



  • 書名:2014中國農業發展報告
  • 作者:中華人民共和國農業部編
  • 出版社:中國農業出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787109203518


《中國農業發展報告(2014 英文版)》介紹了2013年中國農業發展概況、農業生產、農業政策及農業展望。


Executive Summary
Agricultural Development in 2013
General Situation
Crop Production
Animal Husbandry
Veterinary Services
Land Reclamation
Agricultural Mechanization
Crop Seed Industry
Agro-product Prices and Market
Agro-product Imports and Exports
Rural Residents' Income and Consumption
State Funds for Agriculture
Agricultural Comprehensive Development
Poverty Alleviation and Development
Feed Industry
Grassland Protection and Construction
Protection of Aquatic Life Resources
Industrialized Operations of Agriculture
Leisure Agriculture
Urban Modern Agriculture and "Vegetable Basket" Project
Crop Disease and Pest Prevention and Control
Development of Agricultural Product Market System
Agricultural Informatization
Agro-product Quality and Safety Control
Development of National Modern Agriculture Demonstration Areas
Agro-science Research, Popularization and Education
Development of Agriculture and Rural Talent
Development of Agricultural Administrative Capacity
Agricultural Disasters
Sustainable Development of Agriculture
International Agricultural Cooperation and Exchanges
Agriculture and Rural Policy in 2013
General Evaluation
State Financial Support for Agriculture
Management of Rural Land Contract
Management of Rural Collective Assets and Finances
Lightening Farmers' Burdens
Development of Appropriately Sized Agricultural Operations
Promoting the Rural Comprehensive Reform
Development of Rural Pilot Reform Zones
Reform on Rural Collective Property Rights
Promoting Development of Specialized Farmers' Cooperatives
Deeping Systemic Reform of Seed Industry
Deepening Rural Financial Reform
Agro-product Market Control
Reform and Construction of Grassroots-level Agrotech Popularization System
Transfer of Rural Labor Force
Agricultural Legislation
Agricultural Development and National Economy in 2013
General Evaluation
Contribution of Agriculture to National Economy
Agriculture and Distribution of National Income
Proportional Relations between Industrial and Agricultural Development
Develpment of Rural Nonagricultural Sectors and National Economic Growth
Income Gap between Urban and Rural Residents
Consumption Differences between Urban and Rural Residents
Differences in Regional Economic Development
Trend of Agricultural Development in 2014
Development Objectives and Tasks
Conditions for Agricultural Development
Projection of Agricultural Development Trend
Figure 1 Acreages of Different Crops in 2000 and 2013
Figure 2 Total Output of Grain from 1997 to 2013
Figure 3 Total Output of Cotton from 1997 to 2013
Figure 4 Total Output of Oil-bearing Crops from 1997 to 2013
Figure 5 Total Output of Sugar-bearing Crops from 1997 to 2013
Figure 6 Total Output of Fruits from 1997 to 2013
Figure 7 Total Output of Meat from 1997 to 2013
Figure 8 Total Output of Aquatic Products from 1997 to 2013
Figure 9 Monthly Wholesale Prices of Pork, Silver Carp and Vegetables in 2013
Figure 10 Producer Price Indices of Farm Products and Price Indices of Means of Agricultural Production from 1997 to 2013
Figure 11 Usage and Price Indices of Chemical Fertilizers from 1997 to 2013
Figure 12 Monthly Retail Prices of Urea in 2013
Figure 13 Usage and Retail Price Indices of Pesticides from 1997 to 2013
Figure 14 Urban and Rural Consumer Price Indices from 1997 to 2013
Figure 15 Output and Imports of Chemical Fertilizers from 1997 to 2013
Figure 16 Agro-product Exports in Proportion to National Total from 1997 to 2013
Figure 17 Agro-product Imports in Proportion to National Total from 1997 to 20 l 3
Figure 18 Imports and Exports of Grain (ant including soybeans) from 1997 to 2013
Figure 19 Average Per Capita Living Expenses of Rural Residents from 1997 to 2013
Figure 20 Areas of Disaster-hit Farmland (10 percent loss or more) from 1997 to 2013
Figure 21 Areas of Disaster-hit Farmland (30 percent loss or more) from 1997 to 2013
Figure 22 Agricultural Values Added in Proportion to GDP from 1997 to 2013
Figure 23 Values of Rural Retail Sales of Consumer Goods in Prooortion to
National Total from 1997 m 2013
Figure 24 Income of Urban and Rural Residents from 1997 to 20 l 3
Figure 25 Engel Coefficients from 1997 to 2013
Figure 26 Average Per Capita Grain Consumption by Urban and RuralResidents from 1997 to 2013
Figure 27 Average Per Capita Consumption of Pork, Beef and Mutton by Urban and Rural Residents from 1997 to 2013
Figure 28 Average Per Capita Net Income of Rural Residents in 2013 (by Provinces,Autonomous Regions and Municipalities)
Column 1 Strengthen farmland quality building and management
Column 2 Establish dead pig bio-safety disposal long-term mechanism trials
Column 3 The State Council published advices on promoting marine fishery sustainable and healthy development
Column 4 Remarkable Progress Made in Conservation of Tropical Germplasm Resources
Column 5 Give Great Impetus to Socialized Services of Agricultural Machinery
Column 6 Compensation and Rewarding Mechanism for Grassland Ecological Preservation
Column 7 Program of subsidizing early processing of agro-products
Column 8 The MoA listed the first group of valuable agricultural cultural heritage of China
Column 9 Accelerating building of modern plant protection system
Column 10 World Agricultural Outlook Conference
Column 11 Earnestly Strengthening Pesticide Management to Safeguard Agro-product Quality and Safety
Column 12 Pilot Agricultural Reform and Construction Programs at National Modern Agriculture Demonstration Areas
Column 13 Special-purpose Post Program for Agro-tech Popularization Services
Column 14 Development of Model Counties for Standardized "Case-by-Case" Practices
Table 1 Status of Rural Economy in National Economy
Table 2 Output Values of Crop Plantation, Forestry, Husbandry and Fishery (in current-year prices)
Table 3 Material Conditions for Agricultural Production
Table 4 Crop Acreage
Table 5 Natural Disasters,Waterlogging Control and Solodization
Table 6 Original Values of Average Per-Household Productive Fixed Assets in Rural Areas
Table 7 Basic Conditions of Rural Households
Table 8 Output of Major Farm Produce
Table 9 Livestock, Poultry and Aquatic Farming
Table 10 Major Financial and Economic Indices of Township Enterprises
Table 11 Supply, Demand and Prices of Rice
Table 12 Supply, Demand and Prices of Wheat
Table 13 Supply, Demand and Prices of Corn
Table 14 Supply, Demand and Prices of Soybeans
Table 15 Output, Imports and Exports of Grain and Edible Vegetable Oil
Table 16 Output, Import and Export of Cotton and Sugar
Table 17 Production, Consumption, Import and Export of Pork
Table 18 Production, Imports and Prices of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides
Table 19 Per Capita Income of Urban and Rural Residents
Table 20 Per Capita Spending of Urban and Rural Residents
Table 21 Per Capita Food Consumption of Urban and Rural Residents
Table 22 Price Indices
Table 23 Producer Price Indices of Farm Products
Table 24 Classified Retail Price Indices in Urban and Rural Areas
Table 25 Wholesale Prices of "Vegetable Basket" Products
Table 26 State Revenue and Expenditure
Table 27 Production and Management of Contracted Rural Land
Table 28 Household Size and Composition in Rural Areas in 2013
Table 29 Enterprises, Labor Force and Farmland per Village in 2013


