



  • 書名:100個詞讀懂中國共產黨與中華民族偉大復興:英文
  • 作者:100個詞讀懂中國共產黨與中華民族偉大復興編寫組 編
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年5月1日
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787119122694


Revitalizing the Chinese nation has been the greatest dream of the Chinese people since modern times. From its founding in 1921, the Communist Party of China (CPC) took up the mission of revitalizing the Chinese nation. Uniting and leading the Chinese people, it has made tremendous sacrifice and overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles to create miracles that will go down in history. Its historic feats are indelible.
  After 97 years of strenuous struggle, the Chinese nation has witnessed an unprecedented leap from national independence to prosperity, and thence to a strong nation. It is showing great vitality and contributing to global development and human progress. Today, China is drawing closer to the goal, and is more confident of its ability to succeed than at any time in history.
  These past 97 years have proven that only socialism can save China. Only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China, and only by upholding and developing Chinese socialism can we revitalize the Chinese nation.
  These past 97 years have proven that the CPC is a glorious and advanced political party of the proletariat. History has proven and will continue to prove that only by upholding and strengthening CPC leadership can we revitalize the Chinese nation.


Publisher's Note
Chapter One 1 From the "Sick Man of Asia" to National Independence
001 The First Opium War
002 The May 4th Movement
003 The Founding of the CPC
004 The Red Boat Spirit 9'
005 The First KMT-CPC Cooperation
006 The Great Revolution
007 The Agrarian Revolutionary War
008 Jinggangshan Spirit
009 The Gutian Meeting
010 The Long March
011 The Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
012 The Second KMT-CPC Cooperation
013 The Seventh National Congress of the CPC
014 Mao Zedong Thought
015 Yan'an Spirit
016 The War of Liberation
017 The Founding Ceremony of the PRC
018 The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea
019 Socialist Transformation
020 The First Five-Year Plan
021 The System of People's Congresses
022 The System of Multi-Party Cooperation and Political Consultation Led by the CPC
023 The System of Regional Ethnic Autonomy
024 The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
025 The "Double-Hundred Policy"
026 The Eighth National Congress of the CPC
027 The "Four Modernizations"
028 The "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Projects
029 Spirit of Lei Feng
030 Spirit of Jiao Yulu
031 Spirit of "Iron Man"
Chapter Two From National Independence to Prosperity
Chapter Three From Prosperity to a Strong Nation


