Advanced technologies in modern robotic applications

Advanced technologies in modern robotic applications

《Advanced technologies in modern robotic applications》是2016年科學出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名:Advanced technologies in modern robotic applications
  • 作者:楊辰光,馬宏賓,付夢印
  • 出版社: 科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年6月1日
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787030473523


 This book presents in a systematic manner the advanced technologies used for various modern robot applications. By bringing fresh ideas, new concepts, novel methods and tools into robot control, robot vision, human robot interaction, teleoperation of robot and multiple robots system, we are to provide a state-of-the-art and comprehensive treatment of the advanced technologies for a wide range of robotic applications. Particularly, we focus on the topics of advanced control and obstacle avoidance techniques for robot to deal with unknown perturbations, of visual servoing techniques which enable robot to autonomously operate in a dynamic environment, and of advanced techniques involved in human robot interaction. The book is primarily intended for researchers and engineers in the robotic and control community. It can also serve as complementary reading for robotics at the both graduate and undergraduate levels.


1 Introduction of Robot Platforms and Relevant Tools
1.1 Robot Platforms
1.1.1 Baxter Robot
1.1.2 iCub Robot
1.2 Visual Sensors and Haptic Devices
1.2.1 Microsoft Kinect Sensor
1.2.2 Point Grey Bumblebee2 Stereo Camera
1.2.3 Leap Motion Sensor
1.2.4 SensAble Omni
1.2.5 Novint Falcon Joystick
1.3 Software Toolkits
1.3.1 MATLAB Robotics Toolbox
1.3.2 Official SDK of Leap Motion
1.4 V-REP Based Robot Modeling and Simulations
1.4.1 V-REP Simulator
1.4.2 Examples of V-REP Simulation
1.5 ROS Based Robot System Design
1.5.1 Main Characteristics of ROS
1.5.2 ROS Level Concepts
2 Robot Kinematics and Dynamics Modeling
2.1 Kinematics Modeling of the Baxter~ Robot
2.1.1 Introduction of Kinematics
2.1.2 Kinematics Modeling Procedure
2.1.3 Experimental Tests on Kinematics Modeling
2.2 Lagrange-Euler Dynamics Modeling of the Baxter Robot...
2.2.1 Introduction of Dynamics
2.2.2 Dynamics Modeling Procedure
2.2.3 Experimental Studies
3 Intelligent Control of Robot Manipulator
3.1 Dual-Adaptive Control of Bimanual Robot
3.1.1 Preliminaries
3.1.2 Adaptive Control
3.1.3 Simulation Studies
3.2 Biomimetic Hybrid Adaptive Control of Bimanual Robot
3.2.1 Preliminaries and Problem Formulation
3.2.2 Adaptive Bimanual Control with Impedance and Force
3.2.3 Adaptive Control with Internal Interaction
3.2.4 Adaptive Control with Both Internal and External Interaction
3.3 Optimized Motion Control of Robot Arms with Finite Time Tracking
3.3.1 Robot Dynamics and Optimal Reference Model
3.3.2 Adaptive Model Reference Control Design
3.4 Discrete-Time Adaptive Control of Manipulator with Uncertain Payload
3.4.1 Problem Formulation
3.4.2 Discrete-Time Adaptive Control
3.4.3 Simulation Studies
4 Object Detection and Tracking
4.1 Introduction of Machine Vision Recognition
4.1.1 Tools for Machine Vision
4.1.2 Blob/Edge Detection
4.1.3 Feature Point Detection, Description, and Matching..
4.2 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)-Based Vision Recognition Framework
4.2.1 JSON in Image Labels
4.2.2 JSON in Application Tuning
4.2.3 Vision Recognition Framework
4.3 Deep Learning-Based Object Recognition
4.3.1 Logistic Regression-Based Classification
4.3.2 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-Based Classification
4.3.3 Detection
4.4 Tracking a Single Moving Object
4.4.1 Data Collection
4.4.2 Recognition Algorithm
4.4.3 Analysis of Results
4.5 Tracking Multiple Moving Objects
4.5.1 PSO Algorithms
4.5.2 Objective Function of the Irregular Shape Target
4.5.3 Locating Multiple Targets by Adaptive PSO Method
4.5.4 Tracking Multiple Targets by Swarm Optimization...
4.5.5 Experiments Studies
