2008北京國際新聞中心是第29屆奧運會期間北京市建設的接待世界各國和地區未獲得國際奧委會註冊證件的媒體記者的重要場所,是賽時北京市政府對外發布新聞的重要平台。中心將努力提供符合國際慣例的專業服務,使2008北京國際新聞中心成為服務於各國和地區媒體記者的“記者之家”。 中心設在北京中軸路二三環之間的歌華開元大酒店(原華北大酒店),距奧運主場館2公里,公共運輸便利。
- 中文名:2008北京國際新聞中心
- 屬性:國際新聞
- 地區:北京
- 時間:2008年
2008 Beijing International Media Center is a major initiative by Beijing city government to assist many journalists coming from all over the world to cover the 2008 Olympic Games who do not hold IOC accreditation certificates.
The Media Center aims to serve as a vital platform for the latest news releases from Beijing city government. We will do our utmost to provide you with the professional services you need, in keeping with international practices. We will provide services for journalists from all the different countries and regions of the world, and we hope to create a community for everyone concerned.
2008 Beijing International Media Center is in the Ge Hua Kai Yuan Grand Hotel (formerly Hua Yuan North Grand Hotel), which is located between the Second and Third Ring Roads, 2 kilometers away from the main Olympic stadium. There is convenient public transport.
The Media Center offers services designed to meet the needs of those engaged in reporting and editing; there are sections dedicated to registration, work zones, exhibitions, restaurants, and entertainment areas. Throughout the whole period of the Olympic Games, the Media Center will hold frequent press conferences and offer plentiful information about the Games, as well as news about Beijing and events in the city. Materials will be provided in written formats, photos and video. We are also committed to offering internet services.
The Media Center will organize a series of exhibitions, performances, and lectures around the themes of the Olympic Games 2008, namely a “Green Olympics, high-Tech Olympics and People’s Olympics”, as well as the slogan “One World, One Dream”. We hope to give journalists the chance to enjoy themselves and the Games, and to share happiness, harmony, friendship and common values.
The Beijing International Media Center will open its doors to both domestic and foreign journalists on 8 July 2008.
2008北京國際新聞中心位於鼓樓外大街19號,英文名為The 2008 Beijing International Media Center,簡稱BIMC。於今天同時啟動的,還有位於北辰西路的北京奧運會主新聞中心(The 2008 Main Press Center,簡稱MPC)。但這兩個新聞中心的功能有所不同,前者是提供奧運會期間的非賽事新聞,而後者則為賽事新聞。