Afterlife(1996年Random House US出版的圖書)

Afterlife(1996年Random House US出版的圖書)

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《Afterlife》是1996年8月Random House US出版的圖書,作者是John Updike。


  • 中文名:Afterlife
  • 作者:John Updike
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • ISBN:9780449912010
Quintessential Updike....These tales are elegies for lost youthand receding passions.
-- The New York Times
"If one trait can account for John Updike'sstaying power. it is the man's exquisite grasp of ordinarymiracles....With his small mirages, his puddles left by both theheroic and the damned, Updike can turn the simple, misguidedefforts of a man into a signature of song."
-- The Boston Globe
"Marvelously Moving...these tales evoke acertain peace and a definite wonder at what an astonishinglygraceful writer Updike is."
-- USA Today
"John Updike has rarely written moreaffectingly, more from the center of his being....This collectionis about the passing of generations, and the way that passingleaves people marooned.... Reviewing a novel of Vladimir Nabokov in1964, Mr. Updike said, 'He writes prose the only way it should bewritten -- that is, ecstatically.' That ecstasy is evident on everypage of The Afterlife."
-- The New York Times Book Review
"These are first-rate stories, thoughtful andwise."
-- The Cleveland Plain Dealer -- Review


