- 中文名:龐川
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 職業:澳門科技大學 副校長
- 畢業院校:復旦大學
- 主要成就:澳門科技大學 副校長
澳門科技大學 研究生院院長
澳門特別行政區立法會議員 - 代表作品:基於非對稱GARCh-VaR 模型的中國利率風險度量–對Shibor 的實證
- 研究方向:管理科學、統計學、信息系統
- Qing Yang, Chuan Pang, Liu Liu, David C. Yen, J. Michael Tarn, Exploring Consumer Perceived Risk and Trustfor Online Payments: An Empirical Study on China’s Younger Generation, Computers in Human Behavior,Volume 50, September 2015, Pages 9-24, SSCI/SCI
- Huajun Tang, Chuan Pang, C.T. Ng, Optimization of Vehicle Population and Reduction of CO2 Emission,International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2014, 6(4): 412-421, SSCI
- Mong-Yuan Chang, Kuanchin Chen, Chuan Pang, Chien-Min Chen, David C. Yen, "A Study on the Effects ofService Convenience and Service Quality on Maintenance Revisit Intentions", Computer Standards & Interfaces,Vol. 35, Issue 2, February 2013. SCI
- Chuan Pang, Hsing Hung Chen, "Evolution of Dynamic Manufacturing Systems and its CorrespondingOperations Priorities and Corporate Performance", Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, Vol.4, No. 18, 2012. EI
- Chuan Pang, Hsing Hung Chen, "Learning Effects of Environmental Management Systems on the Performanceof IT Manufacturing Enterprises", Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 17, 2012.EI
- Chao Ma, Chuan Pang and Hsing Hung Chen, "The Development of Information Systems and itsCorresponding Financial Operations and Corporate Performance", Information: an InternationalInterdisciplinary Journal, 15(2), 2012. SCI
- Hsing Hung Chen, Chuan Pang, “Organizational forms for knowledge management in photovoltaic solar energyindustry”, Knowledge-Based Systems, 23, 2010. SCI
- J. Michael Tarn, Chuan Pang, David C. Yen, Jon Chen, "Exploring the implementation and application ofBluetooth technology in the shipping industry", Computer Standards & Interfaces 31 (2009), 48-55. SCI
- Chuan Pang, David C. Yen, J. Michael Tarn, "Exploring online shoppers' e-trust in China", Human SystemsManagement, Vol. 26, 2007, 193-198. EI
- Chuan Pang, Zhengchuan Xu, J. Michael Tarn, "A web services based framework for knowledge management ina peer-to-peer environment”, Communications of the ICISA, Vol. 8(1), 2006, 39-54
- Matthew Tingchi Liu, Michael Chuan Pang, "A Research Note on The Practical 10 Ps for Internet Marketing",Advances in Information Theories and Technologies (English Part), ISBN: 9787121040788, 42-47
- Chuan Pang, "Factors Affecting Consumers’ Trust Building in B-to-C e-Commerce Market of China", JointConference on Information Systems, Salt Lake City, USA, 2005/07
- Chuan Pang, "An empirical study on the factors affecting consumers’ trust building in B-to-C e-CommerceMarkets of China", 5th International Conference on Management, Vol.1, May 2004. ISBN: 99937-53-07-6,540-54
- 龐川,《電子商務商業模式研究》,澳門科技大學出版社,ISBN 978-99937-53-12-4,2007 年專著章節:
- 管理信息系統 (原書第 9 版),機械工業出版社,ISBN:7-111-21589-9,翻譯第 5、6、7、8 章
- 2008 - 2010 基於消費者行為分析的網上支付風險管理與監管研究(國家自然科學基金)
- 2005 - 2007 電子商務商業模式研究(澳門科技發展基金)
- 2001 - 2003 澳門信息化發展水平與發展策略研究(澳門基金會)
- CPA Australia
- 澳門科技大學第一屆“教學傑出獎”