Adaptive Optics Theory and Its Application in Optical Wireless Communication

《Adaptive Optics Theory and Its Application in Optical Wireless Communication》是Springer出版的圖書,作者是Xizheng Ke, Pengfei Wu。


  • 外文名:Adaptive Optics Theory and Its Application in Optical Wireless Communication
  • 作者:Xizheng Ke, Pengfei Wu
  • 出版社:Springer


This book introduces in detail the theory of adaptive optics and its correction technology for light wave distortion in wireless optical communication. It discusses the adaptive control algorithm of wavefront distortion, proportional+integral control algorithm and iterative control algorithm, and double fuzzy adaptive PID control algorithm. It also covers the SPGD algorithm of adaptive optics correction, deformable mirrors eigenmode method of wavefront aberration correction, vortex beam wavefront detecting wavefront aberration correction, liquid crystal spatial light modulator wavefront correction, different wavelengths of Gaussian beam transmission wavefront differences in the atmospheric turbulence and correction and with wavefront tilt correction adaptive optics wavefront aberration correction. Various distortion correction methods are verified by experiments and the experimental results are analyzed.This book is suitable for engineering and technical personnel engaged in wireless optical communication, college teachers, graduate students and senior undergraduate students.


  1. IntroductionChapter.
  2. Coherent optical communicationChapter.
  3. Adaptive control of wavefront distortionChapter.
  4. Adaptive optics calibration methodsChapter.
  5. Dual fuzzy adaptive proportional integral derivative (PID) controlChapter.
  6. Wavefront correction using the stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithmChapter.
  7. Wavefront distortion correction using deformable mirror eigenmode methodChapter.
  8. Vortex beam wavefront correction without using a wavefront detectorChapter.
  9. Liquid crystal adaptive opticsChapter.
  10. Wavefront viriations of Gaussian beams with different wavelengths propagation in atmospheric turbulenceChapter.
  11. Adaptive control of large amplitude wavefront distortion and tilt.


柯熙政,理學博士,二級教授,陝西省智慧型協同網路軍民融合共建重點實驗室副主任。陝西省教學名師,中國電子學會會士,俄羅斯自然科學院外籍院士。中國電子學會終身高級會員,中國儀器儀表學會高級會員,中國光學工程學會理事,中國光學工程學會高級會員,中國光學學會終身高級會員。陝西省光學學會常務理事。中國照明學會智慧型交通照明專業委員會委員。中國振動工程學會動態信號分析專業委員會常務理事,中國振動工程學會高級會員。美國光學學會會員,SPIE終身會員。(ScholarID:CN-BF75E9GJ)1983年在陝西工學院獲得學士學位,1996年在中國科學院大學獲得理學博士學位。1997年到2002年先後在西安電子科技大學和第二炮兵工程學院進行博士後研究。《電子學報》編委、《紅外與雷射工程》編委,《電子測量與儀器學報》編委,《套用光學》編委,《西安理工大學學報》編委,《時間頻率學報》編委,《Journal of Atmospheric Science Research》編委,Journal of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering編委,《電子測量與儀器學報》(2017年5期)《光電工程》(2020年3期)《電子學報》(2021年11期)“無線光通信”專題特邀編委。國家科技獎勵評審專家,陝西省學位委員會第三屆學科評議組成員。2000年獲得中國科學院優秀青年學者獎。2009年獲得“科技部教育部廣東省優秀科技特派員”稱號。2015年獲得揚州市“綠楊金鳳”領軍人物稱號。2018年獲得中國產學研創新獎,2019年獲得中國產學研創新成果二等獎。2020年獲得“中國電子學會優秀科技工作者”稱號。2021年獲得第九屆阿拉丁神燈獎最佳技術獎(系統類)。多次在國際會議做主旨報告,曾擔任IEEE ICECE(IEEE the 4th International Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering)2020年會議副主席,2021年會議主席,2022年會議主席。International Science and Technology Conference Institute (ISTCI)大會光通信分會副主席。2021年ICAIT(International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology)程式委員會主席。2021 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY會議學術委員會委員。2022 2th International Conference on Optics and Communication Technology(ICOCT 2022)會議主席。2022年國際光電創新大會程式委員會委員。是 Optics Express,Chinese Journal of Electronics,Results in Physics,Journal of Modern Optics,Applied Optics,Waves in Random and Complex Media和Optics and Laser Technology期刊審稿人。

