龍加福,現任南開大學生命科學學院教授,博士生導師,校特聘教授,藥物化學生物學國家重點實驗室固定PI。1999年畢業於南開大學生命科學學院生物化學及分子生物學系, 獲得學士學位, 同年9月進入香港科技大學生物化學系學習,師從張明傑院士,2004年8月獲得香港科技大學生物化學博士學位。2004年9月至2007年2月於香港科技大學生物化學系從事博士後研究。
龍加福教授自2007年01月獨立主持實驗室以來,運用多學科交叉的手段和方法系統地研究蛋白質或複合物的結構與功能,現主要研究方向是基因表達調控與疾病,相對系統的研究了組蛋白修飾複合物的裝配機理及染色質變構的調節機制。研究成果闡明了參與組蛋白修飾的Elongator複合物裝配的分子機制和PAF1複合物特異識別組蛋白底物的作用機理。揭示了染色質變構因子SATB1多聚化的分子機制及其多聚化參與調節染色質高級結構的可能作用機理。從生物化學及結構生物學的角度推動了多蛋白功能複合物參與基因表達調控的表觀遺傳學機制,為科學發展做出了一定貢獻。主持973計畫子課題、國家自然科學基金、天津市自然科學基金重點項目等。科研論文主要發表在Nat Struct Mol Biol、PNAS、Cell Res、Angew Chem Int Ed、Nucleic Acids Res、Structure和JBC等國際知名雜誌。
我們運用生物化學、結構生物學(包括液體核磁共振和X-射線晶體學)、分子及細胞生物學的手段和方法系統地研究蛋白質或複合物的結構與功能。現實驗室主要進行以下項目的研究:表觀遺傳調控蛋白的結構與功能;參與細胞極性調控的蛋白複合物的分子機理;與人類重大疾病相關蛋白的作用機理。作為通訊作者或第一作者在國際著名雜誌Angewandte Chemie Int.Ed., Nature Struc.Mol.Biol., PNAS, Nucleic Acids Res., FASEB J., JBC, JMB等發表論文和其它論文共近二十篇。
1. 組蛋白修飾複合物的裝配機理
2. 染色質變構的調節機制
3. 與人類重大疾病相關蛋白的作用機理
1. 2007年 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫
2. 2014年 天津市自然科學一等獎(第五完成人)“超分子水凝膠的製備及生物醫療套用”
3. 2015年 第十三屆天津青年科技獎
4. 2016年 入選“南開大學2015年度十大科技進展”項目
5. 2016年 第七屆賽諾菲-Cell Research優秀論文獎
1.“Supramodular structure and synergistic target binding of the N-terminal tandem PDZ domains of PSD-95”, Long, J., Tochio, H., Wang, P., Fan J.-S,. Sala, C., niethammer, M., Sheng, M. and Zhang, M., J. Mol. Biol., 327(1): 203-214 (2003).
2.“The tetrameric L27 domain complex as an organization platform for supramolecular assemblies”, Feng, W.,Long, J.(equal contribution), Fan, J,-S., Suetake, T., Zhang, M., Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 11(5):475-480 (2004).
3. “A unified assembly mode revealed by the structures of tetrameric L27 domain complexes formed by mLin-2/mLin-7 and Patj/Pals1 scaffold proteins”, Feng, W., Long, J.(equal contribution), Zhang, M.,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102(19): 6861-6866 (2005).
4.“Autoinhibition of X11/Mint Scaffold Proteins Revealed by the Closed Conformation of the PDZ Tandem”, Long, J., Feng, W., Wang, R., Chan, L.-N., Fanny, Ip. Xia, J., Nancy, Ip. Zhang, M., Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 12(8): 722-728 (2005).
5.“Supramodular nature of GRIP1 revealed by the structure of its PDZ12 tandem in complex with the carboxyl tail of Fras1”, Long, J., Wei, Z., Feng, W., Yu, C., Zhao, Y. –X., Zhang, M., J. Mol. Biol., 375(5):1457-1468 (2008).
6.“Structural basis of b-catenin Recognition by Tax-interaction Protein-1”, Zhang, J., Yan, X., Shi, C., Yang, X., Guo, Y., Tian, C., Long, J.*, Shen, Y.*, J. Mol. Biol., 384(1): 255-263 (2008). (*: Co-corresponding author).
7. “Molecular Mechanism of Inward Rectifier Potassium Channel 2.3 Regulation by Tax-interacting Protein-1”, Yan, X., Zhou, H., Zhang, J., Shi, C., Xie, X., Wu, Y., Tian, C., Shen, Y.*, Long, J.*, J. Mol. Biol., 392(4): 967-976 (2009).
8. “Structural basis for tandem L27 domain-mediated polymerization”, Yang, X., Xie, X., Chen, L., Zhou, H., Wang, Z., Zhao, W., Tian, R., Zhang, R., Tian, C., Long. J.*, Shen, Y.*, FASEB J., 24(12): 4806-4815 (2010).
