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  • 外文名:affirm
  • 詞性:動詞
  • 釋義:作動詞時意為“肯定;斷言;確定


英 [əˈfɜːm] 美 [əˈfɜːrm]


belie affirm 證明為假
Adventists Affirm 復臨信徒認證
currently affirm 當下接受
naysay affirm 拒絕
Copyright Affirm 著作權申明
affirm m 斷言 ; 證實 ; 側重做出短斷言時的堅定 ; 確認
Pack Affirm 包裝確認
abjure affirm 肯定
affirm defense 積極的抗辯


  • 1I can affirm that no one will lose their job.我可以肯定,誰都不會丟掉工作。《牛津詞典》
  • 2In my opinion, in the appraisal of migrant workers, it is one-sided to affirm everything or to negate everything.在我看來,對農民工的評價中,肯定一切或否定一切都是片面的。
  • 3Everything I had accomplished seemed to affirm that opinion.我所做成的每件事似乎都證實了那個觀點。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4We neither affirm nor deny it;我們不會肯定它,也不會否定它;
  • 5Positive Attitude Diet Day 2: Affirm yourself.積極態度餐第二天:肯定自己。
  • 6Affirm that the body is a good and special thing.申明身體是好而且特別的東西。
  • 7So laugh... and affirm the fact you're learning and growing.因此,笑一下自己吧,肯定你從錯誤中學習和成長的事實。
  • 8As her father, my challenge was to recognize and affirm that.作為她的父親,我的挑戰則是認識到這一點,並且對其進行肯定。
  • 9On this I affirm that they should under strict administration.在這方面,我的態度是堅定的:我贊成嚴加管理。
  • 10The Supreme Court is expected to affirm the original judgment.預計最高法院將維持原判。
  • 11Start to encourage others, affirm others, and appreciate one another.現在就開始鼓勵他人、肯定他人、相互欣賞吧。
  • 12Maybe was looking to me to affirm whatever that was, if only I could tune into it.或許她是在向我確認那是什麼,要是我能感受到那些想法就好了。
  • 13You can choose to reject the thoughts or statements of others and affirm the good.你可以選擇拒絕接受其他人的這些想法或評論,並且肯定那些下面的想法或討論。
  • 14Eventually, the supervisor can only recognize actions that affirm their prejudice.最終,主管只能根據他們的偏見去判斷員工的行為。
  • 15Relinquish the fear of looking soft and go out on a limb and affirm your partner FIRST.放下恐懼,別認為這是軟弱,首先去對你的愛人表示肯定吧。
  • 16Here the threat of the absurd caused participants to re-affirm their belief in justice.在這裡引發了參與者對荒謬的威脅,從而重新確立他們對司法的信念。
  • 17While this is overly optimistic, it does affirm that Web development has come a long way.雖然這種想法過分樂觀,但是確實說明了Web開發還有很長的路要走。
  • 18So, it is critical to make a list of the positive things about your wife that you want to affirm.因此,就你妻子,列出一些你想要加以肯定的事情是甚為關鍵的。
  • 19A simple example of how knowledge can shape-and affirm-a strategic advantage is in retailing.知識如何具體化——並證明——策略優勢的簡單例子就是零售業。
  • 20You'll both affirm and esteem one another and look for common interests you can develop and share together.你們將肯定和尊重彼此,尋找你能培養並與父親相同的興趣,大家在一起多多分享交流。
  • 21Some philosophers--Voltaire among the number--affirm that it is precisely those persons have made the glory.有些哲學家,例如伏爾泰諸人,都肯定說乾那種事的人恰巧是勝利者。
  • 22All of these wonderful thoughts lead me to affirm that Christmas is without doubt the best time of year.所以這些美好的回憶讓我肯定地回答:毫無疑問,聖誕節是一年中最美好的日子。
  • 23Also affirm that you will be equally as diligent in not bringing previous bad habits into a new relationship.同時確認你會同樣避免把之前的壞習慣帶入一段新感情。
  • 24Each sessionbegan this way, to affirm that we were here for real, pure, honest interaction, heart to heart.每一節課都以這種方式開始,我們必須確信,來到這裡,就是為了真實的、純粹的、誠摯的交流,就是為了心與心的溝通。
  • 25You don't need a "list of affirmations," just begin to affirm what you want in your life, and do it everyday.你不用列出你的“決心書”,只需開始確定出你想從生活中想得到什麼,每天去努力。
  • 26By paying attention you can incorporate loving actions and words into every day that affirm what they mean to you.在注意的過程中,每天你都會把愛的動作和語言融為一體,並且肯定這對於你的意義。
  • 27So Israel doesn't just in fact affirm the holy status of the Sabbath, they actualize the holy status of the Sabbath.因此以色列不僅肯定了安息日的神聖性,他們實現了安息日的神聖性。


