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  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˌænɪˈmeɪʃ(ə)n]
  • 美式音標:[ˌænɪˈmeɪʃ(ə)n]


英 [ˌænɪˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [ˌænɪˈmeɪʃ(ə)n]
n. 活力,生氣,熱烈;卡通片;動畫製作
[ 複數 animations ]


computer animation 電腦卡通製作;計算機直觀顯示
animation software 動畫軟體
suspended animation 假死;不省人事;歷程中斷
comic and animation 動漫


  • The films are a mix of animation and full-length features. 這些電影是動畫和情節長片的混合體。
  • 'Dinosaur' combines CGI animation with live-action location shots. 《恐龍》結合了電腦生成的動畫和外景地實地拍攝的畫面。
  • This film is the first British animation sold to an American network. 這部電影是賣給一家美國電視網的第一部英國卡通片。
  • At the required level of visual verisimilitude, computer animation is extremely costly. 要使電腦動畫的視覺效果達到要求的逼真程度,花費會十分昂貴。
  • Animation has stopped being eye-candy for kids and geeks and become mainstream entertainment. 動畫已不僅僅是吸引小孩和動漫迷的東西,而成了主流娛樂方式。
  • "My dear uncle," the old lady said with animation, "we must not punish him further." “我親愛的叔叔,”老太太生氣地說,“我們不能懲罰他。”
  • Disney says "Zootopia" is its most complex animation yet. The extra effort is certainly paying off at the box office. 迪士尼稱《瘋狂動物城》是其目前為止最複雜的卡通片。額外的努力確實換來了高票房的回報。
  • Framestore used body doubles with resemblance to Hepburn's facial structure and body shape as a framework for manual animation. 後期製作使用與赫本的面部結構和體型相似的替身作為手工動畫的框架。
  • The variety of plastic objects at risk is dizzying: early radios, avant-garde sculptures, celluloid animation stills from Disney films, the first artificial heart. 有風險的塑膠製品種類繁多,令人眼花繚亂:早期的收音機、先鋒派雕塑、迪士尼電影公司的動畫電影劇照、第一顆人造心臟等。
  • Lehrer describes how at Pixar Animation, Jobs designed the entire workplace to maximise the chance of strangers bumping into each other, striking up conversations and learning from one another. 萊勒描述了賈伯斯在皮克斯動畫公司時如何設計整個工作場所,以最大限度地增加陌生人相遇、交談和相互學習的機會。
  • His face was drained of all colour and animation. 他面如死灰。
  • The market square is a riot of colour and animation from early on in the morning. 這個集市廣場從一大早就色彩繽紛,生機勃勃。
  • She lay in a state of suspended animation, waiting for dawnlight, when she would rise. 她躺著一動不動,等待著黎明到來後起床。
  • What animation was produced in Studio Ghibli? 吉卜力工作室製作了什麼動畫?
  • Ghibli is one top animation studio in Japan. 吉卜力是日本的的一家頂級動畫工作室。
  • I find just as much satisfaction in teaching animation too. 我也在動畫教學中得到了同樣多的滿足感。
  • The writers from Pixar Animation Studios are trying to tell better stories. 皮克斯動畫工作室的編劇們正嘗試展現更好的故事。
  • If so, read the introduction to the 5 Best Animation (動畫) Studios. 如果是這樣,請閱讀五大最佳動畫工作室的介紹。
  • After years, Disney Animation has become the most famous one in the world. 多年後,迪士尼動畫工作室已成為全球最著名的動畫工作室。
  • What makes her more proud of them is that they have gone from their first animation to creating their own works. 更讓她感到驕傲的是,他們已經從第一部動畫開始創作他們自己的作品。
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs didn't catch any attention in 1937. The logo of Dream Works Animation is known by all cartoon lovers. 1937年,《白雪公主和七個小矮人》並不出名。夢工廠動畫公司的標誌為所有卡通愛好者所熟知。
  • She reaches countless people with her online courses and exposes them to what they can accomplish on their own using animation software, such as GoAnimate and PowToon. 她通過她的線上課程接觸到許多人,並讓他們了解到,可以通過自己使用動畫軟體(如 GoAnimate 和 PowToon)來完成作品。
  • The Br'er Rabbit animation sequences have been used in several TV spots and Disney specials over the years. 這么多年,布雷爾兔的卡通形象一直活躍在電視螢屏和迪斯尼系列片中。
  • Click the Chart Animation TAB. 單擊圖表動畫選項卡。
  • This example doesn't use animation. 這個例子沒有使用動畫。
  • Or simply dropped into an animation? 或者僅僅做成一個動畫?
  • Animation - no path-based animation. 動畫-沒有基於路徑的動畫。
  • Watch an animation of the discovery here. 點此處觀看這一發現的動畫。
  • Next, I write the simple animation engine. 下面我們來編寫一個簡單的動畫引擎。
  • The whole thing could have used animation. 或許整個電影都該用這種動畫來拍。