9. “The structural basis for the oligomerization of the N-terminal domain of SATB1”, Wang, Z., Yang, X., Chu, X., Zhang, J., Zhou, H., Shen, Y.*, Long, J.*, Nucleic Acids Res., 40(9): 4193-4202 (2012).
10. “Structure of an L27 domain heterotrimer from the cell polarity complex Patj/Pals1/Mals2 reveals a mutually independent L27 domain assembly mode”, Zhang, J., Yang, X., Wang, Z., Zhou, H., Xie, X., Shen, Y.*, Long, J.*, J. Biol. Chem., 287(14): 11132-11140 (2012).
11. “Rational design of a tetrameric Protein to enhance interactions between self-assembled fibers confers molecular hydrogels”, Zhang, X., Chu, X., Wang, L., Wang, H., Liang, G., Zhang, J., Long, J.*, Yang, Z.*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51(18): 4388-4392 (2012).
12. “Crystal structure of Elongator subcomplex Elp4-6”, Lin, Z., Zhao, W., Diao, W., Xie, X., Wang, Z., Zhang, J., Shen, Y.*, Long, J.*, J. Biol. Chem.287(25): 21501-21508 (2012).
13. “Open-closed mechanism of Mint2 regulates APP metabolism”, Xie, X., Yan, X., Wang, Z., Zhou, H., Diao, W., Zhou, W., Long, J.*, Shen, Y.*, J. Mol. Cell Biol.5(1): 48-56 (2013).
14. “Multifunctional biohybrid hydrogels for cell culture and cotrolled drug release”, Wang, H., Han, A., Cai, Y., Xie, Y., Zhou, H.*, Long, J.*, Yang, Z.*, Chem. Commun., 49(67): 7448-7450 (2013).
15. “Growth stimulation of bacterium Delftia by a peptide hydrogel”, Du, X., Wu, Z.,Long, J.*, Wang, L.*, RSC Adv., 3(40): 18259-18262 (2013).
16. “Structural insights into Paf1 complex assembly and histone binding”, Chu, X., Qin, X., Xu, H., Li, L., Wang, Z., Li, F., Xie, X., Zhou, H., Shen Y.*, Long, J.*, Nucleic Acids Res., 41(22): 10619-10629 (2013).
17. “Rational design of multifunctional hetero-hexameric proteins for hydrogel formation and controlled delivery of bioactive molecules”, Zhang, X., Zhou, H., Xie, Y., Ren, C., Ding, D.*, Long, J.*, Yang, Z.*, Adv. Healthc. Mater., 3(11): 1804-1811 (2014).
18. “Crystal structure of the Ubiquitin-like domain-CUT repeat-like tandem of special AT-rich sequence binding protein 1 (SATB1) reveals a coordinating DNA-binding mechanism”, Wang, Z., Yang, X., Guo, S., Yang, Y., Su, X-C., Shen, Y.*, Long, J.*, J. Biol. Chem., 289(40): 27376-27385 (2014).
19. “A genetically modified protein-based hydrogel for 3D culture of AD293 cells”, Du, X., Wang, J., Diao, W., Wang, L., Long, J.*, Zhou, H.*, PLoS One, 9(9): e107949 (2014).
20. “The Elp2 subunit is essential for Elongator assembly and functional regulation”, Dong, C., Lin, Z., Diao, W., Li, D., Chu, X., Wang, Z., Zhou, H., Xie, Z., Shen, Y.*, Long, J.*, Structure, 23(6): 1078-1086(2015).
21. “Angiomotin binding-induced activation of Merlin/NF2 in the hippo signaling pathway”, Li, Y., Zhou, H., Li, F., Chan, S., Lin, Z., Wei, Z., Yang, Z., Guo, F., Lim, C., Xing, W., Shen, Y., Hong, W., Long, J.*, Zhang, M.*, Cell Res., 25(7): 801-817 (2015).
22. “Dimerization of elongator protein 1 is essential for Elongator complex assembly”, Xu, H., Lin, Z., Li, F., Diao, W., Dong, C., Zhou, H., Xie, X., Wang, Z., Shen, Y.*, Long, J.*, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 112(34): 10697-10702 (2015).
23. “Self-assembly molecular chaperone to concurrently inhibit the production and aggregation of amyloid b peptide associated with Alzheimer's disease”, Hang, F., Qu A., Yang H., Zhu L., Zhou, H., Liu J., Long J.*, and Shi L.*, Acs Macro lett., 7: 983-989 (2018).
24. “Paf1 and Ctr9 subcomplex formation is essential for Paf1 complex assembly and functional regulation”, Xie Y., Zheng M., Chu X., Chen Y., Xu H., Wang J., Zhou, H.*, Long J.*, Nat. Commun., 9(1): 3795 (2018).
25. “ Treatment with Humanized Selective CD19CAR-T Cells Shows Efficacy in Highly Treated B-ALL Patients Who Have Relapsed after Receiving Murine-Based CD19CAR-T Therapies”, Zhao Y., Liu Z., Wang X., Wu H., Zhang J., Yang J., Zhang F., Liu L.,Long J.*, Lu P.*, Chen Z.*, Clin Cancer Res., 25(18): 5595-5607 (2019).