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  • 外文名:Advent
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈædvent]
  • 美式音標:[ˈædvent]


英 [ˈædvent] 美 [ˈædvent]
n. 出現,到來,問世;基督降臨節(Advent);基督降臨,基督復臨(Advent)


the advent of (重要人物或事件)…的出現(或到來)
with the advent of 隨著…的出現
at the advent of winter 在冬天到來的時候
Advent Rising 救世主降臨 ; 救世英雄 ; 聖者降臨


  • 1The advent of the computer has brought this sort of task within the bounds of possibility.電腦的出現使這種任務的完成成為可能。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Since the advent of television people have been prophesying the death of the book.自從電視出現以來,人們一直在預言書的消亡。
  • 3The advent of new technologies has added about 4.2 million barrels per day to the crude oil market.新技術的出現使原油市場每天增加了約420萬桶的交易。
  • 4Textile dyes, such as indigo, were mostly of plant origin until the advent of synthetic chemical dyes.在合成化學染料出現之前,諸如靛藍之類的紡織染料主要來源於植物。
  • 5With the advent of projection in 1895-1896, motion pictures became the ultimate form of mass consumption.隨著1895到1896年間投影技術的出現,電影成為大眾消費的最終形式。
  • 6The trend toward rationality and enlightenment was endangered long before the advent of the World Wide Web.遠在全球資訊網出現之前,理性和啟蒙的趨勢就已受到了威脅。
  • 7Think about the advent of hedge funds, twenty or twenty-five years ago, hedge funds were a blip on the radar screen.想想對沖基金的出現,20或25年前,對沖基金是雷達螢幕上的一個光點。
  • 8This, coupled with the advent of television in the 1950s, seriously compromised the studio system's influence and profits.再加上20世紀50年代電視的出現,這嚴重損害了電影公司的影響力和利潤。
  • 9By the 1920s, with the advent of the public dance movement, people were gathering in large groups to listen to steel guitar music.到了20世紀20年代,隨著大眾舞蹈運動的出現,人們聚在一起聽鋼棒吉他樂。
  • 10From the advent of fear and wonder itself to the emergence of new space opera, Shelley covers hundreds of the most loved sci-fi works.從恐懼和驚奇的出現,到新式太空小說的興起,雪萊創作的可視圖覆蓋了數百個最受歡迎的科幻作品。
  • 11The advent of new technologies has added about 4.2 million barrels per day to the crude oil market, contributing to a global over-supply.新技術出現後,原油市場每天增加供應約420萬桶,導致全球供應過剩。
  • 12With the advent of projection, the viewer's relationship with the image was no longer private, as it had been with earlier peepshow devices."隨著投影的出現,觀眾與圖像的關係不再像早年使用西洋鏡設備時那樣私密。
  • 13Other inventions—the wheel, agriculture, sliced bread—may have transformed our material existence, but the advent of language is what made us human.其他發明——如車輪、農耕、切片麵包——可能改變了我們的物質生活,但語言的出現才真正塑造了人類。
  • 14The advent of the mechanical clock meant that although it could be adjusted to maintain temporal hours, it was naturally suited to keeping equal ones.機械時鐘的出現意味著,儘管它可以通過調整來記錄日光時,但是它本質上適合記錄相等的時間。
  • 15Spurred by the advent of social historical methods, a new generation of historians found Unionists interesting as manifestations of the Confederacy's internal weaknesses.在社會歷史方法的出現的刺激下,新一代的歷史學家發現聯邦主義者很有意思,因為他們表現出了聯邦內部的弱點。
  • 16It also focuses on the two key elements which influenced the emergence of the classic Hollywood studio system: the advent of sound and the business ideal of vertical integration.它還關注了經典好萊塢工作室系統出現的兩個關鍵影響因素:聲音的出現和縱向一體化的商業理念。
  • 17With the advent of the five-year-plans, millions of women also began to toil in factories and in heavy construction, building dams, roads and steel mills in summer heat and winter frost.隨著“五年計畫”的到來,數以百萬計的婦女也開始在工廠和大型建築工地、大壩、道路和鋼鐵廠中苦幹,經受著夏天的酷熱和冬天的嚴寒。
  • 18Historians suggest that the advent of mass tourism began in England during the industrial revolution with the rise of the middle class and the availability of relatively inexpensive transportation.歷史學家認為,大眾旅遊的出現始於工業革命時期的英國,當時中產階級崛起,交通費用也變得相對便宜。
  • 19Since the advent of advanced and reliable office-network systems, data storage has moved away from paper archives.自從先進和可靠的辦公網路系統出現以來,數據存儲已經不再是紙質的檔案了。
  • 20In Italy, former Saturnalian traditions were attached to Advent.在義大利,以前的農神節傳統與降臨節聯繫在一起。
  • 21The advent of SOA infers a layered architectural model.SOA的出現推導出一個分層架構模型。
  • 22The advent of the golden autumn, I do not see many gains.金色的秋天來臨,我卻沒有看到太多的收穫。
  • 23With the advent of spring, everything comes to life again.隨著春天的到來,萬物復甦了。
  • 24The advent of GST provides a chance to abolish it altogether.消費稅的出現給徹底廢除雙稅制提供了一個機會。
  • 25With the advent of agriculture, tribes gave way to city-states.隨著農業的出現,城邦取代了部落。
  • 26Americans spend and borrow much as before the advent of the web.現在美國人的開支和借貸並不比網路出現之前多。
  • 27Another important shift is the advent of female chief executives.另一個重要的變化是女性總裁的出現。
  • 28Wired: So were you surprised by the advent of personal computers?連線:所以個人電腦的出現讓你感到驚訝?


