Academic Libraries in Urban and Metropolitan Areas

Academic Libraries in Urban and Metropolitan Areas

《Academic Libraries in Urban and Metropolitan Areas》是1991年出版的圖書,作者是McCabe, Gerard B.


  • 外文名:Academic Libraries in Urban and Metropolitan Areas
  • 作者:McCabe, Gerard B.
  • 頁數:288 頁
  • ISBN:9780313275364
Solutions to the unique problems of academic libraries in urban and metropolitan areas are provided in this professional handbook. Issues faced by the administrators of these libraries in residential college towns, with service demands emanating from both the surrounding community and their own academic community. Written by experienced urban university librarians, each chapter addresses issues unique to the "in-city" academic library. Reaching out to their communities to establish links with business, industry and other libraries, the administrators of the urban/metropolitan libraries require a great degree of diplomacy and management skills. Service demands arising from urban high schools place additional pressures on limited resources. This handbook shows how the use of new technologies can assist the urban academic librarian in fashioning services for a nonresident faculty, as well as a usually older student body, comprised of many international and part-time students. The characteristics of city living and their impact on information-seeking behaviour are discussed. Other topics covered are resource sharing, setting fees, staff and collection security, environmental pollution and space requirements.

