



  • 書名:2010中國衛生年鑑
  • 作者:陳竺
  • 出版社:人民衛生出版社
  • 頁數:651頁
  • 開本:16
  • 外文名:2010 Year Book of Health in the People's Republic of China
  • 譯者:王琔
  • 出版日期:2011年12月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • 定價:688.00




SpeciaIRecordⅠ Reform of Medical and Health System
1.Work of the Ministry of Health on Reform of Medical and Health System in 2009
2.Work on Deepening the Reform of Medical and Health System Was Initiated in All Aspects
3.The Progress of Implementing the Remedy Hepatitis B Vaccination Program
4.The Ministry of Health and Two Other Ministries jointly Printed and Issued Opinions on Promoting the Progressive Equalization of Basic Public Health Service
5.The Health Investment Policies of Medical and Health Care System Were Implemented
6.The Establishment and Implementation of the National Essential Drug System Were Pushed forward Special Record ⅡPrevention and Control of A/H1N1 Influenza
1.The Prevention and Control of A/HINl Influenza by the Ministry of Health
2.China First Completed the Clinical Trial of Influenza A Vaccines
3.The Government Allocated Special Funds to Ensure the Prevention and Control of the A/H1N1
4.The First Strain of A/H1N1 Virus Was Isolated in China and the Gene Sequences Were Determined
5.The Research and Production of A/H1N1 Vacane Was Successful
PartⅠSignificant Reports in Conference
1.Study and Practice the Scientific Outlook of Development, Deepenthe Reform of Medical and Health and Make Great Efforts to Create a New Aspect of Reform and Development of Health —Speech Made by Chen Zhu, Miruster of the Ministry of Health, at 2009 National Health Work Conference (January 8.2009)
2.Speed up the Post—Disaster Restoration and Reconstruction of theMedical and Health System in Solidarity and with Joint Efforts —An Address by Health Minister Chen Zhu at the CoordinationMeeting on the Counterpart Assistance in the Restoration and Construction of the Medical and Health System Held in WenchuanEarthquake—stricken Area (July 29, 2009)
3.Minister of the Ministry of Health, Chen Zhu Published a SignedArticle in People's Daily: Doctor—patient Parties Are Community of Interests
4.Have a Clear Understanding of the Situation and Reinforce OurConfidence to Boost the Reform of Medical and Health System withAll Our Might
—An Address by Party Secretary of Ministry of Health Gao Qiang
at 2009 National Health Work Session (January 9, 2009)
5.An Address by Party Secretary and Deputy Minister of Ministry ofHealth Zhang Mao at the Kick—off Meeting on the Implementation of Major Projects of Public Health Services and the Promotion of EqualAccess to Basic Public Health Services (June 18, 2009)
6.Carry through Opinions on Medical Reform, Deepen Ideological Cognition and Spare No Effort to Promote "Project of Rertdering Aidto the Rural Health by Ten Thousand Doctors" —Speech by Secretary of Party Group of the Ministry of Health, Zhang Mao at the Video— and Tele— Conference on "Continue to Implement the Project of Rendering Aid to the Rural Health by Ten Thousand Doctors" (July 29, 2009)
7.Further Study and Apply Scientific Outlook on Development and Fully Promote the New Development of Food and Drug Supervision& Management—Report at the 2009 National Food and Drug Supervision &Management Work Conference—By Shao Mingli, Commissioner of State Food and DrugAdministration (January 13, 2009)
8.Emancipate the Mind, Deepen the Reform, Clarify the Task, Doa Solid Job to Promote the Development of the Undertaking of the Traditional Chinese Medical Science and Medicines —Speech by Wang Guoqiang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Health and Concurrently Chief of the State Administration ofTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) (January 12, 2009)
PartⅡPolicy and Statute 1.Regulation on the Implementation of the Food Safety Law of thePeople's Republic of China
2.Plan on Recent Priorities in Carrying out the Reform of Health Care System (2009~2011)
3.Several Opinions of the State Counal on Supporting and Promoting the Development of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Undertaking (No.22 (2009) of the State Council)
4.Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Earnestly Implementing the Food Safety Law (No.25 (2009) of the General Office of the State Council)
5.The Plan for National Prevention and Treatment of Occupational Disease( Year 2009—2015)
6.Measures for the Administration of Short—term Medical Practice in the Mainland by Doctors from the Taiwan Region
7.List of the Department Rules the Ministry of Health Has Decided to Annul (23Rules)
8.National Contents of Essential Medicines (abridged)
9.Health Standards Promulgated in 2009
PartⅢProgress of Work
1.The Health Work in 2009
2.2009 National Conference on Health Work
