
《Aazmayish》是由Sachin執導的電影,由Rumi Jaffery、Sajiv Kapoor、Mohan Kumar、Mahesh Shandilya擔任編劇,由Rohit Kumar、Dharmendra、Anjali Jathar主演。


  • 外文名:Aazmayish
  • 導演:Sachin
  • 編劇:Rumi Jaffery、Sajiv Kapoor、Mohan Kumar、Mahesh Shandilya
  • 主演:Rohit Kumar、Dharmendra、Anjali Jathar
  • 上映時間:1995年4月21日


Gorgeous looking Anju Khanna lives in a palatial home with her dad, and mom. Her dad, R.K.Khanna has been having labor problems at his workplace, due to a headstrong union leader named Shanker, who wants better housing and benefits for all workers, and failing which, he has declared an indefinite strike. Her dad would like her to marry Laxmikant alias Lucky Gupta, but Anju does not like him. She has met and has fallen in love with a dashing young man named Raja Singh Rathod. Although Khanna is upset with her for falling in love, he would like to meet him, to which Anju agrees to and brings Raja along to introduce him to her dad. It is then that Khanna finds out that Raja is a poor motor mechanic, and is the brother of union leader, Shanker. He asks Raja to leave, and warns Anju that if she ever sees him again, he will arrange to have Raja killed. Anju must now decide to carry on with her love-life, or obey her father and save her lover's life.
長相漂亮的安珠·卡納和她的爸爸、媽媽住在一個富麗堂皇的家裡。她的父親,R.K .卡納在他的工作場所一直有勞工問題,這是由於一個名叫尚克爾的頑固工會領袖,他希望所有工人都有更好的住房和福利,如果做不到這一點,他就宣布無限期罷工。她的父親希望她嫁給拉克西米坎特,別名幸運古普塔,但安珠不喜歡他。她遇到並愛上了一個名叫拉賈·辛格·拉霍德的英俊青年。雖然卡納對她墜入愛河感到不安,但他想見見他,安珠同意了,並帶著拉賈一起把他介紹給她的父親。這時,卡納發現拉賈是一個糟糕的汽車修理工,是工會領袖尚克爾的兄弟。他要求拉賈離開,並警告安珠,如果她再見到他,他會安排殺死拉賈。安珠現在必須決定繼續她的愛情生活,或者服從她的父親,挽救她的愛人的生命。


Raja Singh RathodRohit Kumar
Shanker Singh RathodDharmendra
Anju KhannaAnjali Jathar


SachinRumi Jaffery、Sajiv Kapoor、Mohan Kumar、Mahesh Shandilya

