



  • 中文名:21世紀大學英語S版閱讀教程:理工類1
  • 作者:翟象俊,段成總主編
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年
  • 頁數:130 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787309130072


《21世紀大學英語閱讀教程(1 理工類 S版)/“十二五”普通高等教育本科國家級規劃教材》根據教育部頒發的新《大學英語課程教學要求》以及我國高等院校人才培養特點和教學改革的新成果編寫而成,突出教學內容的實用性和針對性,將語言基礎能力的培養與實際涉外交際能力的訓練有機地結合起來,以滿足21世紀全球化社會經濟發展對高等院校人才的要求。
  《21世紀大學英語閱讀教程(1 理工類 S版)/“十二五”普通高等教育本科國家級規劃教材》為《閱讀教程(理工類)》第1冊,教材的編寫秉承工具性和人文性緊密結合的原則,所選材料突出理工高校學科屬性,以各學科專業領域基礎知識為主,涵蓋了世界經濟及國際金融、網路安全、3D列印技術、環境及氣候問題、新能源及能源保護、一帶一路倡議、高等教育、傳統醫藥、旅遊休閒及飲食等。本冊共8課,每課圍繞一個學科專業主題選取了3篇文章,文後配有相關練習,包括閱讀理解題、簡答題、翻譯題、討論題及大學英語四級考試閱讀題型練習。文章長度和難易度適中,可作為理工高校相關專業學生的英語閱讀教材,也可供相關學科專業技術人員和英語愛好者學習時參考。


Lesson One Higher Education in China
Part Ⅰ Text
Sending Children to Overseas Universities
Part Ⅱ Information Match
What We Can't Learn at College
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
The Number of Chinese College Students Ranking No. 1
in the World
Lesson Two Culture in One-belt & One-road Area
Part Ⅰ Text
One Belt, One Road
Part Ⅱ Information Match
My Experience in Shanxi Province
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
Expo Guests Experience Traditional Chinese Medicine
Lesson Three Economy
Part Ⅰ Text
Japanese Economy Remains Weak
Part Ⅱ Information Match
Will Freelance Guides Make Tourism More Enjoyable?
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
London's Position as International Financial Center at Risk
Lesson Four Public Security
Part Ⅰ Text
Web Antifraud
Part Ⅱ Information Match
Protect Your Privacy When Hunting Job Online
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
"Precobs" System
Lesson Five New Technology
Part Ⅰ Text
Roadblocks and Implications for 3D Printing
Part Ⅱ Information Match
How Will Driverless Technology Change Our Lives?
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
Artificial Intelligence: Helpful and Dangerous
Lesson Six Environment
Part Ⅰ Text
Part Ⅱ Information Match
China Emerges as Global Climate Leader in the Wake of
Trump's Triumph
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
Climate Changing Makes Diseases Worse
Lesson Seven Energy
Part Ⅰ Text
Alternative Energy Sources: Solar and Wind Power
Part Ⅱ Information Match
Energy Conservation
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
Lesson Eight Entertainment
Part Ⅰ Text
Yoga as a Lifestyle
Part Ⅱ Information Match
Street Food Around the World
Part Ⅲ Banked Cloze
National Day Bookings for Travel to US up Threefold
Appendix Key to the Exercises


