



  • 中文名:31種雅思口語高分必背公式
  • 作者:(美)帕利 等主編,EQ英語雅思研究中心 等編
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 出版時間:2010年1月1日
  • 定價:45 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787560091785


·公式化歸納 總結所有考題類型
·答題思路剖析 教你說什訂慨么 從容回答所有問題
·高分語言點 地道辭彙+核心語法 教你如何說
·答題範例+練習解析 舉一反三 打通高分捷徑


Jonathan Palley,美國人,在史丹福大學主修物理學和戲劇表演。他始終致力於教育與技術的雙重領域,將網際網路技術和培紙蘭辣店訓完美結合,創建了世界領先的語音交流平台,使線上語言培訓實現了革命化巨變。同時也是31種雅思口語高分公式的創始人之一。 Adrian Li,英國人,曾獲劍橋大學經濟學學士和史丹福大學MBA碩士學位。曾供職於世界知名企業摩根大通(JPMorgan)管理層,並在語言學習領域多年不輟研究。2006年來到中國創建了EQ英語,聯合多位語埋謎夜言學專家,獨創EQ英語邏輯學習法,是31種雅思口語高分公式的創始人之一。 Oliver Davies,英國人,曾獲威爾斯大學宗教與哲學學士學位,擁有英國倫敦聖三一學院英語教學師資證書。從事英辯墊捉語教學工作長達10年,先後在多個國家的大學和國際學校里任教。多元文化下的工作經歷以及對語言教學理念的創新,讓他在EQ英語成功地把語言教學搬上了網際網路。


Overview of the IELTS Speaking Test 雅思口語考試概覽
How to study the 31 High-Scoring Formulas如何學習31種雅思口語高分公式Part One 第一部分
Introduction to Part One Formulas第一部分高分公式介紹
Formula1: Do you prefer X to Y?
Formula 2: What do you usually/normally do?
Formula 3: What do you like to do (in your spare time)
Formula 4: What do you dislike about X?
Formula 5: How often do you do X?
Formula 6: What do you like most about X?
Formula 7: Is X popular (in your country)?
Formula 8: What is the best time (of year) to do X?
Formula 9: Why do some people like X?
Formula 10: When was the first/last time you did X?
Formula 11: Did you ever learn to do X?
Formula 12: How has X changed ?
Formula 13: How would you improve X?
Formula 14: How important is X?
Formula 15: What do you want/hope to do (in the future)?
Formula 16: Do people do/get enogh X?
Formula 17: How can people find out about X?
Formula 18: Should people be given X?
Formula 19: Is it difficult to do X?
Formula 20: Is X suitable for (types of people)?
Part Two 第二部分
Introduction to Part Two Formulas 第二部分高分公式介紹
Formula 21: Person Monologue
Formula 22: Place Monologue
Formula 23: Object Monologue
Formula24: Past Event Monologue
Part Three 第三部分
Introduction to Part Three Formulas 第三部分高分公式介紹
Formula 25: Giving and Supporting Opinions
Formula 26: Evaluating Two Different Opinions
Formula 27: Agreeing and Disagreeing
Formula 28: Talking About Advantages and Disadvantages
Formula 29: Expressing Importance and Priority
Formula 30: Proposing Solutions to Problems
Formula 31: Speculating About Future Events and Outcomes
Top 10 ‘Do’s & ‘Don’t’s for the IELTS Speaking Test
Verbs Commonly Misused by IELTS Candidates
Answer Key 練習答案
Formula 4: What do you dislike about X?
Formula 5: How often do you do X?
Formula 6: What do you like most about X?
Formula 7: Is X popular (in your country)?
Formula 8: What is the best time (of year) to do X?
Formula 9: Why do some people like X?
Formula 10: When was the first/last time you did X?
Formula 11: Did you ever learn to do X?
Formula 12: How has X changed ?
Formula 13: How would you improve X?
Formula 14: How important is X?
Formula 15: What do you want/hope to do (in the future)?
Formula 16: Do people do/get enogh X?
Formula 17: How can people find out about X?
Formula 18: Should people be given X?
Formula 19: Is it difficult to do X?
Formula 20: Is X suitable for (types of people)?
Part Two 第二部分
Introduction to Part Two Formulas 第二部分高分公式介紹
Formula 21: Person Monologue
Formula 22: Place Monologue
Formula 23: Object Monologue
Formula24: Past Event Monologue
Part Three 第三部分
Introduction to Part Three Formulas 第三部分高分公式介紹
Formula 25: Giving and Supporting Opinions
Formula 26: Evaluating Two Different Opinions
Formula 27: Agreeing and Disagreeing
Formula 28: Talking About Advantages and Disadvantages
Formula 29: Expressing Importance and Priority
Formula 30: Proposing Solutions to Problems
Formula 31: Speculating About Future Events and Outcomes
Top 10 ‘Do’s & ‘Don’t’s for the IELTS Speaking Test
Verbs Commonly Misused by IELTS Candidates
Answer Key 練習答案

