的傳統繼續在Alex and Ani這個品牌上大做文章,Alex and Ani公司的命名也是伴隨著她的兩個孩子誕生的。我們品牌中最受歡迎的當屬可擴展魅力手鐲,究其原因,即每個鏈墜都賦有其獨特的意義並專屬與它的擁有者。Carolyn非常熱衷於她的設計工作以及在這個過程中的精神享受,當然,還有那些擁有萬能力量帶有宗教魅力的手鐲。
JoonBug: What sparked your interest in taking part in Fashion’s Night Out?
Alex and Ani: Alex and Ani Boston opened in October, so we are still fairly new to Newbury Street. We felt Boston Fashion Night would be a great way to attract new customers to the store, and make some new fans. There’s a new, hipper demographic in Boston than previous years, and Alex and Ani is the perfect accessory for all Bostonians! We are thrilled to participate in this year’s Fashion Night.
Alex and Ani: Alex and Ani駐波士頓的商店於今年十月才算開張,所以總的說來我們還算是紐伯里街道上的新面孔。我們認為波士頓時尚之夜活動將會是一個為商店輸送客源和籠絡新冬粉的絕妙方式。並且波士頓地區的人口密度及新鮮度均比過去幾年有所提升,Alex and Ani會成為所有波士頓人的最佳配飾之選!總之我們對參與這次波士頓時尚之夜活動感到非常激動!
JoonBug: Where does Alex and Ani fit in with Boston Fashion?
JoonBug: Alex and Ani與波士頓時尚相切合的要素是什麼?
Alex and Ani: Alex and Ani has both trend lines as well as a semi-precious line. Whether you’re looking for jewelry that can be worn every day or a funky bangle set to wear out, you can always find something at Alex and Ani. It’s all about wearing meaningful pieces and making your own personal style. ‘The More The Merrier’ is what we usually say when we get asked, “How many bangles should one wear?”
Alex and Ani: Alex and Ani蘊含著豐富的潮流趨勢庫與寶石庫。無論你是希望尋找那些每天高出鏡率的珠寶或是你腕上的手鐲已經脫離時尚主流時,都可以從Alex and Ani店內獲得解決方案,這裡到處都布滿了意義深遠的配飾和塑造你個人特色的可能性.“佩戴越多你越快樂“是我們面對“一個人應當戴幾支手鐲?”這個問題時的普遍回答。
JoonBug: Anything else you can tell us about Alex and Ani?
JoonBug:還能告訴我們一些關於Alex and Ani其他的信息嗎?
Alex and Ani: It’s such a positive experience to shop here! The Alex and Ani ‘Bangle Bar-tenders”help build customers’ bangle sets that are personal to each individual. We’ve found that working with an Alex and Ani employee inspires customers to become their own designer and that’s what makes Alex and Ani unique!
Alex and Ani:在這裡購物是個如此愉快的體驗!Alex and Ani獨有的“手鐲引導服務項目”幫助顧客鎖定符合她個人特點的手鐲款式。我們與Alex and Ani的員工一起共事後會發現,她們會鼓勵客戶成為自主設計師,而這也是Alex and Ani被人所稱道的地方!