A Matter of Death and Life

A Matter of Death and Life

《A Matter of Death and Life》是2021年Piatkus出版社出版的圖書,作者: Irvin Yalom 歐文·亞隆/ Marilyn Yalom 瑪麗蓮·亞隆



  • 外文名:A Matter of Death and Life
  • 作者:Irvin Yalom、Marilyn Yalom
  • 語言:英語
  • 出版時間:2021年3月4日 
  • 出版社:Piatkus 
  • 頁數:240 頁 
  • ISBN:9780349428574 
  • 裝幀:Hardcover 
  • 價格:GBP 16.99 
  • 副標題:Love, Loss and What Matters in the End 


1 The Vital Box
2 Becoming an Invalid
3 Awareness of Evanescence
4 Why Don’t We Move to Assisted Living?
5 Retirement: The Precise Moment of Decision
6 Setbacks and Renewed Hopes
7 Staring at the Sun, Once Again
8 Whose Death Is This Anyway?
9 Facing Endings
10 Considering Physician-Assisted Suicide
11 A Tense Countdown to Thursday
12 A Complete Surprise
13 So Now You Know
14 Death Sentence
15 Farewell to Chemotherapy – and to Hope
16 From Palliative Care to Hospice
17 Hospice Care
18 A Soothing Illusion
19 French Books
20 The End Approaches
21 Death Arrives
22 The After-Death Experience
We Will Remember
23 Life as an Independent, Separate Adult
24 Home Alone
25 Sex and Grief
26 Unreality
27 Numbness
28 Help from Schopenhauer
29 Denial Revealed
30 Stepping Out
31 Indecisiveness
32 On Reading My Own Work
33 Seven Advanced Lessons in the Therapy of Grief
34 My Education Continues
35 Dear Marilyn