3.The Handling of the Suggestions and the Proposals at the NPC andCPPCC of 2009
4.Organize and Develop the Study on Major Issues, the SystemReform of Medical Health and the General Train of Thought about Development at the Beginning Period of "the 12th Five—Year—Plan"
5.New Progress in the Research Network on WHO Evidence—basedHealth Policies (EVIPNet)
Chapter ⅠPrevention and Control of
1.Prevention and Control of Diseases in 2009
2.2009 National Outline of Epidemic Situation of Statutory InfectiousDiseases
3.The Prevention and Control of Hand—foot—mouth Disease
4.Status Quo of China Rabies Prevention and Treatment Issued by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Agriculture and State Food and Drug Administration
5.The Progress in the Maintenance of Polio—free Nationwide
6.Expand Nationallmmuruzation Planning
7.The Progress in 2009 of AIDS Prevention and Treatment
8.More Subsidies Were Given by the Central Finance for Local AIDS Prevention and Treatment
9.2009 Joint Assessment on AIDS Epidemics in China
10.The Survey of Epidemiology on Hepatitis C
11.The Monitoring of Venereal Diseases and the Epidemic Analysis
12.The Progress in National Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment
13.The Progress in Leprosy Prevention and Treatment
14.The Instruction of the Leaders of the State Council: Requiring Schistosomiasis Eradication
15.The Present Situation of Schistosomiasis Prevention and Treatment in 2009
16.Coping with Emergent Kala—azar
17.The Epidemic Situation of Echinococcosis and the Present Situation of Its Prevention and Treatment
18.The Epidemic Situation of Malaria and the Present Situation of ItsPrevention and Treatment
19.Brief Status of National Inspection of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) in 2009
20.The Third Forum on Diabetes Was Held
21.The Official Completion of the Integrated Exploration Project ofDiabetes Hospital and Community
22.Launch Training for the Teachers of Mental Disease Prevention andTreatment
23.Launch Health Education on Healthy Use of Internet by Teenagers 24.Promote Post—disaster Psychological Aid
25.Launch the Series of Propaganda Activities on National "Teethloving Day"
Section 1The Work Progress of CDC of China Subsectionl ImportantActivities
1.Premier Wen Jiabao Inspected the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
2.Vice Premier Li Keqiang Went to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention to Inspect the Work of the Control and Prevention of Influenza A
Subsection 2 Monitoring and Controloflnfectious Diseases
1.The Ministry of Health, the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS and the World Health Organization (WHO) Evaluated AIDS Epidemic in China
2.Outpatient Maintenance Therapy with Methadone
3.Ministerial Meeting of High M/XDR—TB Burden Countries Was Held
4.Cooperation Was Made between China and the Bill & MelindaGates Foundation to Jointly Fight against Tuberculosis
5.Symposium on Sino—US TB Laboratory Was Held Subsection 3 Implementation of thelmmunization Program
1.Work of the Expansion of the Nationallmmunization Program
2.Infectious Diseases in the Immunization Program Were WellControlled
Subsection 4 The Prevention & Treatment of Chronic Diseases and the Community Health Service
1.The Survey of the National System of Diseases Control andPrevention on the Ability of the Prevention and Control of ChronicDiseases and the Ability of Tobacco Control Was Conducted
2.Action for National Healthy Lifestyle
Subsection 5 InternationalCooperation and Exchanges
1.The Bilateral Cooperative Partnership with U.S.Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention as the Core was Expanded.
2.Beijing International Symposium on Hand—Foot—Month Disease wasHeld.
3.The 2nd International Conference on Micronutrients Forum WasHeld.
4.The Training Workshop Was Held for Parasitosis Control and Prevention of Developing Countries.
ChapterⅡ Patriotic Health Campaign
Chapter Ⅲ Health Emergency Response
ChapterⅣFood Safety, Health Supervisionand Law Enforcement
Chapter Ⅴ Frontier Health Inspection and Quarantine
Chapter ⅥRural Health
Chapter ⅦMaternal and Child Health Care and Community Health
Chapter ⅧMedical Administration
Chapter ⅨMedical Education
Chapter ⅩMedical Science and Technology
Chapter Ⅺ Supervision and Administration of Food and Drugs
Chapter Ⅻ The Management of Traditional Chinese Medical Science and Medicines Service
Chapter ⅩⅢManagement of Pharmaceutical Industry
Chapter ⅩⅣ Management of Medical Insurance
Chapter ⅩⅤManagement of Planning andFinance
Chapter ⅩⅥ Health Educationg News and Publication
Chapter ⅩⅦ International Cooperation and Utilization of ForeignCapitals
Part Ⅳ Health Work of the PLA
Part Ⅴ Personnel and Cadres


