《Advice and advise 辨析》是陽穀實驗中學提供的微課課程,主講教師為雷希芹。
- 中文名:Advice and advise 辨析
- 提供學校:陽穀實驗中學
- 主講教師:雷希芹
- 類 別:微課
《Advice and advise 辨析》是陽穀實驗中學提供的微課課程,主講教師為雷希芹。
13 advice/advise7 14 affect/effect7 15 afraid of/afraid to8 16 after8 17 afterward/later8 18 after/in9 19 ago/for9 20 ago/since10 21 all (接單數或複數動詞)10 22 all/not all11 23 all right/alright12 24 ...
advice advise advise persuade affair business event affect effect influence aid help assist air atmosphere alike like alive living live allow permit admit let promise already still yet although though as altogether all together ...
37.advice,suggestion表“建議 38.advise,persuade,suggest表“建議或勸說 39.aeroplane,aircraft,airplane,plane表“飛機 40.affair,business,matter,thing表“事情 41.affect,effect表“影響 42.afford,offer,provide,supply...
13.advice, suggestion 14.advise, suggest 15.a few, a little 16.affair, business, matter 17.afraid, fear 18.after, behind 19.after, in, within 20.again, once more 21.ago, before 22.a good many, a ...
29.advice,proposal,suggestion 30.advise,petsuade,convince 31.affair,business,matter,thing 32.affect,effect,influence 33.afraid,fearful,awful,dreadful,frightened,terrible,horrible 34.after,behind,in,later 35.age,...