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  • 外文名:Afterward
  • 詞性:副詞
  • 釋義:以後,後來




right afterward右後
afterward kinematics機器人逆運動學問題
afterward sun日曬後用品
To Afterward到後來
regulation afterward事後規制
afterward sight見票後兌付
Afterward Straight後變直
Hitchhiking Afterward搭車西去
name afterward用……的名字命名


  • 1I'll tell you what happened afterward.我告訴你後來發生了什麼事。
  • 2"But," she said afterward to Colin, "I couldn't stop myself."“其實,”後來她對科林說,“我控制不住自己。”
  • 3What Mary felt afterward was that she need not fear about Dickon.瑪麗後來覺得她不必再為狄肯擔心。
  • 4"She is such a plain child," Mrs. Crawford said pityingly, afterward.後來,克勞福德太太同情地說:“她長得太一般了。”
  • 5"It was Magic which sent the robin," said Mary secretly to Dickon afterward.“是魔法把知更鳥送來的。”瑪麗事後偷偷對狄肯說。
  • 6He remembered afterward how intensely wide awake and alert he had thought he was.後來他回想起來,還以為自己當時是多么清醒和警覺。
  • 7Afterward, time strode over me slowly, just like the road roller runs over the surface of an asphalt pavement that was not enough smooth.後來,時間慢慢地從我身上走過,就像壓路機在不夠平整的瀝青路面上碾過一樣。
  • 8I have visited hotels throughout the country and have noticed that in those built before 1930 the quality of the original carpentry work is generally superior to that in hotels built afterward.我參觀過全國各地的酒店,注意到1930年以前建造的酒店,其木工手藝的質量通常要優於後來建造的酒店。
  • 9Shortly afterward, police arrested four suspects.之後不久,警方逮捕了4名嫌疑犯。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10They came backstage afterward, cooing and toadying to him.然後他們來到後台,對他柔聲細語,拍他的馬屁。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11You can tell me about it afterward.然後你可以再來把情況告訴我。
  • 12I reserved a limo to be waiting out front afterward.我預定了一輛豪華轎車在外面等待。
  • 13We love to eat, but we feel guilty about it afterward.我們喜歡吃,但吃完之後會有罪惡感。
  • 14Very soon afterward a bell rang and she rolled up her knitting.不一會兒,鈴響了,她捲起了她在織的東西。
  • 15Might they not hang him at once, and inquire into his case afterward?他們可以不立刻把他絞死,然後再調查他的案件嗎?
  • 16Soon afterward, many of those people started to settling down to become farmers.不久之後,許多人開始安頓下來,當上了農民。
  • 17Not long afterward I will be the volunteer to welcome exchanged students from America.不久之後,我將成為志願者,歡迎來自美國的交換生。
  • 18Afterward, the donors may receive some juice or water and maybe fruit to give them energy.之後,捐贈者可能會得到一些果汁或水,也許還有水果來給他們提供能量。
  • 19Afterward, the listener can ask nonthreatening questions to clarify the speaker's position.之後,聽眾可以問一些不具威脅性的問題來闡明說話者的立場。
  • 20They established a colony somewhere in the 750 BC, and soon afterward, there is a colony established on the east coast of Sicily.他們在公元前750年的某個地方建立了一個殖民地,不久之後,在西西里島的東海岸建立了一個殖民地。
  • 21In New Hampshire and afterward, with all the character attacks, I had to fight to keep my temper in check and minimize my tendency to whine when exhausted.在新罕布夏和之後的地方,遭受著所有的品格攻擊,我不得不竭力控制自己的脾氣,在筋疲力盡時儘量少發牢騷。
  • 22Not long afterward, the family was sitting having their dinner while the four-year-old grandson was sitting on the floor carefully checking pieces of wood.沒過多久,一家人坐在一起吃飯,四歲的孫子坐在地上,仔細地檢查著木片。
  • 23Soon afterward, the Federal government drastically cut down its expenditures for this purpose and later abolished them, causing a sharp drop in the number of nursery schools in operation.很快,聯邦政府就徹底地切斷了用於此類目的的開銷,後來直接取消了這項開支,這導致了營業中的託兒所數量銳減。
  • 24I hope I don't cry afterward.我希望我事後不會哭泣。
  • 25Afterward, they gave it to me.然後他們就把畫給我了。
  • 26Many were jailed afterward.許多學者之後身陷囹圄。
  • 27Afterward, I take the urn with me.葬禮結束後,我把骨灰盒帶走了。
  • 28Afterward he came back to Damascus.那之後他才重新回到了大馬士革。
  • 29And remember to thank them afterward.還有,記住過後向他們表示感謝。
  • 30The news conference ended soon afterward.新聞發布會隨後宣布結束。