5 Visual Servoing Control of Robot Manipulator
5.1 Introduction of Visual Servoing
5.2 Kinect Sensor Based Visual Servoing for Human-Robot Cooperation
5.2.1 System Architecture
5.2.2 Experimental Equipments
5.2.3 Implementation with V-REP
5.2.4 Experiment Studies
5.3 Visual Servoing Control Using Stereo Camera
5.3.1 System Integration
5.3.2 Preprocessing
5.3.3 Algorithm Implementation
5.3.4 Results
6 Robot Teleoperation Technologies
6.1 Teleoperation Using Body Motion Tracking
6.1.1 Introduction of Robot Teleoperation
6.1.2 Construction of Teleoperation System
6.1.3 Design Principles
6.1.4 Experiment Study
6.2 Fuzzy Inference Based Adaptive Control for Teleoperation
6.2.1 System Modeling and Problem Formulation
6.2.2 Fuzzy Inference Based Control
6.2.3 Simulation Studies
6.3 Haptic Interaction Between Human and Robot
6.3.1 Tools Selection and System Description
6.3.2 Implementation with CHAI3D
6.3.3 Implementation with MATLAB
6.4 Teleoperation Using Haptic Feedback
6.4.1 System Description
6.4.2 Workspace Mapping
6.4.3 Command Strategies
6.4.4 Experiment Studies
7 Obstacle Avoidance for Robot Manipulator
7.1 Introduction of Kinematic Redundancy
7.2 Shared Controlled Teleoperation with Obstacle Avoidance..
7.2.1 System Components
7.2.2 Preprocessing
7.2.3 Obstacle Avoidance Strategy
7.2.4 Experiment Studies
7.3 Robot Self-Identification for Obstacle Avoidance
7.3.1 Kinect Sensor and 3D Point Cloud
7.3.2 Self-Identification
7.3.3 Collision Predication
7.3.4 Experiments Studies
8 Human-Robot Interaction Interface
8.1 Introduction of Human-Robot Interfaces
8.2 Hand Gesture-Based Robot Control Using Leap Motion
8.2.1 Hardware and Software
8.2.2 Control System
8.2.3 Experiment and Result
8.3 Hand Gesture-Based Control with Parallel System
8.3.1 Platform and Software
8.3.2 Hand Gesture Recognition System Based on Vision for Controlling the iCub Simulator
8.3.3 Teleoperation Platform and Parallel System
8.4 BCI Controlled Mobile Robot Using Emotiv Neuroheadset
8.4.1 EEG and Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) System
8.4.2 Experimental System
8.4.3 Training and Control Strategy
8.4.4 Results and Discussions
8.5 EEG Signal-Based Control of Robot Manipulator
8.5.1 Hardware and Software
8.5.2 Experimental Methodology
8.5.3 Discussion
9 Indoor/Outdoor Robot Localization
9.1 Localization with Wireless Sensor Networks
9.1.1 Problem Formulation
9.1.2 Algorithm Design
9.1.3 Theoretical Analysis
9.1.4 Simulation Studies
9.2 RFID-based Indoor Localization Using Interval Kalman Filter
9.2.1 Interval Kalman Filter for RFID Indoor Positioning
9.2.2 Mathematical Model and Positioning Algorithm
9.2.3 Simulation Studies
9.3 Particle Filter-Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (PF-SLAM)
9.3.1 Model of Particle Filter (PF) SLAM Using Landmarks
9.3.2 Particle Filter Matching Algorithm
9.3.3 Landmark Set Selection Method
9.3.4 Advanced Position Calculation Method
9.3.5 Experiment Study
9.4 Integrated INS/VMS Navigation System
9.4.1 Introduction of INS/VMS Navigation System
9.4.2 Analysis of VMS Errors
9.4.3 Loosely Coupled INS/VMS
9.4.4 Tightly Coupled INS/VMS
9.4.5 Experiment Study
10 Multiagent Robot Systems
10.1 Introduction to Multiagent System
10.2 Optimal Multirobot Formation
10.2.1 Concepts and Framework of Multirobot Formation
10.2.2 Minimum-Time Three-Robot Line Formation
10.2.3 Simulation Results
10.3 Multirobot Cooperative Pursuit
10.3.1 Preliminary Concepts
10.3.2 Hunting Strategy
10.3.3 Simulation Study
10.4 Multirobot Cooperative Lifting
10.4.1 Problem Formation
10.4.2 PD Feedforward Compensation Control
10.4.3 Adaptive Control
11 Technologies for Other Robot Applications
11.1 Investigation of Robot Kicking
11.1.1 Kinematics
11.1.2 Ballistics
11.1.3 Structure of the Robot
11.1.4 MATLAB Simulation
11.1.5 Implementation and Tests
11.2 Reference Trajectory Adaptation
11.2.1 Interaction Dynamics
11.2.2 Adaptation Model
11.2.3 Convergence Analysis
11.2.4 Simulation Studies


