


  • 中文名:齊曉花
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1982年4月
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 職務:揚州大學園藝與植物保護學院碩士生導師
  • 職稱:副教授


2005/3 - 2009/3,浙江大學,蔬菜學恥影墓擔,博士
2007/4 - 2008/4, 日本東京大學,植物分子遺傳學,聯合培養博士
2003/9 - 2005/3,浙江大學,蔬菜學,碩博連讀
1999/9 - 2003/7,河南農業大學,園藝學,學士
2013/7 - 至今,揚州大學,園藝與植物保護學院,副教授
2014/12 – 2016/1,日本名古屋大學,農學部,訪問學者
2012/11 - 2013/9,日本名古屋大學,農學部,訪問學者
2009/3 - 2013/7,揚禁店說州大學,園藝與植物保護學院,講師




1.國家重點研發計畫子課題,瓜類蔬菜優質多抗適應性強新品種培育(2018YFD0100702), 2018-2020。
4.International Foundation for Science, Identification of powdery mildew resistance gene in cucumber based on digital gene expression profiling(C/5150-1), 2011/12-2013/12。


1.Qian CL, Ren NN, Wang JY, Xu Q, Chen XH,Qi XH(通訊乃匪洪頌作者). Effects of exogenous application of CPPU, NAA and GA4+7on parthenocarpy and fruit quality in cucumber (Cucumis sativusL.), Food Chemistry, 2018,243,410-413.
2.Qi XH (共同第一作者), Shimamura S, Yanagawa A, Hiraga S, Nakazono M. is required for aerenchymatous phellem formation in the hypocotyl of soybean under waterlogged conditions. Annals of Botany, 2018, 121(4): 723-732.
3.Hu ZY,Qi XH, Zhang MF, Chen XH, Nakazono M. Roles of Phytohormones in Morphological and Anatomical Responses of Plants to Flooding Stress. Plant Hormones under Challenging Environmental Factors, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016.
4.Qi XH, Xu XW, Lin XJ, Zhang WJ, Chen XH. Identification of differentially expressed genes in cucumber (Cucumis sativusL.) root under waterlogging stress by digital gene expression profile, Genomics, 2012 (99): 160-168.
5.Qi XH, Zhang MF. Molecular phylogenetic studies on members of theBrassicaandRaphanusgenera based on the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer, the chloroplasttrnL intron,trnL-F, and cpSSRs, Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2012, 87(2): 149-156.
6.Qi XH,Xu XW,Luo JJ, Gao HJ,Xu Q, Lin XJ,Zhu BY,Chen XH. Cloning, characterization and expression ofCsGAPDH, a waterlogging responsive gene in cucumber,Acta Horticulturae Sinica,2011, 38(9): 1693-1698. (in Chinese)
7.Qi XH,Li T, Xu Q, Chen XH. Modulation of chlorophyll contents and anti-oxidant systems in two cucumber varieties under waterlogging stress and subsequent drainage, Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2011 86(4): 337-342.
8.Qi XH,Chen RF,Xu Q,Chen XH. Preliminary analysis of cucumber submergence tolerance at seedling stage, China Vegetables, 2011(4): 23-28, (in Chinese)
9.Qi XH, Xu Q, Shen LP, Alfandi M, Luo JJ, Chen XH. Identification of differentially expressed genes between powdery mildew resistant near-isogenic line and susceptible line of cucumber by suppression subtractive hybridization, Scientia Horticulturae, 2010 (126): 27-32.
10.Qi XH, Yang JH, Yu JQ, Zhang MF, Genetic and heterosis analysis for important agronomic traits of Chinese vegetable mustard (Brassica juncea) in different environements, Genetica, 2009(136): 89–95.
11.Qi XH, Yang JH, Zhang MF. AFLP - based genetic diversity assessment among Chinese vegetable mustards (Brassica juncea(L.) Czern.), Genetic resources and crop evolution, 2008 (55): 705 – 711.
12.Qi XH, Zhang MF, Yang JH. Molecular phylogeny of Chinese vegetable mustard(Brassica juncea)based on the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Genetic resources and crop evolution, 2007 (54): 1709 – 1716.


2.Qi XH (共同第一作者), Shimamura S, Yanagawa A, Hiraga S, Nakazono M. is required for aerenchymatous phellem formation in the hypocotyl of soybean under waterlogged conditions. Annals of Botany, 2018, 121(4): 723-732.
3.Hu ZY,Qi XH, Zhang MF, Chen XH, Nakazono M. Roles of Phytohormones in Morphological and Anatomical Responses of Plants to Flooding Stress. Plant Hormones under Challenging Environmental Factors, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016.
4.Qi XH, Xu XW, Lin XJ, Zhang WJ, Chen XH. Identification of differentially expressed genes in cucumber (Cucumis sativusL.) root under waterlogging stress by digital gene expression profile, Genomics, 2012 (99): 160-168.
5.Qi XH, Zhang MF. Molecular phylogenetic studies on members of theBrassicaandRaphanusgenera based on the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer, the chloroplasttrnL intron,trnL-F, and cpSSRs, Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2012, 87(2): 149-156.
6.Qi XH,Xu XW,Luo JJ, Gao HJ,Xu Q, Lin XJ,Zhu BY,Chen XH. Cloning, characterization and expression ofCsGAPDH, a waterlogging responsive gene in cucumber,Acta Horticulturae Sinica,2011, 38(9): 1693-1698. (in Chinese)
7.Qi XH,Li T, Xu Q, Chen XH. Modulation of chlorophyll contents and anti-oxidant systems in two cucumber varieties under waterlogging stress and subsequent drainage, Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2011 86(4): 337-342.
8.Qi XH,Chen RF,Xu Q,Chen XH. Preliminary analysis of cucumber submergence tolerance at seedling stage, China Vegetables, 2011(4): 23-28, (in Chinese)
9.Qi XH, Xu Q, Shen LP, Alfandi M, Luo JJ, Chen XH. Identification of differentially expressed genes between powdery mildew resistant near-isogenic line and susceptible line of cucumber by suppression subtractive hybridization, Scientia Horticulturae, 2010 (126): 27-32.
10.Qi XH, Yang JH, Yu JQ, Zhang MF, Genetic and heterosis analysis for important agronomic traits of Chinese vegetable mustard (Brassica juncea) in different environements, Genetica, 2009(136): 89–95.
11.Qi XH, Yang JH, Zhang MF. AFLP - based genetic diversity assessment among Chinese vegetable mustards (Brassica juncea(L.) Czern.), Genetic resources and crop evolution, 2008 (55): 705 – 711.
12.Qi XH, Zhang MF, Yang JH. Molecular phylogeny of Chinese vegetable mustard(Brassica juncea)based on the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Genetic resources and crop evolution, 2007 (54): 1709 – 1716.




